
The Hidden Wizard

Manga adaptation STARTING NOW https://thehiddenwizardviet.wixsite.com/the-hidden-wizard-ma Jake Vietnam was once a being of immeasurable power, one above all concepts of existence. However, what happens when a being of such inaccessible power goes down upon Earth and reincarnates as a boy? What happens when a famous chef wants his revenge on him for a reason he doesn't know? What happens when he has to band together with a former teacher and an enemy of the army against the 7th dimensional cereal the chef wants to obtain? Find out by reading the Hidden Wizard. Follow my TikTok for lore segments! https://www.tiktok.com/@icarus_cosmology Check out the wiki here! https://the-hidden-wizard.fandom.com/wiki/The_Hidden_Wizard_Wiki

Icarus_Cosmology · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs


I looked at the forbidden seasoning in my hand, it being left in the place that Jakub initially was, feeling its immense power. With this seasoning, we would be able to complete the unholy cereal and gain even greater power.

Ram, Jason, and I had just defeated Jakub Inuku, a powerful foe with tentacles and a variety of guns. Despite his disappearance, we were able to gain the forbidden seasoning.

As we made our way back to our hideout, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and apprehension. The unholy cereal was a dangerous creation, but with the forbidden seasoning, we would be able to harness its full potential.

Ram led us to his kitchen, where he began to mix the ingredients of the unholy cereal. I watched as he added the forbidden seasoning, watching as the mixture began to glow with a dangerous energy.

Then, Ram explains a convoluted ritual that involves harnessing the powers of the relics, the boundless atoms, and the various planes of the cosmological hierarchy. We take the 7D cereal crumbs and mix them with the 2D milk, but when we add the forbidden seasoning, a cosmic surge destroys countless realities, erasing entire hierarchies of cosmological entities.

I'm panting as I look around, seeing that we've inadvertently wiped out entire universes, multiverses, and even the realities beyond. "What the hell, Ram?" I exclaim, struggling to keep my balance as the fabric of the cosmos ripples around us.

Ram's expression falls as he realizes his mistake. "I... I forgot to mention the forgotten bowl," he stammers, glancing down at the cryptic scroll in his hands.

Jason and I exchange incredulous looks. "You mean we just destroyed countless planes of existence for nothing?" Jason asks, shaking his head in disbelief.

Ram nods gravely. "We need the forgotten bowl to complete the ritual, otherwise the cosmic forces will be too chaotic to contain."

I groan and run a hand through my hair, trying to process what's happened. "Well, let's go find this damn bowl then," I say, determined to see this through to the end.

"Knock it off, everyone makes mistakes, and I didn't star in a gay hentai game…"

I was taken aback… the truth was revealed that I transcended the narrative so hard I became the main character of Dramatical Murder for a second. I dropped the argument at that point not to push the group any further.

We set off in search of the forgotten bowl, our steps heavy with the weight of our mistake.

As we continued on our quest for the forgotten bowl, we trekked through various dimensions and multiverses, hopping through portals and rifts. However, as time went on, our progress seemed to stagnate, and we were left wandering aimlessly without any sense of direction.

After several hours of walking in silence, Jason finally spoke up. "Hey, Ram, where exactly are we going?"

Ram stopped in his tracks, turning to face us with a sheepish grin. "To be honest, I have no idea. The bowl could be anywhere, and it's not like it's just lying around waiting for us to find it."

Jake groaned in frustration. "So, what you're saying is that we're just wandering around aimlessly without any real plan? Great."

Ram held up his hands defensively. "Hey, it's not my fault! The location of the forgotten bowl has been lost to history for eons, and even the relics we have can only give us a general sense of its whereabouts."

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Ram let out a frustrated sigh. "Alright, I give up. We're never going to find that damn bowl at this rate."

Jake and Jason both groaned in unison, the frustration clear on their faces. "What do you mean, you give up?" Jake asked. "We can't just quit now!"

Ram shook his head. "I'm not saying we should give up entirely, but we need to change our approach. We've been wandering around aimlessly for far too long, and it's not getting us anywhere."

Jake and Jason nodded in agreement, and we all set to work on formulating a new plan. It was clear that simply wandering through the multiverse wasn't going to cut it. We needed a new approach, one that would allow us to harness the full power of the relics and tap into the boundless atoms that make up the very fabric of the universe.

As we crush the boundless atoms in our hands, the air around us begins to vibrate with power. Suddenly, a group of r appear before us, representing the concept of Absolute Infinity. Their eyes glow with power as they challenge us for disturbing the balance of the cosmos.

Ram steps forward, calmly assessing the situation. "We mean no harm," he says, "we are just searching for the forgotten bowl. We had no idea that our actions would cause any harm."

