
The Hidden Wizard

Manga adaptation STARTING NOW https://thehiddenwizardviet.wixsite.com/the-hidden-wizard-ma Jake Vietnam was once a being of immeasurable power, one above all concepts of existence. However, what happens when a being of such inaccessible power goes down upon Earth and reincarnates as a boy? What happens when a famous chef wants his revenge on him for a reason he doesn't know? What happens when he has to band together with a former teacher and an enemy of the army against the 7th dimensional cereal the chef wants to obtain? Find out by reading the Hidden Wizard. Follow my TikTok for lore segments! https://www.tiktok.com/@icarus_cosmology Check out the wiki here! https://the-hidden-wizard.fandom.com/wiki/The_Hidden_Wizard_Wiki

Icarus_Cosmology · Fantasy
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31 Chs


I woke up to the smell of sizzling bacon and eggs. Jason was already up and cooking breakfast, but he wasn't alone. There was a soldier standing next to him, wearing the uniform of Gordon Rameusy's army.

"Good morning," the soldier said as we rubbed the sleep from our eyes. "My name is Ram and I've defected from Gordon's army. I need your help."

Ram was different from the others we had encountered. They used "he/ram" pronouns, which was a new concept for us. Ram explained that in this universe, there were different realms and dimensions, each with its own cosmology and rules. In some realms, the traditional binary pronouns didn't apply and individuals could identify as any combination of "he," "she," or "ram."

"It's all about the layers of existence and the balance between the masculine and feminine energies," Ram said, as he expertly flipped the eggs in the pan. "In the realm where I come from, the use of 'ram' as a pronoun is a reflection of the balance between the two energies."

We were both overwhelmed by the explanation, but also fascinated. Ram continued to cook and explain the cosmology of this realm as we listened intently.

"You see, the use of 'ram' pronouns is a way to break free from the limitations of the binary and tap into the transcendent power of the universe. It's a way to merge with the cosmos and transcend beyond the boundaries of the self."

As we ate breakfast, Ram told us about Gordon Rameusy's army and the destruction they were causing throughout the multiverse. They were determined to find and control the source of the universe's power, and were willing to destroy anything in their way.

Jason and I both grinned. "Thanks," I replied. "What have we got here?"

The stranger chuckled. "Just some eggs and some herbs I gathered. But let me tell you, these are not just any eggs. These are 5th dimensional eggs."

I raised an eyebrow. "5th dimensional eggs? I've never heard of such a thing."

Ram nodded, taking on a more serious expression. "You see, in this verse, we understand the concept of dimensions beyond the physical realm. The 4th dimension, for example, is time. And the 5th dimension? Well, it's a little harder to explain. It's a place where all possibilities exist simultaneously, a place of pure potentiality. And within this dimension, lies the essence of all life, all energy, all matter."

He turned back to the pot, stirring the eggs carefully. "And by incorporating the energy of the 5th dimension into these eggs, we are infusing them with a unique power and vitality. It's a simple process, really, but it takes a great deal of control and precision to do it just right."

I was fascinated by the stranger's explanation. "And what is your connection to this cosmology?" I asked.

Jason nodded in agreement, "Yes, the way the eggs behave in their raw state, they represent the chaos and unpredictability of the 5th dimension."

Jake frowned, "But how does that translate to cooking them?"

Ram explained, "Well, as we cook the eggs, we're essentially manipulating the 5th dimension. The heat and the way we mix the eggs, it all changes the outcome of the final product."

Jake couldn't help but be amazed by the sheer complexity of it all. It was as if the universe was one giant puzzle, and cooking was just one small piece of it.

As they cooked, Ram continued to explain the cosmology of the verse. He spoke of the different layers of reality, each one more complex and intertwined with the next.

As they finished cooking, the three of them sat down to eat. As they took their first bites, Jake couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. They were using their knowledge of the universe to make a simple meal, and it felt like they were making a difference in their own small way.

Ram nodded in agreement as they cracked open an egg into the pan. "And don't forget the sausages. They represent the fourth dimension, giving the breakfast a heartiness and grounding that can only be achieved by understanding the laws of time."

