
The Home Of The Dead (Book 2)

Book 2, a story about what goes on after the attack... Ben has to find the ones that he loves, and make sure that they are alive... Along the way, he must help others as well... Shannon, believes that Bens sister cuased the attack... Ben has to think about that in his head, while trying to save the people that he loves at the same time... Book 2 of The Dead Dont Talk, will Ben make it on his own, with some help along the way, or will he fail, and lose everyone, and everything that he has ever cared about?

W3TBananas · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Chapter 5: Don't Hurt me!

Me and Christian both looked at each other for a few moments. Neither of us was quite sure what to do, someone could be hiding in there with a gun, ready to shoot us the moment that we walked into the closet. I closed my eyes, trying to think of all of the scenarios... I then opened my eyes.

"This might or might not be your brother Ben... You have to make the call, but you might be risking one of our lives." He said to me. I looked at him for a few moments. Then I nodded to him, I knew that he was right. I just didn't know what to do.

I could not just shoot at the door, like I had seen Christian do several times when he was worried that someone was on the other side. I closed my eyes once again, it could very well be Liam, maybe... There is no way that Liam could have taken down Lilly right?

"Okay Christian... What I am thinking is, maybe someone knew Liam was here, and they were worried about him. Or maybe even Lilly... That is the only way that Lilly could have been taken out." I said to him. He looked at me for a few moments, and then began to stroke his chin.

Luckily we were not loud enough for whoever was on the other side to hear what we were saying. They knew that we were in the room though, they were moving around. Maybe freaking out, I had not the first clue of what to do. Maybe Liam was hiding with whoever it was that was in that closet...

"Ben... We have to make this decision soon, this lamp doesn't have much life left on it." He said to me. I looked at the lamp for a few moments, and then nodded. He was right, the brightness of the lamp was getting lower by the second, and it was constantly flickering on and off.

I sat there for a few moments, still not sure what to do. I thought about making Christian choose, but he was right, this was my own decision. It was time for me to grow up, I would not have Christian by my side not too far from now.

"Alright, I will open the door. Odds are, whoever killed Lilly did not have a gun clearly, she was biting threw the door and they used the brick." I said to him. He looked at me for a few moments, and then he looked away. He was clearly thinking through what I had just said.

I was still worried, what if they did have a gun? What if they shot us the moment that we walked into the closet? I closed my eyes... But what if Liam was in there with whoever it was that was in there? What if we went in guns blazing and shot my brother, or whoever it was that was in there.

What if it was just a normal creek on the wood because both of us had been walking across the house? I shook my head, I knew that part could not be true at all... Those were definitely footsteps that I had heard in there, and by the look on the face of Christian, I had to guess that they were the footsteps of a human.

"Kid... If they had a gun, and no silencer, they would not have used it... It would have pulled all of the dead over to there." He said to me. I looked at him for a few moments, thinking through what he had just said, and I nodded to him.

I knew he was right, now I was beginning to get even more worried once again. We needed to go now, before I decided to make the wrong decision or before I just decided to not check it out at all. I had already made my decision, Christian's words were just getting into my head.

I looked back over to Christian, who had his head lowered down to the ground, I could tell that he was thinking through the odds as well. I just hoped that him letting me make the decision, he would not try to tell me it was the wrong decision and have us switch to his.

"Alright Christian, I am done thinking about it. I have made my decision, we are going to go in... I am going to open the door from the side, and they wont be able to see us, and same for us. Lets get this done." I said to him. He looked at me for a few moments, and then he cracked a smile, and then he nodded to me.

Clearly he had thought that I had made the right decision. As we both began walking up to the door of the closet. I sat there for a few moments, just staring at it. Christian then coughed to get my attention back to what we were doing in the first place. I looked up at him and then I nodded to him.

"Alright kid, so what is the plan?" He said to me. I looked at him, still not too sure if I even had a plan drawn out in my head. That was one thing that Christian had told me not to do. If I had a plan, then I had to have it drawn out before we actually do it.

