
The Hope's Peak Titan

(Male OC, could be something else as well but I won't spoil) SPOILER WARNING for Danganronpa and for some minor to large spoilers from Attack on Titan. (Edit) No Genderbend. - A boy with a rough past is one of the new students at Hope's Peak Academy. He fits in rather well and makes some new friends. Unfortunately, despair is creeping up on them. Can he use his talent to save them? Even with the mysterious memories of an unknown man being a burden on his mind? Or will he be captured by the chains of despair? - First chapter is going to be a test. If people want it then I will continue. Updates will be quite random and mostly slow as I am about to start the big boy exams, so it will be hard. Also I am a newbie writer sooooooooo.. yes it will not be as good as I want it to be. Criticism is needed and wanted. This is also posted on Wattpad by the name of AdmaIsAStupidName

AdmaTheBest · Anime & Comics
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The Beginning of Our Destiny/Despair (Edited)

AN: Woohoo! Here is the taster chapter. As it says in the about/bio section, if people want this then I will continue. Updates will be random. Eren told me to do this, he is the true mastermind.... Oke bye. Newbie writer here.. just saying.


Images began flashing one by one, events not known to anyone. The only thing that remained for longer than a fraction of a was a barren wasteland, red sky covering everything insight. Everything then disappeared.


Pitch black. The boy could not see anything, nor could he speak. What could possibly be hidden behind the veil of darkness? With the lack of sight came an overload of his other senses. His body was idle, suspended by what felt like chains //NO FREEDOM\\. Lifeless beeps rang throughout almost like in a hospital, but why would they be lifeless in a place meant to retain life? Mouth covered with some kind of rubber material

Momentarily, a flash of light forced itself onto his eyes. After the obvious searing pain from the sudden birth of light, he blinked in wonder. Did he just travel to the future? That was the question burning in his mind. It was a Sci-fi lab that you would find probably a 100 years in the future. What could be observed were several high tech machines, one which looked like the bikes from Tron and another looked like a podracer from Star Wars, along with the Monado from Xenoblade Chronicles the boy thought. A gripping feeling of emptiness flowed through him as if he was missing something... 'What is Tron? What is Star Wars? What even is Xenoblade Chronicles?'

Before the boy could debate any further, small steps vibrated along the air despite that they still carried enough magnitude to make the boy shudder in fear. Appearing in the doorway was a goblin, mind you not the creature you would hear in fictional stories, but his stature did imply that he could be. He wore a simple pure white lab coat with a silver 'Ag' pin attached right over his left breast pocket. His long grey locks stood out along with his wooden walking stick. For an old man who works in this futuristic lab he should have one of those high powered carbon walking sticks with a built-in railgun. The old man waddled over to the young boy, each step left a needle of dread and fear in his body. He finally stood stationary in front of him with a cheshire cat smile. The boy shivered. The old man took notice of this and crept forward without removing his cursed grin. "It seems it truly worked, I'm glad you didn't disappoint your grandad..."

'My grandfather? I don't have a grandfather, he died years ago!' he shouted in his head. Again, he felt grief strike his heart and mind. How was it possible for him to know this without any memories to speak of, that was his biggest concern, much more than the old man in front of him or the shackles keeping him locked in this facility. The youth's breathing began to get heavier and heavier, sweat dripping down his head. His whole body began to burn, no it was a feeling much worse than a simple burn. It was an experience close to being smouldered by the sun. 'Grandfather' stepped away, sighing.

" I guess it still has some side effects, I'll be back after the side effects have worn off. We can carry on with the experiment tomorrow." Ignoring the muffled screams of his 'grandchild' he grinned like a maniac as he marched away with the assistance of his walking stick. Unfortunately for the boy his pain grew even more. Out of nowhere like a spark of lightning instead of the sight of the sleek white floor, he stood on a rough concrete surface. It was flooded with drops of rain which were madly dropping from the night sky. The only source of light was from the lonely lamp post. An empty light poured down onto a dejected man standing by the railing that kept him from falling into a river of misery.

The boy tried with all his might to move, but he was unable to. The despairing man grabbed onto the railing and lifted himself over the barrier, suspending himself over the body of water. Despite all his effort he did not have the freedom to save his life. Only a moment later power was given to his body, pushing him towards the victim. "STOP DON'T DO IT!" Rushing towards the edge of the bridge in a desperate sprint, he reached out to grab his hand. Nothing happened. It went through him as if he were a ghostly apparition. He heard the hopeless man whisper "If only life was better.." and pushed himself into the depths. The boy reached out and screamed in agony. He began tearing up, blackening out a second later.

His eyes shot open, clearly signaling the trauma he just had to witness. He had even more questions. As if the world was against him piecing things together the old man walked in, he held a relaxed, but also serious face. "I finally perfected the formula. My greatest creation will finally be complete. My life will have no such purpose anymore." It was a surprise to the young boy that the old man was capable of giving off such a sentimental look, contrary to what he witnessed previously.

The boy watched anxiously, forgetting all about the vivid dream he focused on the needle in his hands, what could it possibly do? Will it turn him into a mindless monster? Sadly, all thoughts were stopped by something. Breaking through his thoughts the old man strolled up to him and said something unexpected... "I'll let you ask me one question and one question only before you become my greatest masterpiece." He ripped the piece of material out of his mouth.

As much as the boy wanted to shout and curse the man, he kept his head as calm as possible. The one thing he needed to know right now was "Who am I!?" He shouted with all his might. The old man was not fazed by the uproar and emitted a genuine smile. "You are just my lovely grandson, Eren." Regardless of the minimal time he had known the old man... his grandfather it felt like he had known him for many years like he had been reunited with someone he had lost years ago. His eyes became blurry, salty water dripping down his face. "I love you." The old man grabbed onto the young boy's arm, injecting him with the serum. For a few seconds nothing happened until similar flashes of yellow lightning radiated from his body. Everything went dark.


Groaning could be heard, as if someone had woken from a deep sleep. The boy, Eren, had woken up to hell. The whole room was destroyed, it was almost completely pitch black except for a single monitor that illuminated as much of the room as it could. It didn't take long for a sickening smell to assault his nose. It drew him to the center of the room. An ocean of blood. A single hand. Grandfather was dead. Just like last time. He stared in utmost agony. Just like before, pain overtook him and he drew his last breath. His last breath in captivity. Blackening out for the last time. Freedom had finally been obtained.

The Rumbling... it's coming.

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