I watched in amazement as the three of us cooked up a storm in the kitchen, using our knowledge of cosmology to create a breakfast that was not just delicious, but truly cosmic in nature. And as I sat down to eat, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the strange journey I was on with Jason and Ram.

As we sat around the breakfast table, chowing down on some delicious 4th dimensional bacon and 3rd dimensional sausages, Ram suddenly brought up something that seemed to cast a dark shadow over our meal. "Have you ever heard of the forbidden 7th dimensional cereal?" he asked, with a hint of fear in his voice.

I shook my head, completely unaware of what he was talking about. "What is that?" I asked.

"It's a type of cereal that is said to have a connection with Gordon Rameusy, dark magic, and it's also the weakness of the Stellar Heavenly Child," Ram explained. "It's forbidden for good reason. Using it could lead to dire consequences."

I was stunned. I had never heard of anything like this before. "Why is it the weakness of the Stellar Heavenly Child?" I asked, eager to learn more.

Ram sighed deeply. "The 7th dimensional cereal is said to contain a dark energy that Gordon Rameusy has harnessed and used to his advantage. It's also said that the Stellar Heavenly Child is the only source of power that can defeat him. If we were to use this cereal, it would weaken the Child and give Gordon the upper hand."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. The thought of using something that could potentially harm the very being that was our only hope for defeating Gordon was terrifying. I couldn't even imagine what would happen if he got his hands on that kind of power.

"We must never use that cereal," Ram concluded. "No matter how delicious it may seem, the consequences are just too great."

I nodded in agreement, feeling a mixture of fear and gratitude for having Ram with us on our journey. He had helped us understand the dangers that lay ahead, and I was determined to do everything in my power to keep the Stellar Heavenly Child safe and defeat Gordon once and for all.

With full bellies and a newfound appreciation for the complexity of the universe, they set out on their journey once again, determined to stop Gordon Rameusy and bring peace to the multiverse.

With this newfound information weighing heavily on our minds, Jason, Ram and I decided to set out on our next mission. We had heard rumors of a powerful sorceress who lived in a far-off village, rumored to possess knowledge of the forbidden 7th dimensional cereal and its connection to Gordon Rameusy.

With this as our goal, we made our way through dense forests and treacherous mountains, braving the elements and facing danger at every turn. But finally, after many days of travel, we arrived at the sorceress's abode.

As we approached the sorceress, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. Her aura was powerful, but also foreboding. I took a deep breath and stepped forward to speak with her.

"Greetings, sorceress," I said. "We are seeking your wisdom and guidance on a matter of great importance."

She looked at us with piercing eyes, studying each of us intently. After what felt like an eternity, she finally spoke. "I am known as Morgath, the Guardian of the Nexus."

"Morgath," I repeated, nodding respectfully. "We have been told that you possess knowledge of the forbidden 7th dimensional cereal and its connection to Gordon Rameusy."

Morgath's expression darkened. "Yes, I am aware of this dangerous substance. It is not meant to be used by mere mortals. Its power is beyond what you can imagine."

"We must defeat Gordon Rameusy," I said, determined. "Is there any way we can use this cereal to our advantage?"

Morgath shook her head. "The 7th dimensional cereal is the weakness of the Stellar Heavenly Child, the being who created our universe. To use it would be to risk destroying everything we hold dear."

"But there must be a way," Ram interjected. "We will do whatever it takes to stop Gordon."

Morgath considered this for a moment. "There may be a way," she said slowly. "But it will require great sacrifice, and the consequences could be dire."

We listened intently as Morgath explained the perilous journey that lay ahead of us. But no matter the cost, we knew that we had to stop Gordon Rameusy, even if it meant risking everything we held dear.

The first lead was a dungeon close by a normal looking village, but the villagers told us that people come out and perform a ritual only few have viewed and survived.

I stepped into the dungeon with Jason and Ram by my side, our nerves jangling with anticipation. The air was thick with magic, and I felt it tingling along my skin as we made our way down the dark, twisting tunnels.

