
The Honorable Wanderer: Mushoku Tensei

A student died in a quite ridiculous way, where his accident caused a collision between him and a truck. The man who was previously an atheist now repents when he realizes that God exists, and is determined to be more obedient and carry out the teachings and guidance of the God he now worships in another world. The story focuses on the figure of a beastman who was given four miracles by the God Bilbe as provisions to survive in another world, his story of using these powers will change new views.

Poponioko · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

[55] Twisted II

When Roxy finished speaking with Raphael and decided to leave, she found herself facing a bustling crowd in front of the entrance, with people queuing to enter the grand shopping centre. As she made her way towards the exit, she inadvertently bumped into Aurelia and Zephyr, who seemed to have just arrived at the building.

"Look! Isn't that Roxy?" Zephyr exclaimed, his eyes widening in surprise at the sight of someone he hadn't seen in a long time.

"Indeed, Roxy, what brings you here?" Aurelia asked, standing beside Zephyr with a friendly and curious expression.

Roxy felt that the situation was a bit too complicated to discuss on the busy street, so Aurelia politely asked the staff to prepare a table at the Costatine restaurant, which was located near the shopping centre. This restaurant was one of the new facilities introduced by Costatine Group, offering an atmosphere of luxury and comfort that was unprecedented.

"It's been a while since we last met. Has it really been two years?" Roxy asked, feeling a bit puzzled and surprised by the new restaurant concept. She was astonished by the elegant and modern design of the restaurant—something very different from the simple taverns she was used to.

"Yes, indeed," Aurelia replied with a warm smile, dressed in formal attire reminiscent of the uniforms of prestigious academies like Hogwarts, but with modifications that reflected style and elegance. Zephyr, on the other hand, wore a striking outfit with a wind motif that added to his elegance.

"Is this a new experience for you?" Aurelia noticed Roxy's unease, which suggested she wasn't accustomed to the more refined environment.

Roxy gazed at the dishes laid out on the table with wide eyes. The food presented was not only visually stunning but also appeared extremely luxurious. Various dishes arranged neatly on the table sparkled with appetising colours and were garnished with spices whose aromas filled the room. The presence of a food cart laden with sumptuous delicacies added to Roxy's sense of wonder.

"Ah—... Is this how it is?" Roxy furrowed her brow, feeling slightly intimidated. She was accustomed to simple fare like hard bread and bland broth.

Suddenly, the sound of her rumbling stomach broke the silence, making Roxy feel even more embarrassed. She blushed and immediately looked for a way to hide her face behind her hands or perhaps find a hole to hide in. Aurelia and Zephyr, who were praying before the meal, couldn't help but smile. Zephyr eventually chuckled softly, while Aurelia, with a serious face, pinched Zephyr's stomach to reprimand him for his rudeness.

"Forgive Zephyr, Roxy. Please enjoy the meal," Aurelia said in a gentle tone, trying to comfort Roxy.

"Is it okay?" Roxy asked worriedly, still feeling uncomfortable with the situation.

"Of course, don't worry," Aurelia replied with a soft smile. "We have a chef trained directly by Master Ash, and the ingredients used are of the highest quality. The taste of the food is sure to delight your palate."

Feeling awkward, Roxy tried to express her discomfort in this new environment. "It's not quite like that…"

"Oh, so it's because you're feeling out of place in this setting, is it? Oh my, Roxy, we've been friends for a long time, so don't be shy with us. Even Master Ash would do the same," Aurelia said with an understanding tone, her eyes shining warmly at Roxy.

Roxy felt the warmth in Aurelia's every word. Such treatment was rare for her, and she felt a bit touched. Cautiously, she attempted to use chopsticks, though she seemed a bit awkward at first.

Noticing Roxy's difficulty with the chopsticks, Zephyr quickly realised the problem. "Oh, right, I should call for a waiter to bring spoons and forks," he said attentively, pulling the small bell on the table with a skilled and experienced motion.

Soon after, a waiter arrived with the spoons and forks Roxy needed. The waiter delivered the cutlery with utmost courtesy and attention, as if serving a royal guest.

"Bring spoons and forks for Roxy," Zephyr requested with a very sincere tone. The waiter nodded and promptly presented the necessary utensils with precision.

As they began enjoying their meal, Roxy experienced a marvel with every bite. The food was like a grand journey of flavours, each mouthful offering sensations she had never felt before. The enticing aromas and deep flavours overwhelmed her senses, providing a profound and thorough satisfaction.

"This… is incredible," Roxy said with her mouth full, her voice filled with awe. "I've never tasted food like this before."

Zephyr and Aurelia smiled contentedly, watching Roxy's expression of amazement. They also enjoyed the meal with satisfaction, as if each bite was a new discovery of taste.

After a while, with all the plates on the table empty, they finally began to exchange stories.

"Wow! Master Ash has completed the spellbook for the sixth and seventh magic circles! Roxy, where is that book now?" Aurelia asked eagerly, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "I'm really looking forward to Ash's delivery."

