
The Hierarchy of High Bridge Academy

Albert Einstein once said " Everyone is a genius. But, if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” With this in mind. We see ourselves set in a world filled with the unimaginable potential for human evolution, as the residents of this world are blessed with the power of “Yex.” The unique ability, that's based on the user's emotions and personality. With countless possibilities of obtaining ungovernable power, we ultimately find ourselves observing… a certain individual... The timid and looked down upon, Damien Whitecastle. Who has finally set his mind on reaching the top of High Bridge Academy school rankings. With sharp crimson eyes and a mysterious childhood past, he is ready for any obstacles! With this goal in mind, Damien enters his second year of school at High Bridge Academy, confident and determined to become different from his past self. Will Damien be able to withstand his past and present trauma? Or will he fall short and be known as the failure of High Bridge Academy forever? ---------------------------------------------------- Chapter every Thursday’s at 7pm. " = dialogue (talking out loud) greater than sign = thought bubbles (only for damain) * = sound effects or time skips

JacksNovels · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

HOHB - a friendful foe...

Chapter #9

*four days later…*

<It has been a couple of days since the barbaric incident that occurred. Even after being given time to register the chaotic events, I still can't accept the reality of it. It feels like an excessive acid trip that's still ongoing.>

<What's even more bizarre is, during all the chaos, Instructor Yates ended up offering me the opportunity to learn under him privately. He informed me to come visit him after class, after my injuries have fully recovered. Besides, I've always been quick to heal, especially from internal injuries.>

<It probably started accumulating after all the beat-downs I received, from being a lackey for numerous bullies, during my first year at the academy. Nevertheless, after just a couple of days of resting, I'll finally get to learn some badass moves tomorrow after class.>


"Good morrows my tutees! Today is a splendid day! The weather is prosperous, the flowers in the outer gardens are blossoming with jubilation, and the strong east wind is flowing with excitement!"

"But sadly, I have some rather urgent news to announce." Instructor Yates staidly sounds abruptly.

"The student, Brenner Buz, has been suspended for a week, due to some complications within our academy."

"I cannot inform you of the reason, but don't fret! Your classmate will return shortly!" Instructor Yates says in a faux keen tone.

<great...of course. I knew it would conclude like this, after nearly killing me and countless other students, the jackass gets off with only a week's worth of suspension.>

<I bet the dim-witted idiot is enjoying his free time contently. Moreover, knowing his rock-like intelligence, he will surely target me when his suspension is lifted…>

Instructor Yates notices the apathetic reactions, and hastily exclaims "alrighty then!"

"Putting aside today's gloomy news, I can happily say we will finally be finalizing our training on "aura yex."

"Moreover some of you may already know this, but we will be moving on to "offensive yex" in four days' time." Instructor Yates vocalizes.

"In light of this, I will be holding a competition for our class to test everyone's development and success on the instructed "aura yex" stuns I taught."

"But, Don't worry too much about it. You will be given the chance to partner up with a friend, and simultaneously perform your stuns."

" I will go into more detail furthermore on the day of the competition. So for now just get prepared, because if you aren't, I can't swear your selection into the Orofell Tournament." Instructor Yates intensely expresses.

"we will als-"

Instructor Yates abruptly halts in revelation "Oh! I nearly neglected this, but Damien. You have been out for the last couple of days, and haven't been able to practice your authority properly."

"It would be a shame for you to miss out on the upcoming competition due to lacking proper strength." Instructor Yates glances at his tablet.

"Ah, here we go. Due to being out for injuries due to my lactation, I will be allowing you to partake in the competition with the exception of partnering up with a talented classmate."

"Your designated partner is...Kain Godwin" Instructor Yates reveals.

"Huh…" Kain replies in a haze.

"Wait! Instructor Yates, this decision is ridiculous. This is going against the regulated policies of our academy, this single-sided ruling is unreasonable."

"This decision is simply a straightforward babysitting job! Have you taken into account my perspective on this unsystematic decision?" Kain opposes.

Instructor Yates silently groans in annoyance. "Well, my apologies then, it seems I have been misguided. I thought this decision would provoke no issue, especially for the number one ranking student in my classroom."

"If such a task is too difficult for you to handle, I can send it off to another stud-"

Kain stumbles in fruition and utters. "Ahh! No Instructor Yates there is no issue. I was simply surprised by your sudden request, and I answered without a thought."

"I apologize for my rudeness just now. There is no difficulty sited in this task at all, leave Damien in my care." Kain shoulders a hidden glare towards Damain.

<welp…great. It was Brenner then, and now I already somehow managed to piss off Kain, who is undoubtedly the strongest student in our classroom. My humble gratitude, Instructor Yates...>

Instructor Yates gestures to Kain in contentment. "Splendid! I hope you both get along with each other from now on, you will be together for future assignments as well." Instructor Yates motions an innocent smile towards Damien.