"We're getting close," Ram said, her voice low and tense. "I can feel it."

Jason nodded, his hand straying to the hilt of his sword. "Let's be careful," he said. "These worshippers of the forbidden cereal are not to be trifled with."

We crept deeper into the dungeon, our footsteps echoing off the stone walls. Suddenly, Ram let out a gasp and pointed down a side passage. "Look!" she whispered.

In the distance, I could see a faint glow, like a hundred candles flickering in the darkness. As we approached, I realized that it was a chamber, filled with men and women in hooded robes, chanting in hushed tones.

"We've found them," Jason said, unsheathing his sword. "Let's take them down!"

But before we could make a move, one of the hooded figures stepped forward, his hand raised in greeting. "Welcome, travelers," he said, his voice echoing through the chamber. "We've been expecting you."

I felt a shiver run down my spine as I looked into his dark, mysterious eyes. This was not going to be an easy fight.

I felt Ram tense beside me as the cultist reached into a small pouch and withdrew a single grain of cereal. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. With just that one small grain, the cultist created an entirely new reality around us.

As I stood in the dungeon, facing the cultist who held the tiny crumb of the forbidden 7th dimensional cereal, I knew that this battle would be like no other. The cultist had already demonstrated their immense power by creating an alternate reality with just that small grain, and I couldn't even imagine what they would be capable of with a whole bowl.

Ram warned us that this was just the beginning, and that Gordon Rameusy sought to acquire the cereal for himself. But at that moment, all I could think about was surviving the fight ahead of us.

Jason and Ram stood on either side of me, weapons at the ready. We were a trio of cosmic warriors, each with our own strengths and abilities. Jason wielded a sword made from the fabric of space-time itself, while Ram had a bow that could shoot arrows of pure energy. I myself was armed with a staff that could harness the power of the stars.

The cultist laughed, a wicked sound that echoed through the dungeon. "You think you can defeat me with those weapons?" they jeered. "I am omnipresent within this reality, I am everywhere and nowhere!"

But we were not afraid. We had faced impossible odds before, and we were ready to do it again. The battle began with a flurry of cosmic weapons and spells, each one more powerful than the last. Jason's sword sliced through the air, leaving a trail of shimmering light in its wake, while Ram's arrows lit up the room like a barrage of stars.

I added my own magic to the mix, calling forth the power of the cosmos to create a shield that protected us from the cultist's attacks. The battle raged on, each of us dodging and weaving, striking and counter striking.

At that moment, the cultist pulled out that massive spoon. It was as if they had conjured it from another dimension. The handle was as tall as a building and the bowl of the spoon was wider than the reality we were in. Ram, Jason, and I all took a step back, momentarily stunned by the sheer size of it.

The cultist brandished the spoon like a weapon, its size giving them an advantage over us. They used it to swipe at us, trying to knock us off our feet, but we were quick to dodge and jump out of the way.

We quickly regrouped and began to use our own weapons and spells, trying to chip away at the massive spoon. But every time we thought we had made progress, the spoon would repair itself before our very eyes. It was as if the spoon had its own will and was determined to stay intact.

We fought on, determined to destroy the spoon and end the cultist's control over reality. And then, finally, with a final burst of cosmic energy, the spoon shattered into a million pieces. The cultist let out a scream as they were thrown back by the explosion.

In a final effort, the cultist grabbed the tiny crumb of cereal, and I watched in horror as they created a new reality, sending us tumbling into a parallel universe. But we were not defeated yet. We continued to fight, each strike more powerful than the last, until finally, with a mighty blow, I shattered the crumb and returned us to the dungeon.

In that moment, an infinite number of alternate realities were destroyed, and we were transported back to the broken remains of the dungeon. We looked around, panting and covered in sweat, but victorious.

"That was... intense," I said, still in disbelief at what had just happened.

"It's not over yet," Ram warned, "That was only 1 crumb of the 7th dimensional cereal, and that's what it caused… imagine a whole bowl. That is what Gordon Rameusy has the power to acquire!"

Here is where it gets juicy! more action! hope you enjoy!!

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