
The Hivemind - A Novel

Bored of their home locations and with higher job opportunities in another town, Riley, Jason, Anna, and Mike move to Figlett Town with their families. Soon, disturbing details start to emerge, and its up to them to free thousands from being controlled by the Hivemind. Packed with suspense and drama, this is a classic thriller that you won't soon forget.

Moaan · Horror
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1 – Vacation At Figlett Town

"Time to wake up!" a voice shouted seemingly from out of nowhere.

I slowly opened my eyes, and was unsurprised to see my brother Jason right next to my bed, shouting into my ears. He playfully tugged at my shirt and when I opened my eyes he quickly ran out of my room. Swearing, I reluctantly sat up and checked the time.

Today was the day that we were moving to a new town. My parents had been excited about today for such a long time. I got out of bed, grabbed the special clothes I had thrown on the ground the day before, and headed downstairs.

The table was already put together, and I could smell the delicious fried rice. My parents were already in their seats eating and having a conversation with Jason. I walked over and plopped down besides him.

While I ate, I heard snippets of the conversation.

"I can't believe we we are going to this place-"

"Yeah it's pretty expensive for a small town-"

It had been some time since we had a family vacation; we were all very happy knowing that we were going to finally go to another location. Mangrove City was getting a bit too boring, plus our parents heard there were beautiful beaches and scenery at Figlett Town.

Before I knew it, everyone was finished eating and the table was cleaned. Jason and I went back upstairs to pack all of our belongings into our luggage. By the time we were finished the sun had already risen high up into the sky, shining bright rays that filled the house with natural light.


The doorbell rang. I moved the quickest, and raced to the door as if my life depended on it. Jason was right behind me. A few seconds after fumbling with the lock for some time the door was finally unlocked.

In walked a tall young boy my age, with curly black hair and deep blue eyes. I recognized him immediately as my best friend Riley. Another short blonde girl walked in, and her name was Anna. They were both from my middle school, and hung out with me during lunch and recess. I hugged them both, and asked them why they came.

"Our families are also going to Figlett Town.", they both answered together. Then, when Anna saw my shocked face added "We both wanted to surprise you."

I couldn't believe it. While their parents were talking to my parents, Jason, Anna, and I all went upstairs to my room. Riley told me about how his parents wanted him to play with me during the summer, and since Figlett Town was only a short drive away they decided that it was worth the move.

He glanced at Anna, and as if on cue, she came up close to me and whispered

"There had been some strange occurrences", she told me. I stared at her face and could tell that she was indeed being serious. "People reported strange sightings and events, kind of like if everyone was being controlled by one being."

"Where did you get this information from?" I whispered back while trying to hide the curiosity on my face.

"Don't tell anyone, but I found a newspaper written a few years ago while researching the town. It detailed the sightings, but I'm not sure if it's accurate though."

I shivered, and at this very moment Jason bursted into the room which startled everyone else.

"Time to go!" he sputtered out, panting and then ran out again. Below I could hear the sound of my parents packing the car. I turned towards my friends again and said goodbye. As we walked out to our parents car's, I took a moment to look at my surroundings. It was going to be the last time I get to see my old house. Looking over at Anna and Riley, I saw that they were also glancing at their surroundings, it would be a while until we were back.