
The Homesteader's Rise

Henry Ballard was tired of playing as a mage in MMORPG games. He was tired of the constant battling. He knew the best dungeon-conquering strategies, how to complete legendary quests, and most battle techniques. At some point killing a larger more powerful mob just becomes another mob.  When Buena Vista announced their new MMORPG was a Fully Immersive Virtual Reality, he decided this was his chance to try something new. He decided this was his opportunity to learn a non-combat skill tree. Unlike in the past, he decided he would take his time to level. Whenever new games came out, his friends and guildmates would power level. This time he wanted to take life slowly. Follow him as he explores crafting and town-building. 

MightyEagle · Games
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93 Chs

Chapter 30: Meeting Odin

The Mythical Guild Hall stood tall like an architectural marvel in the heart of the noble district, not far from the palace. Both the building and location were a testament to its might and prestige in the Akkadian Empire.

Mythical was the only guild to be founded with a platinum guild token, its headquarters was nothing short of magnificent.

As Thaddeus and Sabrina approached the Guild Hall, they were met with a facade adorned with intricate carvings and embellishments that told the story of the guild's conquests and triumphs. The enormous gates, wrought from enchanted metals that shimmered in hues of gold and silver, opened slowly, revealing the grandeur within.

"An array?" Thaddeus whispered to himself recognizing the almost transparent shimmer. "Just how rich are they?"

When they entered, they saw a stunning marble lobby, adorned with chandeliers of glowing crystals, casting a warm, inviting light that seemed to dance across the polished floors. Statues of the top-ranked guild members stood tall along the walls, each captured in a moment of glory. They resembled fable Greek heroes slaying mythical monsters.

"That rich," Sabrina whispered back.

Just past the front doors, they were met by courteous attendants at the front desk, dressed in impeccably tailored uniforms. After verifying their invitations, they were handed ornate guild badges and directed toward the elevators. Inside each elevator was an operator, who bowed to the guests before pressing the floor button.

When the elevator doors opened they stepped out to see a long hallway lined with artwork representing epic battles, victories, and moments of camaraderie that defined the guild's legacy.

From the released pictures on the forum, they knew the guild hall was large enough to house every member in Redwood. Guild members slept in luxury apartments. There was also an expansive library, filled with ancient scrolls and tomes. In the basement was an advanced training facility with holographic training simulations and magical constructs to challenge the guild members. There were also luxurious spas and meditation rooms for relaxation and rejuvenation afterward.

When they arrived at the ballroom, an opulent space took their breath away. The high arched ceilings were adorned with paintings of celestial scenes. Gossamer drapes cascaded down, catching the magical dancing lights that floated on the ceiling.

The ballroom was filled with elegantly dressed attendees, the murmur of conversations blending with the soft melodies played by a magical orchestra. Long tables lined the edges of the room, laden with sumptuous feasts and exotic drinks served by enchanted serving trays that glided gracefully through the air.

The Mythical Guild Ball was a dazzling affair, a prestigious event that commanded attention across the empire. With Odin's recent appointment as Mayor of Redwood, his influence was even more significant, and his decisions resonated throughout the land.

At the ball, Thaddeus watched as NPC officials came to greet him. Odin just nodded in response, as court officials and the minister bowed. Obsequious nobles and players bowed while Odin simply smiled. He was a fierce tiger, in a room full of prey. And yesterday's courtroom coup emphasized only further Odin's power was growing. Furthermore, as the top ranker and strongest player in Heaven's Gate, was placed on a pedestal.

Thaddeus spun, doing a quick 360, taking in the fullness of the ballroom. What he observed almost made him laugh, everyone, including him, keep an eye on Odin. Thaddeus decided this was the ideal time to lead Sabrina to the balcony.

But just before he turned his head to escort her, he locked eyes with Odin, causing his movements to stop. A strange sensation washed over him, holding him in place. He felt trapped, frozen, in time.

He had not sensed such primal force, since he fought the wolf, Yihuta, during the beast wave. Yet, it felt weird for one man to entrap another man like this, what was this Boy Love novel?

Finally, he felt Odin's hold over him release. He was free. Still, Thaddeus felt awkward, he wondered what message was Odin trying to send.

