
V2 ch72

After getting the books, attendance, and writing a short introduction, the first hour was already gone. Mrs. Lorenz might have been laidback, but she also had a schedule. She went through the lesson plan for chapters one and two before letting us go for the day. 

"Three hours of just Spanish is harder than I thought." Noah sighed as we walked to the spot Zeke had dropped us off at. 

Mitchell joined us on the short walk. "How do you think I feel? I already took this class. This is round two for me."

Noah laughed. "Shouldn't it be easier on you then?"

Mitchell shrugged. "For right now. I remember a lot of the vocabulary so I have a head start." He sighed. "I wish I didn't fail it the first time though."

"How did you get to play baseball all spring if you weren't doing well?" Noah asked.