

During the maths period, the alarm shouted "incoming earthquake incoming earthquake". Some were shocked and started to panick including the teacher and so soon started to shake. It was smooth one at first but then it when faster. Me and Bella held hands and prayed that this should stop and it did. Thank God. I have never seen this type of earthquake in my life before. The teacher did the sign of the cross and continued teaching till the bell rang. I opened my locker and saw a picture with a note which says "My lovely child I'm always with you. I love you"

I paused for a few seconds to analyze what I read. I mean the way I'm reading the note it sounds as if a mother saying this to her child. But that can't be because my parents are at work. I tried my best to know what this means. Well not until Mia and her two friends came into the scene. Argh! Not again. 

"Well if it isn't the imaginary apple in Andrew's eyes. Andrew has eyes for one girl and that is me so stay from him or else" she said while pointing at me.

Before she could finish, she snatched the paper I was holding into pieces. No!!!

"Next time know your place you bimbo. Andrew will never like a girl like you. You are ugly in his eyes so stop dreaming"

She then laughed and walked away. I looked at the shredded papers. Nah why will I cry over a paper? But somehow it hurt a little. What can I do? I put my books inside my locker and headed home.