
The Hollow Blade: A LitRPG Magic Knight Academy Light Novel

For additional books by author, check out tiny.cc/WolfeLocke or fantasyunlimited.org I also give out free stuff for people that join my discord to become ARC Readers. Valdanes. The elite sword clan that serve as the fist of the Empire. From the age of four they are taught to be three things: Servants, Soldiers, Vassals. Iron Ranked Cadet, Tristan Valdanes is no different. His days are spent in the classroom and his nights on the training grounds, always looking to hone the special sword technique of the Valdane Clan. Everything he’s ever known will be put to the test when a portal to another world opens up on the Academy grounds, sealing them off from the rest of the world. As duty is put to the test and loyalties are challenged, will they overcome or will they be corrupted?

WolfeLocke1 · Fantasy
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Quarterly of the Kingdom

Chapter 2: Quarterly of the Kingdom

By the time Tristan made it across the academy grounds to the stables, the sun had begun to dip below the horizon. The evening was fast approaching. Wonderful. I've still got a lot to do once I get there, I'm sure. I don't want to be stuck in the dark shoveling manure again.

It wasn't long until he saw the opening that led into the stables and walked in. Tristan, much to his relief, found there were very few horses that he needed to clean up after. Of course. I should have realized. It's because of the quarterly update. Most of the Cadre had to travel to the capital for the report.

"Lucky me then." Tristan muttered as he quickly grabbed a pitchfork and a wooden wheel barrow. He counted his blessings and got to work. I'd like to still get some sleep at a decent hour.

As one could surmise, the quarterly update happened once every three months. During that time, a large number of the Cadre from the academy would report to the capital to update the inner leadership of the Kingdom. The inner ring consisted of a group of generals who responsible for overseeing the Kingdom's military. It was also when changes to academy curriculum and rules regarding commissioning into service were laid out.

If I have my way, that'll never be me. The last thing I want is to get stuck doing some administrative task like a common clerk. Tristan had a goal aside from honing his skill with the blade. He intended on ascending all the way through the ranks, aiming for [Platinum] so that he could join the frontline in the wars to come alongside the senior members of his clan.

The quarterly seemed like it was the only way for some of the Cadre to get any excitement anymore. Tristan knew traveling on the open road for the quarterly was often just an thinly veiled excuse to see old friends and comrades and spend some time away from the academy. It was also why so many of the Cadre opted to go. The only other real excitement were the rare occasions when monsters managed to find their way on to the academy grounds.

I suppose being a member of the Cadre wouldn't be all that bad, though, Tristan thought as he shoveled manure. At least I wouldn't have to do this anymore.

While many of the Cadre weren't masterful enough to ascend to the rank of [Platinum] and take their place on the front lines, they were considered highly capable. Cadre members were primarily made up of former [Gold] rankers who did not have that final push to ascend further, be it from lack of drive or injury. The only thing that separated Cadre from [Gold] rankers was the distinction between still being a cadet and being a teacher or mentor. I couldn't imagine going through all this training, only to end up stuck here after.

Not having what it took to ascend did not make them pushovers. In fact, it made them more versatile. Where other cadets of varying ranks would choose a weapon to specialize in and eventually master, it became the duty of the Cadre to become proficient in a variety of weapons so that they could teach the variety of cadets that came through the academy.

They were not mastering of all techniques of [Swordplay] or [Swordcraft], but they were knowledgeable enough to teach many different styles and techniques.

Tristan was beyond determined to take his place on the front lines, but there had been members of his clan before who went on to become members of the Cadre around the Kingdom. Although it was considered a lower calling, it was still seen as a respectable path. If you did not have what it took to fight for the Kingdom, then the next best thing would be to teach those who did.

Besides, part of being a good cadet, showing the qualities of a good leader, being somebody, the Kingdom wanted was to take the punishments you were given. Lost in his thoughts, Tristan was able to make quick work of emptying the stables of manure. He wheeled it out and dumped the load in a sinkhole just a bit behind the stables. When he was done, Tristan went on to feed and water the horses. Finally, and not because he had to, but because he liked the horses, Tristan took a fine come to clean their coats.

Although the work was menial, it was also relaxing. There was something about the steady breathing of the horses that put him at ease. Of all the duties that could be divvied out, he had found that he preferred this one. If I'd studied the spear instead, I could have been a Horse Lord.

Tristan was rocked out of his reverie by a massive explosion nearby. He jumped out. "What's that?" He shouted, sure that nobody could hear him over the noise. The effect on his senses was instant. His body was tense and alert. Every instinct was screaming "danger". Tristan dashed out of the stables, making sure to grab his [Katana] from where he'd stored it while working and ran down the sloped hill onto the academy grounds and looked around to see what had caused the noise. He was prepared to fight.

But what come for him next was not something Tristan could have prepared for. Coming straight toward him over the grassy terrain of the training field was a cloud of thick black smoke that trailed high, blocking out the sun and the skin in a haze. It rose higher than anything he had ever seen, and before he knew it, Tristan was enveloped by it. A noxious smell filled his nostrils along side other things he did not recognize.

The thick haze e smoke was blinding, and made Tristan's eyes water. His vision started to waiver and his breathing grew heavy. I need to protect myself. Tristan made an effort to pull his duty uniform over his nose but the smoke had already gotten to him.

Suddenly, Tristan was filled with a fatigue that had nothing to do with his sleepless night. It was as if his entire body had gotten too heavy to bear. He did his best to fight through it, but he quickly succumbed and fell to the ground.

His last thoughts as he drifted into unconsciousness were, I have to get up. I have to see what happened. People might need help.

Distantly, he could hear screams. But by then he was well on his way to the realm of dreams.

I'll start posting here more if I get some interaction.

I'm looking for people I can send free copies of my books to who are willing to review them in advance of publishing.

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