
The hidden world beneath Dinosaur Island

One man, two worlds! Watching how one man survives two worlds with two completely different civilizations and ways of life. Lobion Hiradin is a man who has always lived a quiet life in his small tribe. However, on the day of his first hunt with his father something happens that will change his life forever. Lobion has found himself alone in a world where everything is hostile to his survival! Lobion will survive with the only objective to find his family and his tribe but will he succeed to do it? What will he find the day he manages to finish his goal? (the cover is only a draft so expect a better cover in the few weeks !)

Arsthe_Creation · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 8: No it's an....... !

The creature that the young Lobion has in front of him is a parasaurus! The creature that he had been looking for for a few hours already!

The parasaurus that is in front of Lobion is different from the one he had met with his father. Indeed, this parasaurus has the particularity to have the skin of color light black and light red. This gives the impression to Lobion that he is not in front of a simple parasaurus as the last time.

"Don't tell me it's a ... There are legends in our tribe that talk about it but if it's really like the legend says then it's more complicated than at first!"

THE parasaurus is also a bit bigger than the other parasaurus he has met in his life. It even seems to be from another species of dinosaurs so different from the others of his species.

However, Lobion knows that it is a parasaurus because of its head which is shaped like a pickaxe, which is specific to parasaurus. Moreover, he sees it nibbling on the berries in a bush. So it can't be a dinosaur that is aggressive, at least that's what he thought at that time.

Lobion takes his bow in his hands and puts an arrow before starting to band his bow and pointing the tip of his arrow in the direction of the parasaur. He quickly regains his composure before focusing on the target in front of him which is the black and red parasaur.

"Huffff! Pufffff! Huffff! Pufff!"

The moment he feels that his breathing is stable to make a nice shot, Lobion concentrates absolutely all s senses on my target as my father had during our outing together before being separated. After that, he starts counting down in his head.

"Three. Two. One. Zero." The moment Lobion gets to zero, he releases the tension he had put into his bow before, trying his best to shoot da arrows as accurately as possible.


The only sound that can be heard at this moment is the sound of his arrow piercing the wind to go straight into the area where the heart of the parasaur is located, below its neck.

The moment the arrow hits the parasaurus, the dinosaur starts to scream in pain and quickly panics when he sees that he is in danger of death.


After his cry of pain, the parasaurus does something that shocks the young Lobion. Indeed, the parasaurus, instead of fleeing as his species has the instinct to do, the parasaurus that is different, starts to run in the direction where Lobion is with all his strength.

His eyes meet those of Lobion. The eyes of the parasaur are as black as the abyss itself. It is at this moment that Lobion knows that he has just hit the nest of an ant farm without knowing it.

"So it really is an ALPHA Parasaurus!"

" çç$à$$^$çççç$ ! "

While Lobion is busy insulting all the ancestors of Parasaurus and other dinosaurs, the Parasaurus running in his direction has not stopped its charge and it is still running in his direction.

Lobion quickly regains his senses and then puts an arrow on his bow before conctracting and then shooting it into one of the legs of the parasaur!


The same noise can be heard in the forest. However, something that greatly shocks the young Lobion happens.

Indeed, the parasaur has already been hit by an arrow before and he knows that he must avoid being hit by these arrows otherwise he risks his life!

So he starts to avoid the arrow that arrives on one of his legs by jumping back before resuming his charge towards the young Lobion by being even more angry at the insect that is him because the latter dared to attack him.

"^$à$à$à$à !!!!!! Since when a parasaurus is dodging the arrows! Only carnivores such as carnotaurs

normally have this instinct!" Lobion starts screaming at the top of his lungs when he notices the action of the parasaur right in front of him.

He thought he was going to have a mount by the end of the day, he thought it was an easy task to do, if not one of the easiest he's had to do since he arrived in this place. But he never thought he would run into an ALPHA dinosaur!

Normally only carnivores can become ALPHA dinosaurs, but right now he's facing a dinosaur that's a vegetarian but an ALPHA!

He begins to doubt all the beliefs and knowledge he has acquired during his life from the people of his tribe of which he was so proud!

The parasaur arrives after some seconds in front of Lobion then with a movement of his head taps with all his strength the chest of Lobion!

"BANG !!!!"

" Pa !!!!!!!! "

Lobion sees himself thrown at full speed against the trunk of a tree which is next to the stream!

"Arghh!" The only sounds that come out of Lobion's mouth are his groans of pain!

In the center of his torso, he has a long cut that was the result of the collision with the head of the parasaurus that is shaped like a pickaxe.

He has several broken ribs but he is still alive, despite the great pain he is in right now/.

He feels like he has been crushed by a huge rock!

The parasaurus that looks at the fate of its attacker with its eyes that are still of the same coldness as the abyss is about to make a second charge to finish Lobion and free him from his suffering!

When Lobion sees the parasaur about to make a second charge, he takes one of the arrows that was thrown at his side during his collision!

"I really need to make a quiver but now I'm glad I didn't because I have arrows that could have flown to my side!"

But the moment the parasaur starts to make his charge, he starts to weaken a little, this change is not unnoticed by the young Lobion who takes all his strength then launches with his bare hands his arrow in the torso of the parasaur!


The parasaur is attacked by a sudden pain in his torso but which becomes less and less important because a wave of tiredness starts to invade him little by little!

Indeed, the fact that the parasaurus is running has caused his blood to be in full boil, which has allowed the fish from Lobion's two arrows to be able to better disperse in his body!

Seeing that his arrow had hit its target, Lobion got up as best he could to go and get another arrow which was on his left side to throw it at once!

He does his next one for the 20 arrows he took with him for this expedition!


After a few minutes a heavy sound echoes in the whole forest. This sound marks the end of the fight between the ALPHA parasaur and Lobion.

The result is the ALPHA parasaur is passed out on the ground with 20 arrows in his body and Lobion with a wound on his chest!

I hope you like this story ! Because personally I enjoy writing this story so far !

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