
Chapter One: Meet the lesbians.

May 17th, 2019

Nicole Morgan walks down the sidewalk with her wife, Callie Morgan. It's a beautiful day outside in Minnesota, the sun is shining ever so elegantly, the temperature is warm, but not too warm. Callie and Nicole are going to the gas station to get bread and milk. Then all of a sudden, lightning struck across town, but they could see from where they were standing. "You've gotta be fuckin' kiddin'," Callie mutters. It starts downpouring rain. Nicole takes off her leather jacket and holds it above Callie's head, acting as an umbrella. The couple then proceeds to run to the gas station.

As the two enter the store, Nicole sighs of relief. "It must be really comin' down out there, eh?" Nicole spins around to see a man, most likely a Canadian tourist. I mean, this guy was holding a jug of maple syrup and had a Canadian flag on his hat. Nicole decided to respond with "Yeah, but it's Minnesota. The weather is bipolar as hell here." Callie wanders off to find the bread and milk. Nicole takes a basket and raids the candy, chips, and beer.

The couple meets at the register with all of the crap they grabbed. "Seriously, Nicky? I said a few things, not the whole store." They pay for everything they grabbed and left, as the store had cleared up.