
The Hollow Swordsman

Noelle has no ambition, he's a loner that enjoys adrenaline a bit too much and has more money than he know what to do with.While on a field trip with his school he ends up separated due to his thrill seeking and gets pulled into something greater. ___________________ I'm righting this as a hobby so don't expect much.I do plan to complete this story so theirs that, but the updates will be pretty sporadic since i'm still in highschool.

AzureFantasy · Urban
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9 Chs


Saphira began speaking "While I say body refinement it's more of me just feeding you different treasures to make your body strong enough to use Excalibur's actual abilities."

She waved her hand and a tub appeared and was immediately filled with a blue liquid that again appeared from nowhere.The liquid crackled with lighting and I immediately had a bad premonition.

"Is it going to hurt" I asked scared

"Wimp" Excalibur muttered

"A bit" Saphira stated

"And there's no less painful option" I asked hopeful

"No" she shot down my hope.

She took out a multitude of items and began mixing them into the bath.Turing to Excalibur I thought about making conversation but decided not to when she glared at me.

"Where are all these items coming from" I asked Saphira to pass the time.

"A severed space withing my ring" she answered "they're formally know as storage rings."

I had no idea how that worked and was about to ask more when Excalibur interrupted me.

"Do you think she's your friend" she paused "Have you not realized who she is."

"No I--"

"Saphira is a god"

I tried to speak again "I didn--"

"You keep on pestering her, if she wasn't in this situation she wouldn't even acknowledge your presence so shut up and show some respect Hollow" she stated.

I was really starting to get angry I mean how was I supposed to know I was in the presences of literal god.Taking a deep breath I calmed down and realized that her words did have some truth, I was being way to casual with a DRAGON just because she looked like a nice old lady.

A few more minutes pass when Saphira suddenly spoke "Alright the bath is done, prepare to get in" she handed me a towel left me to my own devices.

The blue liquid was now dark indigo and bubbling, black fumes came off the surface as white lighting crackled off the liquid.

Staring at it I gulped and looked towards Saphira, she nodded and all my hope vanished.Sticking my hand in I felt nothing, sure the mystery liquid had a weird consistency and chunks floated around in it but there was no pain.Taking another deep breath I slowly climbed in.

Floating in the tub Saphira walked up to me.I blushed slightly since I was naked but luckily the liquid was to thick to see down there.

Holding a small knife she said "When your submerge your head I will make a small cut along your chest so don't be surprised and keep your eyes open as much as possible "

Nodding I submerged, bracing myself for the pain to come when I felt the small cut in the middle of my chest.

It started started with my chest around the small cut slowly spreading deeper into my body.I could feel the liquid seep into every crevice of my flesh, ravaging it as I tried to scream only to inhale the liquid.

Then it got worse, I suddenly felt like I was bathing in lava as the liquid seeped into my bones and veins melting them and replacing them with something else.

The liquid suddenly switched from burning hot to freezing cold seeping into my nerves and eyes.I could't bear it anymore and tried to get out only to bang my head against something hard. I banged my fist against the covering hoping Saphira would remove it but she did no such thing

The liquid then started eating away at my organs and with no other option I curled up into a ball and tried to bear with it.I tried to think of anything else, cycling through memories of my father but it didn't help as the pain grew unbearable.As my consciousness was waning for a third time today I regretted going on this field trip.

I opened my eyes to find myself in a black void that stretched on forever.The only other thing besides me was a yellow thread that stretched as far as the void.The moment I saw it I felt a familiar connection with it.Walking towards it in a trance I reached out and grabbed it.

'Excalibur' I thought as I grabbed the thread and felt something change.The thread thickened into a ribbon and my eyes shot opened to find myself back in the tub