

"They say bees bite, wasp sting but beware of the one with the long wing. For the bees rarely bite when provoked but the wasp will sting even for the least of thing. Everyone in Droneville knew the saying, the bees are treasured but wasp are damn. They are hunted and killed while the bees are protected by everyone..." "What did the wasp do?" Emma asked. "No-one truly knows, for everyone who was associated with that era had died long ago." Her mom explained. ----' When Emma discovers the truth above her life she tries her best to remain calm and act like nothing has changed but change is inevitable. Emma then realized that the city of Droneville isn't as simple as she thought.

Livto18 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The difference between us are the same

Ashley wasn't your typical rich bi....sorry girl. Her dad ensured that she knew what real-life experiences were instead of the celebrity lifestyle everyone thought it to be.

Her parents were down to earth and always taught her values that would aid her in the real world.

Her father especially would always say 'the money will vanish, but she must learn to make more if that happens. Emma hated those words. She was rich and she would live as such.

Her mom, on the other hand, liked spoiling her, after years of her husband taking fertility drugs it finally paid off and they made Ashley.

Ashley saw herself as superior to her peers. She arrived at school in a posh car and would only eat the best food maintaining a suitable weight.

Little did Ashley know that this was due to medical conditions her parents didn't tell her about. Her parents wanted her to have a life without thinking about the illness.

Ashley hated Emma with a passion. Ever since the day, Emma knocked her off her throne she has been secretly plotting to become the Queen at the school one more.

Sure she had teased Emma about her lack of suitable attire but that was to make her better. A girl couldn't just live their life without caring and Emma didn't care.

Well, she started caring when her mom died and Emma no longer took bullshit from Ashley.

Ashley was shocked the day Emma stood up to her.


Ashley modeled as walking seemed impossible for her. She had her 'friends' gawking at the new iPhone 14 pro max that her Mom bought for her birthday.

Even though Ashley didn't take it with a willing heart as she would have loved her mom to be there instead.

The attention that this phone brought to her had consoled her, it somewhat filled the void of her mom always working. This is what life is supposed to be like, surrounded by people who love you right?

Ashley strolled down the corridor while her 'friends' questioned her about her newest edition, questions which she happily answered.

She knew they were only around her for what she could offer them not because they cared or even liked her.

While in the middle of answering the question her eye caught a glimpse of Emma entering the school.

Ashley's heart was slightly palpitated, Emma wasn't wearing any designer clothes but for some reason, people gawked at her.

Her boyfriend Chad kissed the back of her head as he hugged her from behind. She didn't even flinch wondering who it was.

As Chad said his goodbye. Emma took a cardigan and ab Victoria's Secret body splash from her locker, she smelled it before spraying some body splash on it.

Ashley almost vomited.

Just eww!

Persons walked up to Emma showing their whispering a few words.

Emma thanked them and looked at a picture in her locker before closing it.

By now the crowd around Ashley had disappeared to speak with Emma.

Emma walked off and Ashley walked straight toward her bumping into her and faking an apology.

Emma did not say anything. She looked at Ashley from head to toe.

"It's offensive to stare but in your case, I know you are looking at what you can't afford" Ashley looked at her nailed and blew some imaginary dust off them.

"Today is not the day Ashley." Emma then straighten herself and walked off.

Ashley stuck out her leg and Emma almost fell face-first into the floor. Luckily a passerby steadied her and spend walk away not wanting to deal with Emma's wrath but continued watching them from a distance.

Emma slowly turned around. She didn't see the person that caught her but they had a sweet flowery smell, she has to thank that person later.

"Oops" Ashley smiled as she turned around, but frowned when she saw that Emma wasn't flat out on the floor.

Emma quickly got up, she wasn't in the mood today and something inside her just snapped. She balled up her fist and connected it in the center of Ashley's face which landed her on her butt.

She took a good 2 min to process what was going on as she felt something unfamiliar yet wet on her bottom lip.