Roxy quickly rummaged through her shoulder bag and pulled out a book with an attractive blue cover. "This is mine, but the book you're referring to I've entrusted to Raphael. So, if you want to see it, you can check my book first."

Aurelia, full of curiosity, took the book, feeling its texture as if she were sensing Ash's presence through it. "Ah, it feels like I can sense Ash's touch from here," she said, her eyes shining with amazement.

"Did Ash leave a message for me too?" Zephyr asked with a curious tone, his eyes full of eagerness.

Roxy bowed her head slightly, looking apologetic. "Sorry, Zephyr," she replied. "You didn't get anything from Ash, only a letter. And I've already given the letter to Raphael."

Zephyr lowered his head slightly, appearing disappointed. "Ah, I see," he said in a glum tone.

His sister, who was sitting beside him, Aurelia, began to giggle softly, causing her forehead to crease. "Oh, did you just laugh, Sister?" Zephyr asked with a curious tone.

Aurelia smiled widely, looking very cheerful. "Fufufu~ Of course, brother. I just feel sorry for the one who's left out," she replied while looking at Zephyr with bright eyes.

But the smile made Zephyr frown in displeasure. "Hmph, whatever. I'm grateful because Master seems to know I'm grown up, so I don't need any gifts, unlike someone," he said in a mocking tone.

It was Aurelia's turn to have her forehead crease. "Brother, did you just say I'm still a child!?"

Zephyr grinned, "Hoho~ Of course not, sister. Why are you the one getting offended?"

"Your words are clearly aimed at me, muscle brain!"

"Hah! You just insulted your own sibling!" Zephyr retorted, his eyes widening.

"Yes, so what!" Aurelia replied angrily.

"Just so you know, I refuse to be called a muscle brain! And you know the score from the IQ test I took a few days ago!" Zephyr sounded a bit frustrated.

"Yes, I know. It was 79, right?" Aurelia raised an eyebrow challengingly, her face looking threatening yet curious.

Seeing this dispute, Roxy felt the need to intervene to ease the escalating tension. "Eh, friends, perhaps we shouldn't discuss this any further," she said gently and attentively, trying to calm the atmosphere.

Aurelia and Zephyr, who were almost ready to come to blows, paused for a moment. They turned to look at Roxy and, feeling slightly embarrassed, adjusted their posture, trying to ease the tension between them.

"Ahem, sorry about that, Roxy," Zephyr said with a slightly awkward tone, his face returning to a more relaxed expression. "So, what are your plans next? Are there any exciting things you want to do or places you want to visit?"

Roxy smiled softly, relieved that the atmosphere had calmed. "Actually, I'm planning to help an acquaintance find his missing family."

"Is it Paul Greyrat's family?" Aurelia asked, gently stroking her cheek with concern.

"Yes…" Roxy replied hesitantly.

Zephyr seemed to think for a moment before continuing, "If it's Paul, aren't there two more members of his family still missing? What were their names again… Ah, Rudeus and his mother?"

"Zenith," Aurelia interjected with clear knowledge, her eyes shining with certainty.

The older sibling appeared annoyed at being interrupted before she finished her sentence.

"Correct… Since I owe a debt to that family, I want to help them," Roxy said with determination, her head bowed, staring at her lap.

Both looked at Roxy attentively. Aurelia's face showed a serious expression, and she seemed to be thinking hard.

"In that case, I can recommend Zephyr to help you find them," Aurelia said with confidence.

"Yes, that's right, count on me—" Zephyr was startled, turning quickly to Aurelia with a puzzled expression. "Huh!?"

Roxy also looked surprised, her eyes widening at Aurelia's suggestion.

"Sister, have you forgotten that I already have a schedule to go to Sword Scatum?" Zephyr exclaimed in a tone full of astonishment.

"Indeed, Aurelia," Roxy added anxiously. "Sorry, but I don't want to trouble you both."

"Don't worry," Aurelia explained calmly. "I know Zephyr has already planned to continue his training at Sword Scatum, a place currently known as the residence of the Sword God. However, before he heads there, Zephyr can escort you, Roxy, to meet Paul's old adventuring group, who have already departed earlier."

Zephyr looked at Aurelia with wide eyes. "But… I don't even know where that group is right now!"

Aurelia smiled confidently. "Rest assured, brother. They've moved northwards first, as we asked them to escort the survivors trapped after the unfortunate events in the northern kingdom. Isn't Sword Scatum located in the northwest?"

Zephyr appeared somewhat reassured after hearing her explanation. "Ah, so they're up north. That gives us a good starting point."

Roxy nodded with renewed enthusiasm. "In that case, it seems we can begin our search from there. Thank you for your help, Aurelia. And thank you too, Zephyr. I really appreciate your support."

"Don't mention it," Aurelia said with a smile. "After all, this is a good opportunity to help a friend and also gain additional experience."

Zephyr nodded in agreement, though he seemed slightly burdened by his tight training schedule. "Alright then. I'll make sure we're ready for this journey, and we can set off as soon as everything is prepared."

The atmosphere in the restaurant grew livelier as they continued discussing, planning their next steps in greater detail.

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