I looked around the room, I was starting to panic. I did not know what to do. I tried my best to keep myself calm, but it was doing no such luck. I then looked at the end of the bed, just for a slight few seconds. But, it gave me an idea.

I plan was starting to come up into my mind, and now... I was beginning to know what to do. It would work out, and it was safe as well, neither of us should get killed with it, unless one of us was just stupid... Which Christian knew not to mess around with things like this.

I looked back over to Christian, who I could tell was starting to get a bit worried, he was probably thinking exactly what I had been thinking a few moments ago. That I did not know how to do this, I had no sort of plan... But now I did, as I nodded to him to get his attention.

"Christian, you are going to open the door... But stay on the side when you open it. I am going to stay behind the bed, when it is open I am going to sneak my head out for just a few moments, you use the lamp so that I can see who is in there, but they should not be able to see me." I said to him. He looked at me for a few moments.

He began to stroke his chin once again, he was thinking through the process in his brain. Maybe it was not a good idea, but it at least seemed somewhat smart to me. It was the best idea that I could think of. There should be no way that whoever was in there should be able to see me.

If they were going to shoot as soon as the door opened then they would not hit either of us, and if they had a gun, then they were probably not using it for a good intent in the first place. Once the round was empty then me and Christian could run in and hold whoever it was down.

Christian then looked around to the edge of the bed for a few moments, he was still thinking through the idea in his head. He probably was still not too sure if it was a good idea. I would not be surprised if he told me no, and we switched back to his plan.

Which could be a very bad plan if my brother really was in there... Speaking of that, I still was not too sure what his plan was in the first place. Maybe he did not have a plan, and he might be having a brain fart, that might be why he was putting it up to me in the first place.

He then turned his head back over to me. He looked at me for a few moments, and I thought that he was about to tell me not to do it. But to my surprise, he actually ended up nodding his head to me. I tried not to show my surprise, because I did not want to make him irritated.

"Alright kid... That sounds like a good plan, lets go." He whispered to me. I looked at him for a few moments, still not taking in the fact that he had told me that it was a good idea, because normally he would shut down my ideas right away. He would tell me they were stupid, or say something else that was fairly mean.

He said he didn't mean for it to sound mean for me, but it always seemed like he was just being a dick when he shut down all of my ideas. Sure, a lot of them were probably not very smart ideas, but still. I did not know what I was thinking about right now.

My mind needed to be on what we were doing right now, which was finding out, who it was that was in that closet. Or maybe it was multiple people, maybe someone had found my brother and they were just hiding in there. I had no clue who in my right mind that could however.

I then looked back up to Christian, who I could tell was starting to get a bit frustrated, as he pointed his finger to the lamp. I knew what he was trying to tell me... Time was ticking right now, the lamp did not have much longer. Once it was out, then that completely shut out my plan.

"Sorry... Let's go, just trying to think if it really is a good idea..." I said to him. For a few moments, he just stayed silent, but then he nodded over to me, so I kept on talking to him. "I am going to go ahead and go to the end of the bed, you go beside the closet."

He looked at me for a few moments, squinting his eyes at me, I could tell that he was not too sure still if what my plan was, was actually a good plan or not. I closed my eyes for a few moments, as I opened them, I saw him nodding to me.

It came as a bit of a surprise to me once again. We were actually going through with my plan! I then began to walk over to the end of the bed. But just as I began walking I felt something grab onto my arm, I spun around a bit surprised, but luckily it was just Christian.

I don't know why I was so worried in the first place. I knew that it was just me in Christian in the room. I was just so scared of failing I suppose... I closed my eyes for a few moments, and then I nodded over to Christian to hear what it was that he was about to say to me.

"Ben... This is a good idea, I am sorry if it might not seem like it to you, I just have a lot going on in my head right now, just like you." He said to me. I looked at him for a few moments, a bit surprised, because he normally told me not to think, but I did not say anything about it to him.

