
V3 ch315 @ Redwood HS (1)

"Are you sure?" Mom asked me after I told her about not coming today. "You boys come first, no matter if you only play an inning."

I gave a small smile. "Yea, I know. But it's really no big deal. Coach doesn't plan on playing me for long and it's such a long drive for such little action. I rather you guys get your work done and not be so busy tonight."

She smiled and rubbed the top of my head. "Okay, Jake. As the only player of the day, what would you like for dinner?"

"Can we have grilled cheese and tomato soup?" I asked. "It's warming up and soup weather is almost gone."

"Yes, we can." She thought about it. "I'll be adding a salad to the menu. Maybe some rolls or baguettes." She started to talk to herself as she came up with ideas.