
The Hidden Wizard

Manga adaptation STARTING NOW https://thehiddenwizardviet.wixsite.com/the-hidden-wizard-ma Jake Vietnam was once a being of immeasurable power, one above all concepts of existence. However, what happens when a being of such inaccessible power goes down upon Earth and reincarnates as a boy? What happens when a famous chef wants his revenge on him for a reason he doesn't know? What happens when he has to band together with a former teacher and an enemy of the army against the 7th dimensional cereal the chef wants to obtain? Find out by reading the Hidden Wizard. Follow my TikTok for lore segments! https://www.tiktok.com/@icarus_cosmology Check out the wiki here! https://the-hidden-wizard.fandom.com/wiki/The_Hidden_Wizard_Wiki

Icarus_Cosmology · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs


As we approached the abandoned factory that was supposed to be Gordon's hideout, we could see that something was off. The building seemed to be glowing with a strange energy, and as we got closer, it became clear that the factory was not just an ordinary building.

"Holy crap, this place is insane," I said as I looked around in awe.


Ian added, "I can sense that there are endless universes, multiverses, and timelines that exist within this realm. It's beyond anything we've seen before."

Cameron, who exists beyond the concept of edges, seemed to be unfazed by the strange surroundings, while Sammy Sealand, with the boundless power of 27 people in Sealand, was equally amazed.

As we approached the entrance, we could see that the building was made up of the super hyper cereal, which was the source of its boundless power. The cereal seemed to be alive, pulsing with an otherworldly energy.

"We have to be careful here," Ram warned us. "The cereal is what gives this place its power, and it won't hesitate to defend itself if it feels threatened."

We proceeded cautiously, making our way through the endless corridors and rooms that seemed to go on forever. Every turn led to another mind-boggling sight, with strange creatures and bizarre landscapes that defied explanation.

As we pressed on, we began to feel the presence of Gordon and his men. We could sense their malevolent energy, lurking in the shadows, waiting for us to make a wrong move.

But we were determined to find Gordon and put an end to his tyranny once and for all.

As the group approached the entrance of Gordon's hideout, Jake spoke up, "Alright, everyone, we've come too far to let Gordon slip through our fingers. Let's put our plan into action."

There was 7 paths, which they indicated through directions.c

Ram nodded, "Agreed. We need to split up and cover as much ground as possible. We'll take the left path."

Jason chimed in, "Cameron and I will take the right paths."

Sammy spoke up, "I'll take the center path. My boundless power will help me navigate through any obstacles."

Ian added, "I'll take the path on the far left. I can create a realm beyond boundlessly atom'd dimensions to confuse and disorient any enemies."

Annie exclaimed, "HELLO FELLAS I'M THE GOAT! I'll take the path on the far right. My cosmic powers will surely come in handy."

Jake nodded, "Alright, let's move out. Stay alert and use your powers wisely."

The group split up and headed towards their respective paths. As they approached the paths, they saw seven different openings leading to various realms beyond their understanding.


As Annie approaches her designated path, she notices that it's surrounded by thick, black fog that makes it difficult to see what's ahead. She takes a deep breath and confidently strides forward, her goat-like eyesight piercing through the darkness.

As she moves further into the fog, she suddenly finds herself in a large chamber that appears to be made entirely out of stone. The walls are etched with strange symbols and there are several pillars standing tall in the center of the room.

"HELLO FELLAS I'M THE GOAT!" Annie announces, her voice echoing throughout the chamber. She looks around, trying to get her bearings, when she suddenly hears a low growling noise.

She turns around to see a massive beast with razor-sharp teeth and glowing red eyes charging towards her. Without missing a beat, Annie jumps into action, using her boundless agility to dodge the beast's attacks and quickly maneuvering around it.

As she moves around the creature, Annie notices that the symbols on the wall begin to glow and pulse with energy. She realizes that the symbols are the key to defeating the beast.

With a swift motion, Annie reaches out and grabs onto one of the pillars, using her boundless strength to rip it out of the ground. She then hurls the pillar towards the wall, shattering the symbols and causing a massive explosion of energy.

