
The Holy System

Zayon is a 25-year old man who has a beautiful life. Suddenly, he dies unexpectedly and gets reincarnated in The Holy System - a system where only holiness is done - but there must've been a mistake because Zayon is anything but holy... ***NOTE: Chapter 26 is when Zayon finally dies, so please don't think this whole story is about his old life!***

SupdoeTe · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Chapter 19

He wanted to just pass away at this moment and resurrect twelve years later, when he wasn't forced to go to school and go through all this uselessness.


***School is now over and Jayden and Raegan are in their home.***

Nya smiled at Raegan. "How was school?"

Raegan put her backpack on the couch. "It was good."

"What did you do?"

Raegan sighed. She hated when her mother asked her what she did in school. How was she supposed to restate the last six hours? And plus, why did her mother even need to know?

"We did learning."

"What type of learning?"

What was this, 20 Questions? Raegan did not want to answer all her mothers inquiries about her day, so she made an excuse to leave. Hopefully her mother will forget about all this talk about her school day before she comes back.

"Mama, I need to use the bathroom."

Nya nodded her head. "Go ahead, I'll wait for your answers!"

In the meantime, Nya was just going to ask Jayden about his day.

"Jayden," She said. "How was your school day?"

"It was good." Jayden said. He already knew what was coming - questions and more questions about what made him laugh today, what did he learn, or what made him go, "Wow, that's so cool!" So he quickly left the scene, leaving his mother there with questions but no answers.

Zayon wandered into the living room, looking for Nya and eventually found her sitting on the couch, about to take the phone on the right of her.


Nya perked her head up when she heard her name being called. She looked up at Zayon at nodded, showing she was listening to him.

"I'm about to go to the store," Zayon informed while Nya turned her phone on. "I'll be back."

Nya nodded once again while Zayon wondered why she was being so silent. Nya looked back down at her phone and giggled at the sight of something. Zayon looked down at his shoes, then back at Nya.

"What's so funny?" He asked while frowning. Zayon suspected that Blake had texted Nya something to make her laugh, and he didn't like how Blake was supposedly stealing his wife.

Nya looked back at Zayon while still giggling and hugged her phone to her chest, screen-side-up so Zayon couldn't see the screen.

"Oh, nothing." She continued laughing and looked back at her phone.

Zayon could clearly see that his wife was laughing at 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨, and he wanted to know what it was. The fact that Nya was hiding the screen of her phone and not telling him what she was snickering at made Zayon want to know even more; however, he decided not to question her further, so he opened the door to leave the mansion.

Zayon walked to his nice car and opened the door. He was going to do something special for his wife, since it seemed that she didn't seem to appreciate his gifts. He was going to do something bigger and better than Blake could even think about. Zayon started to form a small smile just thinking about it. He was going to do something amazing for his beautiful Nya, and she was going to be so happy and she was going to stop talking to Blake and pay more attention to Zayon, and Zayon absolutely LOVED attention.

Zayon turned the key inside of the keyhole and the car started. It was loud, which Zayon loved. Zayon also loved to drive his car early in the morning to wake up his neighbors.

𝘏𝘦𝘩, 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘤𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘮𝘦 "𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘈𝘭𝘢𝘳𝘮". Zayon thought to himself, when no one actually calls him that. He slowly drove his car out of his garage and turned right so he could drive on the road. He started to speed, seeing that there was no cars in sight, making people on their porch annoyed. Zayon just loved to see the annoyed faces of other people so much, sometimes he couldn't focus on his driving, which resulted in a few accidents. Speeding with his car didn't help him to avoid those accidents, either.

Pretty soon, Zayon had driven out of his neighborhood and started driving to a flower shop.

𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘴 𝘨𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘴𝘰 𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵!


"Yes, I'd like the blue and pink Forget-Me-Nots and the red and white roses." Zayon confirmed. He had arrived at Las Flores Más Bellas, a Mexican-owned and beautiful flower shop. It smelled absolutely amazing. This shop had more flowers and plants than Zayon had ever seen in his entire life - he thought it probably had more greens than the Amazon Rainforest!

One of the employees wrote down his order in a journal. "Long stem or short stem?"

"Long stem, of course. Don't mistake me for a poor man."

The employee was just itching to roll her eyes at this snobby man, but she ignored the itch, or she could get fired for "bratty behavior". Her boss always tells her employees to never show any signs of discomfort or anger and to do everything the customer asks for unless they don't have any money. If the customer shows signs of being loaded with money, then do everything they ask for, because they're always right.

"Okay, so please correct me if I'm wrong. Your total is..." The employee leaned in to read what she had wrote. "...$545.49. You wanted an extra large flower wreath that consists of pink and red Stargazer Lilies and regular Daises, costing you $301.99, seven large bouquets of pink and blue Forget-Me-Nots, costing $199.99, and a large heart-shaped box full of combinations of different flower-flavored chocolates, costing $43.51."

Zayon nodded. "Correct," He said. "But I have a question."

"Sure, what can I help with?" The employee asked in a cheery and interested voice, although she couldn't care less if this man never got the answer to his question.

Zayon cleared his throat. "Don't mistake me for a poor man now,"

The employee was so close to sighing of irritation, but she didn't want to lose her job. This annoying man was always ordering her not to think of him as someone of low income, but that just made the employee think even more that the customer was the poor man he didn't want her to mistake him for so badly.

Zayon continued to speak. "But why are these prices so high? I can pay for them easily, obviously, but they are more expensive than other flower shops I've went to."

The employee was about to sigh and roll her eyes, but stopped herself just in time. This man was always saying not to mistake him for a poor man, and now he just asked why the prices were too high? Believing that this customer wasn't a person of low income was simply just unbelievable. This employee had been asked this question a ridiculous amount of times in just the short seven months she had been working here, so she knew what the answer to his question word-for-word like it was her favorite song she played on repeat and knew by heart.

"Well, first of all, we are an exquisite and extravagant flower shop that goes above and beyond to meet your needs. Our flowers are watered regularly, given special food to help them to emit pleasant fragrances, and loved and taken care of. We help them grow stronger and faster to make sure you always have the perfect flower. Plus, according to our reviews, flowers from our flower shop last longer than flowers from any other flower shop, such as Des Fleurs pour Attirer Toutes les Filles."

Zayon nodded slowly while the employee kept speaking.

"So, let's take a look at your choices of flowers. You chose an extra large wreath of flowers which consists of very beautiful and popular flowers, raising your price. The size you chose your wreath to be didn't help decrease your price, either. You also wanted seven large bouquets of very rare and hard to find flowers, except the roses, which also increases your price. And your chocolates? They are very rare to find in these parts. Some flowers are edible and very sweet and delicious, which is why adding them in chocolate is a good idea. Adding on to that, this type of chocolate is very popular in our store and it gets sold out very quickly. We are also the only flower shop to have flower-flavored chocolate. Have you ever seen Des Fleurs pour Attirer Toutes les Filles have flower-flavored chocolate? No! Anyway, all these reasons tell you why our prices are so expensive."

Zayon said nothing while realizing that this shop was more amazing than any other, based on what the employee had just told him.

"Thank you for the info."

"No problem! Ready to pay?"

Zayon nodded. He was so ready to treat his wife.