The rednecks, however, are not willing to listen. They charge towards us with incredible speed, wielding the power of the Absolute Infinite. I can feel their power as they draw closer, their aura pulsating with energy.

Without hesitation, we charge towards them, harnessing the power of the relics and the cosmological hierarchy of cosmology itself. The battle is fierce, each side unleashing incredible power and destruction upon the other. I can feel the weight of the cosmological hierarchy of cosmology on my shoulders as I try to hold my ground against their relentless onslaught.

As the rednecks representing Absolute Infinity approach, their very presence radiates power that shakes the entire multiverse. They move with effortless grace and power, their every step causing entire universes to tremble.

One of the rednecks raises their hand, and suddenly the very fabric of space-time rips apart, revealing a gaping black hole that threatens to consume everything. I raise my own hand, and suddenly the black hole shudders and closes in on itself, unable to resist my own immense power.

The rednecks sneer, their omnipotence on full display as they cause entire galaxies to collide and explode with a mere thought. I reach out with my own powers, harnessing the energy of boundless atoms and unleashing a massive shockwave that obliterates their attacks and sends them flying.

But the rednecks are not so easily defeated. They converge on us with terrifying speed, their omnipresence allowing them to be everywhere at once. They create an infinite number of clones, surrounding us from all sides.

Ram steps forward, a glint in his eye. With a wave of his hand, he rips open a hole in reality, stepping into the space between dimensions. The rednecks follow, but Ram is ready for them. He traps them in a pocket infinite-D dimension, their omnipotence and omniscience useless against his mastery of higher dimensions.

But the rednecks refuse to go down without a fight. With a deafening roar, they shatter the walls of their prison, breaking free and unleashing an all-consuming blast of energy that threatens to erase us from existence.

I push my own powers to the limit, channelling the very forces of the entire cosmology into a massive energy beam that slams into the rednecks with the force of a supernova. They stagger, reeling from the impact, but still they refuse to fall.

With a final surge of power, I focus all of my energy into a single point, unleashing a massive blast that sends the rednecks hurtling into oblivion. They scream in agony, their omnipotence shattered, their omniscience useless, their very existence erased from the multiverse.

We stand victorious, our own powers still crackling with energy. But as we catch our breath, Ram suddenly speaks up, "Oh, by the way, we still need to find the Forgotten Bowl."

As Jake and his group prepare to leave the scene of the battle, the defeated rednecks, representatives of Absolute Infinity, gather their strength to speak, before revealing that that was only 0% of their power.

"You have done the unthinkable," said the rednecks. "Crushing the boundless atoms is an affront to our very being. We represent the Absolute Infinite, and you have angered us."

Ram retorted, "We only did what we had to do to get the forgotten bowl, the final ingredient for the unholy cereal."

"You don't understand," the rednecks said ominously. "Our power is beyond your comprehension. We are omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. We have the power of every single possible cosmological hierarchy of cosmology and reality. You cannot defeat us."

Jake, however, was not intimidated. "We may not have your power, but we have something greater: our bond as a team, our determination to see this through, and our willingness to do whatever it takes to succeed."

The rednecks sneered, "Your words are meaningless in the face of our absolute power. But we will indulge you. Come, face us in battle, and see just how powerless you truly are."

As the battle began, the rednecks used their boundless powers to warp reality itself, making the very fabric of space and time bend to their will. But Jake and his group refused to be cowed.

Ram summoned the power of the relics, channelling their energy to shield the group from the rednecks' attacks. Jake harnessed the power of the cosmology, using the energy of the cosmos to launch devastating attacks on their opponents. Jason tapped into the power of the multiverse, pulling in versions of himself from alternate realities to overwhelm the rednecks with sheer force of numbers.

Despite the rednecks' overwhelming power, Jake and his group fought on. They crushed the very limits of their existence and transcended the boundaries of the cosmological hierarchies to beat back the rednecks, their every move fueled by an unbreakable determination to succeed.

As the rednecks are on the verge of defeating Jake and his friends, Jake's eyes begin to glow with an otherworldly power. "It's Jake Vietnam'ing time," he says calmly, before beginning to Vietnam all over them.

The rednecks are caught off guard, as Jake's power seems to grow beyond all conceivable bounds. "What is this power?" one of them screams in terror.

"I AM IMMEASURABLE LAYERS INTO INFINITE POWERS OF BOUNDLESS EXTRAVERAL INFINITY AND ABOVE!!!" Jake screams, his voice echoing across the multiverse. His body begins to contort and shift, growing into a monstrous, demonic form that towers over the rednecks.

At the same time, Jason and Ram begin to scream similar quotes.



their bodies twisting and changing into equally monstrous forms. Together, the three of them unleash a torrent of power that obliterates the rednecks.

As the dust settles, Jake looks down at his hands in shock. "What... what just happened?"