She wiped her lip to see blood. Emma had drawn blood.

She looked up at Emma who had a grim expression on her face.

She pushed Àshley again before she could react and then the catfight started.

Ashley and Emma pulled each other's hair, scratched and cursed until a teacher came and pulled them apart. Both girls got a suspension for 1 week. After that Ashley tried to settle the score again but each time she tried Emma didn't back down. So after much trial and error, the student felt a new sense of pride in their heart for Emma and Ashley no longer had the swarm of 'friends' that liked her.

That's why her mom coming home was so heartbreaking. Ashley had no one and her mom was barely even there. Who was she supposed to talk to? She wished her mom would quit the job overseas and just be there for her.

Ashley later found out that the day when Emma started acting out was the anniversary of her Mom's death. She felt somewhat sorry for her. No one should have to go through the displeasure of losing a parent because she felt as though she lost her mom to the new job.

Ashley now knew Emma was not to be trifled with.

Since they day over 3 months or so ago Ashley's life because mundane. She was flocked with the love she received before. Some students even pulled pranks on her. She wasn't Queen. She was her shadow.


Even yesterday at school a student placed a pencil under her butt that poked the hell out of her.

Ashley still shivered at the memory rubbing her sore butt.

Currently, she was researching ways to kill a person in an incognito browser.

Get your mind out of the gutter!

She didn't want to kill Emma she just wanted to take the crown back. Emma didn't wear it well, Ashley thought, but she had everyone's respect. It was due to this respect that everyone no longer cared about Ashley and all her new gadgets.

Ashley was doing the research solely for her interest.

"Emma when I get there kindly ensure that your room is spotless and take out the trash!" Her dad shouted from downstairs.

Ashley was reluctant but she started cleaning. Oh, how she wished her maid Lia was there. She tried hiring one with the pocket money her parents gave her but after 2 days her dad found out and sent the maid away.

After cleaning her room Ashley took a bath before taking the trash out. Naturally, she should have taken out the trash first but when she looked in the mirror she was horrified at her reflection hence she took a bath and fell asleep before taking out the trash.

"ASH!!" Ashley wiped the sleep from her eyes. While her dad stood over her with a frown on his face.

"A...Yr.. ah?" Ashley answered confused falling back into the sweet arms of dreamland.

Her dad gestured toward the trash that was in the corner.

But Ashley's eyes were occupied elsewhere, somewhere far in dreamland.

Ashley fell asleep again. Her dad poked her.


"Yea?" Ashley answered more alertly.

"The trash" her dad gestured toward the garbage bag in her room.

"Also take out the trash downstairs."

Ashley mumbled under her breath. "You had to go and fire my maid.

"Did you say something young lady?" Her dad asked with his hands on the doorknob.

"No, dad." Emma got up rubbing her eyes,

"And don't forget the donation box." Ashton closed the door behind him.

Emma pulled the garbage from her room, taking up the one in the kitchen, along with the donation box. It was almost night when she got outside with both garbage in her hand and the donation under her arm.

Emma kept mumbling along the line of...' if only they let me keep my maid I wouldn't be doing this.'

Luckily the dumpster and donation box weren't far from her home.

Emma deposited the garbage outside and went towards the donation pile. It was a big mailbox where everyone on the upper side of Dronsville donate things they no longer valued. This was gold for a person living a basic life.

Emma deposited her items inside and was in the process of leaving when a book suddenly fell to the ground.

Ashley jumped wondering where did the book pop up from. Curiosity stretched her hand forth, she couldn't just leave and not see what the book was about. She may be self-centered and believe she was superior to her peers but she loved to read.

Ashley picked up the book to deposit into the box but it was too big to fit.

The bigger item box was 3 streets down.

Ashley wondered why would anyone leave this here. What happened if a shower of rain came down?