I had seen the look on his face, when he was just staring at the dead body of Lilly lying on the floor in the hallway. I knew that he did have a liking for her, and she had one for him as well. I knew that neither of them would ever admit it, but I could see the look on both of their faces when they saw each other.

I closed my eyes, trying not to think on all of that. I opened my eyes back up to see Christian just looking at me with a bit of a sad look stuck on his face, but there was not much that I could do to help him with it right now. Maybe I could, once I found out what had happened to my brother.

"Thank you Christian... Lets go ahead and get this over with before it is too late." I said to him. He looked at me for a few moments, and then he lowered his head down to the ground, still quite a bit saddened. I put my hand up to his shoulder to try to make him feel better.

If it made him feel any better, there sure was no way for me to notice it at all, he just kept on staring down at the ground, as if he had not heard what I had just said at all. But eventually he finally managed to put his head back up at me, he then nodded to me, and he gave me a bit of a forced smile.

"Alright Ben... You've got this, this is what you were destined for, you were born to he great. Strong like your sister, smart and powerful like your mother." He said to me. I looked at him for a few moments, and then I smiled back at him, this one was not forced, and I made it obvious as well, it turned his smile into a real one.

He was not the first person to tell me something like that, Jordans father had told me the same thing, along with Lilly as well. I looked down at the ground a bit sadly, still thinking about Lilly, I had to get over it at some point. I loved her so much, but I had to prove to her that I could be what she had said I was born to do.

I looked over at Christian, who was just smiling at me now. I nodded to him, and I turned my head over to the lamp, it was starting to flicker more and more by the moment. It probably had less than 15 minutes of life left it in, even not even less than that.

"Alright Christian lets do this... It's time, this is it, this is the end." I said to him. He looked at me for a few moments and then he nodded to me. He pointed me to the end of the bed, which I was glad for, I had almost forgotten the plan that I had laid out in my head.

I nodded back to him, as I began walking over to the end of the bed. I sat down far enough away so that the person could not see me from the closet, but at the same time Christian could still see me as well. He looked at me waiting to make sure that I was ready.

I gulped quite a bit, but the I eventually nodded my head over to Christian. He had dimmed the light so that it had a little bit more life in it, I wondered if he had seen me nod to him, to let him know that I was ready. I was about to whisper something over to him, just to make sure he knew.

But he nodded back to me, letting me know that he had seen me. We sat there for a few more seconds, and then Christian opened the door to the closet. I bit slowly, which I thought might not be the best idea. But he then tossed it open quickly, the moment that I had thought about it.

He might have just had trouble opened the door in the first place, I had not been in the closet but a few times, but I did seem to remember that it was a bit hard to open it. Christian then looked at me for a few moments, to make sure that I was ready.

I nodded to him, and he nodded back to me. He then tossed the lamp into the closet, which I was not expecting at all, I thought he would have just poked his head out with it, but I suppose he might be worried about getting his hand shot off.

Luckily it was quite a sturdy lamp, so it did not shut off when he tossed it down on the floor. But now that I saw that it had lit up a fair bit of the closet, I turned myself over to the other side of the bed. I poked my head out for just a few moments.

However I did not see anything in there at all. Now I was a bit confused, I was pretty sure there was no way into the attic in this closet, much like there was in the other closet. There was no way that someone could have opened it, and climbed up without us noticing in the first place.

I was a bit confused, I was pretty damn sure that I had heard footsteps in there, the lamp had slightly lighten up the whole room, but I still could not see anything in there at all. Had someone ended up in the bathroom? There was no way... We had just been in there not too long ago.

Christian nodded to me to get my attention, I pulled my head out of the walkway and looked back at Christian and shrugged my shoulders at him, to let him know that I had not seen anything in there at all. He looked at me quite a bit confused, which I did not blame him for, we had most certainly heard footsteps in there.

"There is no one in there kid? That's impossible, we just heard footsteps in there." Christian said to me. I looked at him, but his guess was as good as mine at this point, there was no much that I could tell him at all. Besides maybe it had come from another room, but there was no way...