<Haa...damn you, Instructor Yates.>

Kain hastily stands up, and strides towards Damien. "Damien, we need to talk." Kain voices firmly

"Geez, My apologies, sorry about this whole setup. It seems my mess got discarded onto you. But don't worry at all, I will not become a hindrance to you, I swear upon my family cres-"

"Be quiet," Kain discloses his concealed irritation in response.


Kain shifts towards Instructor Yates's general direction and voices. "Instructor Yates. Damain and I will be taking a momentary leave from the class setting. I ask for your permission to leave." Kain requests with courtesy.

Instructor Yates pivots over and gestures in approval. "No problemo, just come back soon. We are nearing the end of today's class so make it quick." Instructor Yates retorts.


Kain ganders at Damien as the door latches shut. "I don't know what kind of association you and Instructor Yates share, or why he is giving you special treatment, but I didn't work my ass to get here, to be your personal helper."

Kain brushes his hair rearward in resentment. "I'll tolerate helping you this once, only because of Instructor Yates directive, as well as the utmost respect I retain for him."

"Despite that, I still can't shake the ominous connection you share with Instructor Yates, and why he has suddenly become so interested in a weak link like you, especially coming from someone of his status." Kain rants in annoyance.

"Why do you talk as if he is some living god? It's giving off a creepy vibe."

"I wouldn't expect someone like you to comprehend, the kind of man Instructor Yates is anyway. If not for hearing that Instructor Yates suddenly decided to teach here, I wouldn't have come to this academy." Kain openly conveys.

"I knew you gave off a creepy vibe, but seriously tone it down dude. You're really giving off a stalkerish persona. besides that, why are you showing such heavy devotion to a simple instructor?"

Kain scratches his head bitterly in befuddlement. "huh? Just an Instructor, are you brain dead? Do you even know what Instructor Yates did before becoming an Instructor at our academy?" Kain replies pestfuly.

"I don't know? A janitor? Wait, no maybe a comedian, he does tell some good jokes now and then."

Kain's fist rolls into a fit full of agitation. "The bounds of my restraints are human as well Damien, and you're really pushing my limits right now. And frankly, I wholeheartedly dislike that tongue of yours that tossed out casual nonsense."

"Chattering like a small tug of force wouldn't be enough to destroy it." Kain replies with bloodlust intentions.

<A premature gust of wind from a nearby window lifts up our jackets, forcefully jolting my long-lasting hair backwards. As the draft slowly dismissed onwards, the jackets plunged downward. The clangorous chatter between passing students dimmed to a pin simultaneously.>

<No words between us were uttered but our intentions were clear. It was already transparent that if a fight was to ensure, I wouldn't have any prospect of becoming victorious. But with insight into this, I still stood tall and woefully. As I had no intention of wavering even if he attacked.>

"AHAHAHAHA" Kain suddenly erupts into unhinged laughter.

Kain skims off a teer of laughter from his eyelid. "I see now, I misjudged you, Damien. I thought you were another idiot who shouts baseless insults, without a foundation to follow up on. "

"But it seems you are different from the others, I finally understand why Instructor Yates is so fascinated by you."

"The determination and fearlessness you showed me, even when faced with certain failure is quite admirable." Kain expresses in a passionate manner.

<Well, truthfully, I almost pissed my pants during our entire conversation, even at the start of it. But frankly, I would rather be killed while talking trash to someone, who is unmistakably more powerful than me, and whose obvious murderous intentions is emitted solely at me."

"Insight of this I would rather that, then the easy path, that leads to me praying for mercy and living afterward. But I'm certain if I speak that out loud, he might actually end up killing me.>

"And here I thought you were just another bookworm who only follows the rules. Seeing you with such a sinister smile does paint an unexpected vision that I did not expect to see. I guess we all do have our own hidden factors, Kain"

"HAHA, Indeed, we all do. besides that, I must be completely truthful. I had originally arranged to set up a scheme to…well cause a slight unfortunate abrupt end to my designated partners, physical participation."

"But upon our compelling interaction and conversation, I have decided to postpone that decision!" Kain mouths with directness.

<Did he…just say he would postpone it, Not end it? Geez, what a twisted guy, I know some people have indifferent personalities, but he's barely bearing the borderline of a non-psychopath.>

Kain smiles contently, as he checks his watch. "I have decided! Tomorrow is the weekend and as per school regulations we will not have class."

"You will come over to my humble home and I shall tell you of my personal favorite tale from the warrior named "The Slayer of West Point!" Kain boldly proclaims.

"huh?... When did I agree to come, Kain?"

Kains face declines in disappointment. "oh, I assumed because we just became friends, you would want to come over." Kain utters in a saddening tone.


"....ahgh fine, I'll go, but you have to promise to not murder me and toss my body in a river somewhere."

"Of course not! What kind of person do you take me for?" Kain replies cheerfully.


"A murderer..."

<It seems I'll have to hold off on learning those badass moves, for another day…>

*to be continued…*