The blast engulfs the beast, causing it to let out a loud roar before it dissolves into nothingness. Annie stands there, panting heavily, as the fog begins to clear and she can see the next part of her path opening up before her.

She puts a voice call to the others, to signify that she reached,

"HELLO FELLAS I AM THE GOAT! I've reached the end, over."


Ram steps up to the second path, which is an enormous kitchen with ingredients and cooking tools scattered everywhere. The air is filled with the delicious aroma of food, making his mouth water.

Ram takes a deep breath and inhales the aromas. "Oh man, this smells heavenly," he says.

As he looks around the kitchen, he sees the ingredients are beyond anything he's ever seen before. He sees eggs that have more than three dimensions and sausages that can stretch into more than seven dimensions. There are fruits and vegetables that seem to change colors every second, and spices that are beyond his imagination.

Ram begins to cook, utilizing his boundless cooking skills. He combines the ingredients in the most unexpected ways, making dishes that have never existed before. As he cooks, the food he creates gives off a dazzling glow and is beyond anything that anyone in the group has ever tasted before.


Suddenly, the kitchen shakes and morphs into a dark and shadowy version of itself. The aroma of the food changes to a putrid stench, and the ingredients become foul and rotting.

Ram realizes that he has to use his boundless cooking skills to fight against this illusion. He takes out his trusty frying pan and whips up a quick dish using the rotten ingredients. The food's stench is so strong that it sends a shockwave through the illusion, and the kitchen transforms back into its original state.


Ram continues to cook, creating even more dishes, which dispel the illusions and restores the kitchen's true form. Finally, he reaches the end of the path, where he finds a staircase leading upwards.

"Time to join the others," Ram says, and he starts to climb the stairs with a smile on his face, savoring the flavors of the boundless ingredients in his mouth.

"Yo, guys I've reached, over." Ram says.


As Jason steps onto his path, he feels a rush of power surging through him. His voice echoes and reverberates throughout the realm, shaking the very foundations of the multiverses. He takes a deep breath and lets out an ear-splitting scream that shatters reality itself.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" he bellows, his voice piercing through the fabric of time and space. The sound waves ripple through the air, creating shockwaves that distort the very laws of physics.

As he continues to scream, he notices that the very nature of the path is changing. The walls start to crumble, the ground shakes beneath his feet, and the air itself warps and distorts. He raises his voice even higher, pushing the limits of his own vocal cords.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" he screams again, pouring every ounce of his boundless power into his voice. The path trembles and shakes, and he can feel the very essence of the realm bending to his will.

Suddenly, a figure appears before him, its body made entirely of soundwaves. Jason recognizes it as one of Gordon's minions, sent to stop him from reaching their leader. He grins and takes a deep breath, preparing to unleash his full power.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" he screams one last time, and the sound wave crashes into the minion with the force of a thousand boundless suns. The minion shatters into a million pieces, and the path ahead opens up, revealing the way to Gordon's lair.

Breathless but victorious, Jason moves on, his scream still echoing throughout the realm, transcending fiction and the narrative itself.

Jason says to the others, nearly out of breath but still yelling,



As Sammy stepped onto his path, he felt a sense of familiarity wash over him. It was like he was back in Sealand, with all of his people around him. But he quickly realized that it was just an illusion created by the path.

Suddenly, he heard a voice behind him. "Ello Sammy, it's yer ol' man Bryan Britain," the man said in a thick cockney accent. "I bet ya didn't expect ta see me 'ere."

Sammy turned around and saw his dad, who had abandoned him and his people when he was just a child. "Dad, what are you doing here?" Sammy asked, a mix of confusion and anger in his voice.

"I'm 'ere to stop ya, Sammy. Ya can't just go around doin' whatever ya want with yer powers," Bryan replied, pulling out a sword.

Sammy realized he had no choice but to fight. He closed his eyes and focused on his Sealand power. He felt the strength of 27 people flow through him as he opened his eyes and charged at his dad.

Sammy shook his head. "No, Dad. My power is meant to protect and help people, not control them."

Bryan sneered. "Bah, you always were a softie. Let me show you what real power looks like!" With that, he lunged at Sammy, and the two began to fight.

