
White Death

Sophia was good at keeping a superior aura in front of her underlings, most of the time that is. She was currently staring at Apollo with her mouth agape, trying to say some words, but nothing would come out.

As I made my way towards Sophia, I kept up my sad expression. "What no response? So you really do want to turn me into Biomass? I thought you cared about me..."

To the side, Orchid could tell I was joking, but the act I was putting on made her want to hold me and tell me everything would be ok.

Sophia jumped once more before she began stammering. "I-I-I-I" She could not get further then the start of her sentence and I started to feel bad so I helped out. "Are you trying to say you did not know it was me interrupting your important meeting and you would have never yelled at me like that?"

Sophia looked up to me lovingly, as though I read her exact thoughts. "I see, well since you did rudely ask me to leave, I think I will stay and see what happens."