"Want me to get you a drink and we can head to the balcony?" Thaddeus asked Sabrina.

"Yeah, that sounds nice," Sabrina agreed.

When Thaddeus returned with the drinks, Sabrina was the first to speak.

"The capital is beautiful at night. It's amazing that AI could make something this real. The gentle wind against my skin and the starry night feel like something out of a painting."

"Yeah, the city is nice, but I miss Woodhaerst. I rather see rolling hills of prairie than this skyline every night. You don't have to come back with me if you don't want to. You can stay here if you want."

"Why? You don't want me to come back with you?" Tears began streaming down the cheers.

"No—that's not it at all!"

"You dummy," Sabrina cried. "I like the city, because I'm here with you. I want to be with you!" she said hitting his chest.

"I'm sorry, I just thought—I don't know what I thought. I just wanted you to be happy."

"Don't say things like that. Don't push me away. I always want to be by your side."

"Okay, I understand. Honestly, I can't wait to introduce you to the city and its people."

They slowly moved together, embracing passionately. Their lips locked lustfully under the stars. The longing emotions broke through like a dam. When they separated, their rekindled love blazed like a raging fire.

"Hmph," came a cough.

"The guild master is ready to see you now," Huey coughed again.

"I'll wait for you," Sabrina said, her blushing cheeks hidden in the night sky.

"All right," Thaddeus smiled.

"Smooth," Huey whispered as the led Thaddeus across the ballroom to a private office. Guarding the room, stood two, guild main raid party members. The matching black tailored suits. Thaddeus could tell the Odin, didn't want his meetings disturbed.

"The Guild Master is waiting for you inside," Huey instructed opening the office door for him.

Thaddeus and Odin were seated in the conference. Thaddeus was cautious of Odin, HG forums posts described him as a competent and ruthless guild leader. However, not much was written about his personality.

Thaddeus had only met him once, at the auction, and it was brief. But he could tell Odin had gravitas. The kind a powerful CEO or economic titan held. It was clear, he was used to being in command. Thaddeus could see it in his eyes. Odin's eyes were sharp, and words were calculated. The air of authority surrounded him.

"Nice to meet you, again, " Thaddeus said sticking out his hand.

"Same here, please sit," Odin agreed shaking his hand. "I trust you are enjoying the evening?"

"Very much so," Thaddeus replied, maintaining his composure.

"Your name keeps popping up every week at our weekly guild leadership meetings. Hephaestus seems to like you.'

"I consider him a friend. He's a well-known and respected crafter. Crafter players admire his position in the guild."

"But, not you?"

"I respect and admire him, as well."

"You two certainly talk quite a bit, what do you talk about?

"Crafting and his ever-growing need for mana stones. He was also nice enough to help me purchase building scrolls and alchemical plants."

"My CFO and Budget Office often mentioned the growing expense of mana stones in our budget. I think it is time to reexamine our bulk purchase agreement. As a consultant with the guild, I'm sure you understand."

Thaddeus knew this was going to come up in this conversation. "The guild needs more mana stones to activate the automatic defensive siege weapons, you're building along Redwood's walls. But I also have a request as well. I hope we can come to a mutual agreement."

"You don't fear me, do you? You also don't seem worried, I will decrease your guild salary or limit your access to the guild. I could tell when you…" Odin picked up the dossier on the table and said, "…and Sabrina left the ballroom."

"I'm a lifestyle player. I'm not concerned about the top rankers. All I want to do is enjoy my rural lifestyle. I originally intended to live alone in the prairie. So, I don't fear you, but I respect you as a business partner. I'm thankful you accepted me as a guild consultant.

"Interesting. I want 500 units of mana stones for 200 gold."

'Alfred, what do you think?' Thaddeus thought.

"Sir, is an unbalanced trade. Might I suggest 500 units for 400 gold and try to settle for 325 gold," Alfred recommended.

"Our original agreement was 100 units for 100 gold. That was a fair deal, and your guild continued to pay a 1-for-1 even as you increased your orders. Now, I'm happy to renegotiate a new contract, but it has to be fair for both sides. I'm happy to offer you 500 units for 400 gold."

