
The Hidden Wizard

Manga adaptation STARTING NOW https://thehiddenwizardviet.wixsite.com/the-hidden-wizard-ma Jake Vietnam was once a being of immeasurable power, one above all concepts of existence. However, what happens when a being of such inaccessible power goes down upon Earth and reincarnates as a boy? What happens when a famous chef wants his revenge on him for a reason he doesn't know? What happens when he has to band together with a former teacher and an enemy of the army against the 7th dimensional cereal the chef wants to obtain? Find out by reading the Hidden Wizard. Follow my TikTok for lore segments! https://www.tiktok.com/@icarus_cosmology Check out the wiki here! https://the-hidden-wizard.fandom.com/wiki/The_Hidden_Wizard_Wiki

Icarus_Cosmology · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs


Once they did, they were greeted by a strange-looking woman who introduced herself as the Game Master.

"Welcome to The Infinite Game," she said with a wide grin. "Here, you'll find games like you've never seen before. Each one is designed to test the limits of your mind and challenge your understanding of one atom within the land."

Jake, Jason, and Ram exchanged glances, unsure of what to expect. They were each given a ball and shrunk down to atomic levels, where they were to play the first game.

As they played, they soon realized that the game was not just about physical skill or luck, but about understanding advanced mathematical concepts. The ball they were using contained a Tegmark Type 4 multiverse amplified by set theory, and each time it bounced, it created a new universe with different mathematical laws. They had to quickly adapt to the new laws to keep the ball in play.

As they moved on to the next game, they found themselves delving deeper into the realm of advanced mathematics. The games required an understanding of concepts such as the 0-1 axiom, all contained inside of a small atom which Jake kicked to the other side of the room, creating an explosion in the world beyond inaccessible cardinals.

The next one involved the V=ultimate L conjecture theory, which Ram crushed inside of his pan. At one point, they even harnessed the power of extended modal realism to complete a game.

Jason was amazed by the depth of the mathematical concepts involved in the games. "This is insane," he muttered to himself. "I can't believe we're actually using these concepts to play games, isn't this just to make us irrelevant layers beyond the tiering system?"

"Who cares, it's fun." Ram replied.

Despite the difficulty, the trio managed to complete all of the games. As they finished the final game, they were suddenly transported to a white void, where they saw the Game Master standing before them.

"Congratulations," she said. "You've proven yourselves to be worthy players. As a reward, you each receive a mahlo cardinal amount of follars."

Jake, Jason, and Ram blinked in confusion as they suddenly found themselves back in the game center, sized up to normal. They looked at their hands and saw that they were holding a small bag filled with follars.

"Well, I guess we got what we came for," Jake said with a shrug.

As they walked out of The Infinite Game, they couldn't help but wonder about the strange world of Ozymandias and the bizarre games they had just played. But for now, they were just glad to have their money back and be out of Madam Zara's grasp.

After winning the games, Jake, Jason, and Ram were rewarded with a staggering amount of follars. They counted the money in disbelief, hardly believing their luck.

"We did it," Ram exclaimed. "We have the money to pay off Madam Zara!"

The trio headed back to where they had met the old woman. When they arrived, they found Madam Zara waiting for them with a satisfied smirk on her face.

"Ah, you've returned," she said. "Do you have the money?"

Jake stepped forward, holding out the bag of follars. "Here it is," he said. "Now leave us alone."

Madam Zara took the bag and began counting the money. But as she counted, her expression changed. "This isn't enough," she snarled. "I demand more!"

Jason's eyes narrowed. "We paid you what we owed," he said. "We're not giving you anything else."

Madam Zara's face twisted with rage. "You fools," she hissed. "Do you really think I'd let you go so easily? You have something that I want, and I'm not going to let you walk away with it."

Suddenly, Madam Zara lunged forward, brandishing a wicked-looking knife. The trio sprang into action, dodging and weaving as she attacked them. Jake managed to grab the knife and disarm her, while Ram tackled her to the ground.

But as they subdued her, Madam Zara let out a cackling laugh. "You may have won this battle," she said, "but the war has just begun. You have no idea what you're up against."

With those ominous words, Madam Zara disappeared in a cloud of smoke, leaving the trio alone in the forest. They looked at each other, shaken by the encounter.

"What did she mean?" Ram asked.

Jake shrugged. "I don't know," he said. "But I have a feeling that this isn't the last we'll see of her."

Jake, Jason, and Ram walked out of the rundown building, their heads still spinning from their encounter with Madam Zara. They stepped out onto the street, but something seemed off. The bustling crowds they had seen before were gone, replaced by an eerie silence. The street was empty except for an old woman sitting on her porch, rocking back and forth in her chair.

Jason approached the woman, his heart racing. "What happened to everyone?" he asked, his voice trembling.

The woman looked up at him, her eyes filled with sadness. "A rival beyond-dimensional country found out about your presence here, as the only males in this narrative," she said in a hushed tone. "They've declared war on this city, and everyone has fled."

Jake, Jason, and Ram exchanged worried glances. They had stumbled into something much bigger than they had ever imagined. They knew they needed to leave the city as soon as possible.

As they walked away from the old woman's house, they heard the distant sounds of explosions and gunfire. They quickened their pace, determined to get out of the city before it was too late.