Was there another room that neither of us had heard about before? There was no way, surely right? How could someone that had never been here before know about a room that neither me or Christian had known about?

"I don't know, you can try to look for yourself, but I do not see anything in there." I said to him. He looked at me for a few moments, squinting his eyes at me. I could tell that he did not think that would be a good idea at all.

But surprisingly he nodded to me, which I would not have thought. I suppose if someone was in there waiting to shoot at us, they would have shot already. Maybe that was his idea, I just shook my head and waited for him to pop his head out.

After a few moments, of us just sitting around, not doing anything at all. Christian then nodded to himself, I could tell that he was a bit worried about it, but he got over it. He then pointed his head out for just a few seconds, and then pointed in back over to me.

"There is someone in there, they are in the front corner, I can see the shadow." He said to me. I looked at him for a few moments, and then I nodded to him. Letting him know that I had heard him. I pointed my head back over for just a few moments.

But I could not see the shadow that he was talking about. I looked at him a bit confused. I then shook my head at him, letting him know that I did not see what it was that he was looking at. He shook his head at me, acting as if I was a bit stupid, which maybe I was, maybe I was just not seeing what he saw.

"I don't see anything Christian, are you sure that there is someone in there?" I said to him. He looked at me for just a few moments longer. Maybe he was joking, I shook my head on it though, I knew he liked to joke around a lot, but now was not the time to be joking.

I knew that he knew that, as he looked over at the corner for a few more moments, he then pointed his head back over to me and he nodded at me. Pointing for me to come over to him, I looked at him for a few moments, not sure if that was a good idea, but he then whispered to me.

"You cant see it from your angle, come over to me, they are in the front left side." He said to me. I looked at him for a few more moments, still not too sure if it really was a good idea. I nodded to him in the end however, I knew that he would not make it dangerous for me if there even was a thought of it in his mind.

I hopped over the bed, and then swiftly, and silently began heading over to where he was at. Just like he had taught me, this was one of the best scenarios that I needed to be doing something like this. Something that Chester most definitely needed to learn, because at some point it would come into use for him.

I sat down right beside him, as he looked down at me, he pointed over to the corner for me to see. Just as I looked into the room, the light from the lamp shut off... It was out of power, but I had just seen the shadow in the corner of the room just in time.

I could tell who's shadow it was right away, much unlike Christian could not. I could tell that it was a shadow of a young kid, and there was only one young kid that could be at Lilly's house. I leaned me head over to Christian, I was so surprised, and so shocked, I just did not know what to say to Christian.

I just sat there for a few moments, just staring down at the ground, still not sure if this was real or not quite yet, I knew it was though, there was a part of me still trying to tell me that my brother was gone, but I knew who it was that was in the corner of the room.

I heard Christian say something to me, but I was not sure what he had said to me, my mind was boggling right now, just drowning in so many thoughts. I did not know what to even think about in the first place. I turned my head over to him, as he began pushing his hand against my shoulder to get my attention like a little boy.

"Put your gun up, I'll walk in first, you never know who it could be, and don't be scared to shoot if you are not too sure." He said to me. I looked at him for a few moments, still not comprehending what he had just said to me. There was just so much going on, my brain could not think properly.

He put his hand on my shoulder once again, but I pushed him off of me, which came as a bit of a surprise to him clearly. I knew who it was, and what I needed to do... He must be dehydrated right now, I needed to get him something to drink as soon as possible.

"It's Liam... There wasn't much time, but I could tell... I am going in first, if you are really that worried about it, I don't want you shooting just because he moved." I said to him. He looked at me for a few moments, but he did not say anything about it to me. He knew I was right, and he nodded to me.

I then instantly walked past him and quickly went into the closet, turning my head to the corner, I saw him in the corner... It was him... It was my brother, and he had blood on his hands, his hands were balled up to his face trying to wipe away the tears. But they instantly turned away as he saw that someone had walked into the closet with him.

"Please! Don't hurt me!"