"I did not expect you to be a shrewd negotiator. 500 units for 250 gold."

"That is too large of a discount!"

"I think you overestimate your hand, consultant. Consider yourself fortunate, my CFO recommended I renegotiate, instead of seizing your mana mine for myself.

"While you may consider me some hick, we are both businessmen. I know your guild manages multiple settlements, and I own two. We both have budgets to manage. However, you should also remember I have the Consortium and ABCD group as my backers. I can do 500 units for 350 gold."

"No, you forget, I own the mortgage to Woodhaerst."


For the first time, Thaddeus began to sweat. He forgot Chase Bank owned the Mythical Guild.

"That's underhanded. You want to hold my debt hostage and force me to pay a ransom."

"That's business, isn't it?"

"That's a loan shark."

"Ha-ha, now you know why my guild ranks first."

"Fine, 500 units for 325 gold and a warp gate from Pine Grove to Woodhaerst."

"A warp gate? You want people to bypass all those settlements on their way to your village. A bit devious, no?"

"Isn't that like the pot calling the kettle black?"

"Ha-ha, I guess so. Hm, constructing a warp gate to your village, might be beneficial for my guild too."

"Then it's settled?" asked Thaddeus hopefully.

"Fine, it's a deal 250 gold for 500 units and a wrap gate," Odin smiled maliciously.

"I guess your help in the courtroom wasn't for my benefit then?" Thaddeus said gritting his teeth at the price.

"Oh, that display, your right. That was for the cameras. I wanted the world to know Redwood is totally under my control. It served as a warning to the guilds gathering to threaten my control. After all, loyalty has its perks.

Thaddeus nodded…knowing Odin was testing him. Why else would he reveal such coveted information so casually? He also knew negotiating against himself was a bad business tactic, but Odin held stronger the cards. Although he suffer on the price, at least he got a warp gate, maybe he could also get another concession.

"Okay, final offer. 500 units for 300 gold, a warp gate, and 200 NPCs laborers."

"You know I'm really starting to tire of this conversation. I have other more important meetings to address, and my generosity grows weary. Final offer, 500 units for 250 gold, a warp gate, and 200 NPC settlers."

"Deal," Thaddeus agreed. While he didn't get the price he wanted, at least he could walk away with a warp gate and new settlers.

"Sign the new contract, and you're free to go. Also, make sure you pay your loan on time. You don't want to occur late fees." Odin threatened, signed the contract, then slide it over to Thaddeus.

Thirty minutes later, Thaddeus walked out of the private room.

"How'd it go?" Huey asked waiting outside the door?"

"It was a pretty one-sided negotiation. But I got a few concessions."

"What'd ya get?" Huey asked curiously

"A warp gate and more settlers."

Hearing that Huey laughed, "Settlers cost nothing and the empire was already planning to build a warp gate to the south. But at least, it will lead to your settlement, that was definitely a win," Huey laughed.

"Against Odin, I'll take any win I can get," Thaddeus said triumphantly.

"On that, we both agree," Huey nodded.

"Oh before, I go, you're invited to my housewarming party tomorrow?"

"Oh, you're moving into the Brown estate. Good for you, those people sucked. Send me the details, and I'll be there," said Huey walking away to get the next guest.

Walking across the ballroom, Thaddeus saw a bored Sabrina talking to another woman. When she saw Thaddeus waved goodbye and walked to join in.

"Was the Mythical Guild alchemist we met the other day at the Crafter's Ball? He asked unsurely.

"Yes, we were discussing advanced healing potions," she agreed. "How did your meeting go?"

"As best as it could. I took a beating on the price, but a warp gate to Woodhaerst and more settlers."

"Still, it's amazing you held your ground against the Odin?" she congratulated.

Thaddeus smiled warmly at her praise, his hand reaching out to tenderly clasp hers. "I couldn't have done it without you, Sabrina. Your support means everything to me."

They continued to enjoy the evening, chatting with other attendees, dancing, and making the most of their time in the capital. The shadows of politics and power plays seemed to melt away in each other's company, allowing them to lose themselves in the shared love and connection that had drawn them together.