While trying to deposit the book into the box a wire that binds the book pricks her finger. Ashley immediately put the finger in her mouth and regrets it a moment later when she tasted a spoiled grape on her finger.

"Ew ew ew". She spat a couple of times before putting the book under her arm and going inside.

"No time to speak gotta rinse my mouth" Ashley caught a glass of tap water and rinse profusely, gargling and spitting the residue in the sink.

Her dad wore a questioning look.

"Just did something I never want to talk about ever" Ashton knew his daughter was sometimes a drama queen so he didn't pursue the issue.

"What's that you have?" Her dad then gestured toward the book she had on the counter.

"It's a book" Ashley took it up holding it close to her.

"You took a book from the donation box?" Utter shock and disappointment were seen on her dad's face.

"Dad, please. It was too big to fit and I'll give the committee president it tomorrow. I just couldn't leave it there..."

Ashley took up the food that was on the table and headed toward her room.

"No eating in your room tonight Missy, we need to talk" Ashley hated that statement. She wondered what went wrong or what kind of story her mom had to elucidate the reason she wasn't there.

Ashley sighed, took her food, and went to the couch. She graced her food before digging into the steamed fish, crackers and tossed vegetables.

Her dad watched her pleased.

"Your mom..." He tried to bring across the subject as best as possible.

"Dad it's okay.." Ashley cut him off.

"... I haven't got my hopes up in the last 5 years and nothing is changing this year, so you can spare me this conversation" Ashley continued to eat.

Ashton gave Ashley a disapproving look for interesting him while he spoke. "As I was saying before you thought it necessary to interrupt and not listen, your mom said she will be here in a few days, she has already booked her flight..."

Emma almost choked. She looked at her dad trying to figure out what happened. What changed? Her mom always called to say she wasn't coming, after the first 3 years Emma stopped taking her mom's calls.

So her mom started to communicate with her through her dad. Ashton forced Emma to talk to her, giving her various punishments to push her to speak with her mom, but over time he stopped as he also grew wary of her empty promises. However, when she called this morning something changed, she sounded terrified. Almost as though she was running from something. Ashton shook his head. Maybe he was just overthinking.

"...It would do you well to answer her calls." Ashton got up and took his and Ashley's plate to the sink.

"Can I go to my room now?"

"Sure, but remember tonight is your night to do the dishes, I'm only doing them because I know you have some things going through your mind regarding Marie."

Emma gave her dad a slight nod before leaving.

Emma placed the book on her bed beside her laptop. She was no longer interested in reading however the book fell to the ground and landed open.

Glowing under the night light was a picture of...Ashley couldn't make it out. She could have almost sworn it was a picture of herself.

Upon close inspection, she released a shaky breath.

Then she felt like she was being pulled. The finger that got pricked by the book started ruffling through the pages.

'Wear a yellow jacket,

It's made to improve your mood.'

Ashley scrunched up her face.

That's just stupid I don't own a yellow jacket." Ashley spoke to herself.

And almost on command, an unknown wind blew open her closet door and in the mids of neatly packed clothing radiated the most beautiful yellow jacket she had ever seen.

Ashley grew scared. She was on the verge of calling her dad when her mom sent her a text.

'I hope you liked the yellow jacket I sent you, I had your dad put it in your closet. When I saw it I thought of you instantly.

I love you my princess

Ashley wiped away the imaginary sweat on her forehead and hisses her teeth. Losing the crown was indeed taking a toll on her. She had to get some rest and figure out how best to solve her Emma problem as it has been over 3 months.

Ashley fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

A wasp awoke from its nest, not particularly loving how the night breeze felt. It flew away from the hive that was at the corner of Ashley's windows ledge, at the end of its journey it stood gigantic in a forest. It looked around carefully below chanting then it started burrowing into the ground.

The soft words 'we found her' could be heard as the wasp dug deeper into the ground.


Sorry for the late update lovelies. I made this just a bit longer. See you next week.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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