Sammy summoned the power of his Sealand, and 27 versions of himself appeared beside him. They all charged at Bryan, each one attacking from a different angle. But Bryan was quick and agile, dodging and weaving around their attacks. He countered with a flurry of punches and kicks, each one hitting its mark.

Sammy and his Sealand selves regrouped, trying to come up with a new plan. Suddenly, one of the Sealand versions had an idea. "Sammy, use our combined power to create a massive wave!"

Sammy nodded and closed his eyes, focusing all of his power into creating a giant wave. The wave crashed towards Bryan, who was caught off guard and thrown back. Sammy and his Sealand selves charged forward, ready to finish the fight.

Bryan was ready, though. He had one last trick up his sleeve. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small device. He pressed a button, and suddenly, the entire factory began to shake.

"What did you do?!" Sammy yelled.

Bryan grinned. "I activate' the 'elf-destruct sequence. You and your friends will never make it out alive!"

Sammy knew he had to act fast. He focused his Sealand power, and all 27 versions of himself combined into one powerful force. He launched himself at Bryan, punching him with all his might. Bryan was knocked back, and the device flew out of his hand, landing on the ground.

Sammy looked at the device, then back at Bryan. "You're finished, Dad. It's over."

Bryan glared at Sammy. "You may have won this time, but I'll be back. You'll see."

With that, Bryan disappeared in a puff of smoke. The self-destruct sequence stopped, and the factory fell silent. Sammy breathed a sigh of relief and joined the rest of his friends, ready to continue their mission.

Sammy walked through, tears in his eyes, "I made it."


As Ian entered the path, he saw Parker Pakistan waiting for him with a smug look on his face.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Ian India. I never thought I'd see the day when you hit rock bottom and teamed up with these losers," Parker taunted.

"I don't need to team up with anyone to defeat you, Parker," Ian replied calmly.

"Ha! You always were too full of yourself, Ian. But now you're all alone and I have a little surprise for you," Parker said as he stroked his long, bushy beard.

Ian knew Parker's beard was dangerous, capable of tipping the entire cosmology. But Ian had a trick up his sleeve as well - his turban, which could do the same. As they charged at each other, Ian quickly put on his turban, causing the entire path to shake.

Parker tried to counter with his beard, but Ian was too quick for him. Ian dodged every attack and landed several blows of his own, causing Parker to stumble backwards.

"You can't beat me, Parker. My turban is too powerful for your beard," Ian taunted.

Parker gritted his teeth and charged at Ian once again. But Ian was ready for him. He used his turban to create a massive shockwave, knocking Parker off his feet.

"I may have hit rock bottom, Parker, but at least I'm not working with Gordon," Ian said as he stood over Parker's defeated form. As Ian walked away, however, Parker revealed this was only his first form.

Parker growled back, "Don't you dare talk to me like that, Ian! I'll show you what I've become!"

With that, Parker let out a roar that shook the very fabric of reality. Ian's turban glowed as he channeled his power, determined not to let Parker win. The two of them charged towards each other, and the collision between their energies created a shockwave that reverberated throughout all narratives. This was an average Indian movie fight.

As they fought, they traded blows that altered the very fabric of the cosmological hierarchy of cosmology. Parker's beard was a formidable weapon, twisting and warping space and time around them. Ian's turban, however, was just as powerful, tipping entire cosmologies on their heads.

The two of them clashed, their powers colliding in a blinding display of light and energy. They were both determined to come out on top, to prove their superiority over the other. And as the fight raged on, it became clear that neither of them was going to back down.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Ian's turban began to glow brighter and brighter. Parker's beard crackled with energy, and the two of them let out one final burst of power. The shockwave that followed obliterated the entire realm they were in, and the two of them were flung back into reality.

As they landed, exhausted but victorious, Ian smirked at Parker and said, "Looks like I win again, old friend."

Parker scowled, but couldn't deny the power of Ian's turban. "You may have won this time, Ian. But I'll be back, stronger than ever."

With that, Parker disappeared into the ether, leaving Ian alone to bask in his victory.

Ian walked through, and says, "I'm here."


Cameron Cambodia, beyond the concept of edges, entered his path with determination. As he walked forward, he found himself in a completely dark and silent space. He couldn't see or hear anything.