Ram grins at him. "Looks like we just harnessed the power of the relics, the boundless atoms, the universe, multiverse, and more."

Jason nods in agreement. "We are truly the masters of the cosmos now."

The three of them share a moment of triumphant silence, before turning to head back to their world. As they walk away, the cosmology trembles beneath their feet, a testament to the immense power they now wield. I'd never used this much power in my life before.

I couldn't believe what had just happened. I had just screamed out and transformed into a monstrous form, and now the rednecks were defeated. One of them managed to say something before dying,

"You...you shouldn't have done that." I was confused about what they meant.

Suddenly, the entire state of Louisiana began to rise up from the destruction, still alive. It was unreal. I couldn't believe my eyes. The state was massive, and it spoke to us, challenging us to a rap battle. "You think you're tough, huh?" it boomed, pulling out a microphone that was bigger than anything I had ever seen, in fact, it transcended the concept of size! "Let's see what you've got. Bring it on!"

I was speechless. I didn't know how to rap, let alone against an entire state. But Ram and Jason seemed to take it in stride. Ram stepped forward and said, "You wanna go, Louisiana? You don't know who you're dealing with! We've just defeated the rednecks, and now you think you can take us on in a rap battle? You're messing with the wrong group, pal."

Louisiana just laughed. "I don't care who you think you are. I am the state of Louisiana, and I will not be defeated. Now, show me what you've got!"

I topped up the microphone… and spoke…

"I am Jake Vietnam! Commander of the cosmic planes

Little known fact: also dope on the mic, and spitting hot flames

You are the state of Louisiana, with your little bayous and swamps

And levees to cover up that soggy face that you call a front

You have the power to shift tides, I am a reality bender truly divine

Even went back in time and turned your existence into decline

'Cause look at you, you're not even a sentient being

I preferred you as an idea, the abstract version, not seeing"

But before i could continue, the mic was ripped from my hands as existence was threatened just by the mere lyrics of Louisiana!

"You can't rhyme against the dark side of the (Mississippi), why even bother?

So many (creatures) been with your (group), who even knows if I'm your (father)?

You're a pissed off little (boy) with a (gun)

You call that a (power)? I call that (having fun) on your (run)

You (dare challenge me), let me remind you who you're messing with

Everything that you did, I'm the (landmass) who (witnessed) it

I'm the original (state), you're like the (outskirts)

My (size) make yours look like someone took a (rock) and (dirtied) it"

I yelled with everything I got,

"You stink, Southerners, your tactics smell something stale

You need to step up your game, dawg, here, step in my trail

I'll turn all your powers against you, just my abilities breed prevail

What's your force vs a clan of all our strengths that never fail?"

It kept going, again and again,


Now, take a step back and let me chop yours off

A little carbonite freeze for your hot air,

We'll call my homeboy in DC, see who got the last laugh."

I was beaten, the rap was too far and I fell down, but, with my energy I had left, I saw Jason step forward and take the mic.

"You look stressed, Louisiana, you appear to be in pain

You need to take a vacation here, take a trip on my plane

I mean you leading an army of crocs? Disgraceful!

Even your mic skills still aren't fully operational

You got one power then gave in to the hate

Now you're punching and kicking but can't get a straight gate

No finesse, no class, just raw power and rage

You need a mentor, someone to guide you and be your sage

Use some of your force to fix your state's disarray

You think you're powerful with your hurricane sway?

You couldn't even get your own Saints into the Superbowl!

Everything you do is an epic fail

Now stand at attention and hear my tale

What's wrong Louisiana? Can't take anymore?

Not surprising coming from the state with no rapport

Yeah! Take that, Louisiana!"

The tide was turning in our favour, as even Ram stepped up right after, delivering a kickass verse of his own.

Screw you, you big mountainous cunt!

I'll kick your rednecks and your balls! A cook on two fronts!!

The Jake Vietnam will crush the state!! Like a rap gang here!!

I put the dimensions in the eggs! I'm sick on this mic!

I beat you twice, you sellout, now you bow down to my sausage

You call yourself a state? You couldn't even conquer anyone else!

You're just a sad fucking dumbass who needs some loving

Well I baked you something, here, pop into my 5th dimensional eggs!!

Upon all of us releasing our bars, Louisiana groaned, that itself destroying an infinite amount of relics, and after this, the state exploded into a hundred bits. As everything went back to normal, except of course, the US had a massive fucking hole in it.

I looked at the other two, with a small chuckle, "I didn't know you guys could rap that well."

After this, I looked at Ram's hand, as he presented the forgotten bowl, inside of it I could view the entire cosmology, it seemed as if we were ready…

decided to a different kind of battle for the last one, say how ya like it!

Icarus_Cosmologycreators' thoughts