"Okay, this is a bit creepy," Cameron said, his voice echoing in the darkness.

Suddenly, the space lit up with a bright light, revealing a massive labyrinth stretching out in front of him. It was so vast that Cameron couldn't even see the end of it.

"Wow," he said, amazed. "This is boundless!"

He started to walk through the labyrinth, using his powers to navigate through the twists and turns. However, he soon realized that the labyrinth was alive and constantly changing. The walls shifted and morphed, leading him in different directions.

Cameron's eyes widened as he encountered several traps and obstacles along the way. There were bottomless pits, razor-sharp spikes, and even giant boulders rolling towards him.

Using his beyond the concept of edges powers, Cameron deftly dodged and avoided the traps, making his way deeper into the labyrinth.

"This is insane," he said to himself, impressed by the labyrinth's complexity.

As he reached the center of the labyrinth, he found a massive room filled with treasure. There were piles of gold coins, precious jewels, and even boundless artifacts.

Cameron's eyes widened in amazement as he stepped forward to claim the treasure. However, as he reached out to grab it, the treasure began to shift and change, revealing itself to be an illusion.

Cameron laughed to himself, realizing that the treasure was just another trick of the labyrinth. He used his beyond the concept of edges powers to navigate his way back out, feeling satisfied that he had successfully completed his path.

As Jake stepped onto his path, he was immediately transported to a realm of darkness. He could barely see his hand in front of his face, and the ground beneath his feet was uneven. He could feel the air around him pulsating with a dark energy.

Suddenly, he heard a voice in his head. It was a voice he recognized all too well - it was the voice of Guy Fierussy. "Jake Vietnam," the voice boomed. "You may have defeated me, but you will never escape your past."

As the voice faded, Jake was hit with a series of vivid flashbacks. He saw himself destroying entire worlds, killing countless innocent beings in the process. He saw the pain and suffering he had caused, and he felt overwhelming guilt and regret.

In the midst of his vision, Jake heard a faint whisper. "You can't change the past, Jake," the voice said. "But you can make a difference now."

Jake snapped out of his trance and saw a small orb of light in the distance. He ran towards it, his heart racing with anticipation. As he got closer, he realized that it was a portal - the only way out of this dark realm.


But before he could reach the portal, he was ambushed by a horde of shadow creatures. They clawed at him relentlessly, tearing at his flesh with their razor-sharp claws. Jake fought back with all his might, unleashing his boundless powers to obliterate his foes.


Finally, he broke through the last of the shadow creatures and reached the portal. He stepped through it and found himself back in the real world, panting and covered in sweat.


Finally, Jake emerged, last of the group.

After completing their individual paths, the group reunites in a large, open chamber. As they gather, they take a moment to catch their breath and reflect on what they've just experienced.

Annie, as usual, is the first to speak. "HELLO FELLAS I'M THE GOAT! That was quite an adventure! My path was filled with all sorts of strange and wonderful things. I never knew that boundless goats could be so dangerous!"

Ram chimes in, "My path was all about cooking, and I have to say, I've never cooked anything like that before! Those 5D eggs and 7D sausages were something else. But it was worth it in the end."

Jason shakes his head, still recovering from his screaming-induced headache. "My path was just screaming, screaming, and more screaming. I'm surprised I didn't lose my voice. But hey, at least it worked!"

Sammy nods in agreement. "Yeah, my path was pretty intense too. I had to use all my Sealand powers just to keep up with my dad. I can't believe he would betray me like that."

Ian crosses his arms, still a bit miffed from his encounter with Parker. "My path was... challenging. But I was able to tip the entire cosmology with my turban, so I'd say it was worth it."

Cameron, ever the stoic one, simply nods. "My path was beyond the concept of edges. It was... interesting."

Jake is quiet for a moment before finally speaking up. "My path was... different. I saw things that I wish I could forget, things I did when I was in my monster demon form that I couldn't control. But I also saw what we're fighting for, what we're trying to protect. It was... necessary."

They all stand in silence for a few moments, reflecting on the paths they've taken and the battles they've fought. But they all know that their mission isn't over yet. There's still one more challenge ahead, one that will require all of their powers and all of their determination to overcome.