
The Hidden Wife Of The Whirlwind Marriage

"Music is a piece of art that goes into the ears straight to the heart." ... Avatar Kapoor a cold and heartless Ceo is forced to get married to a woman by the name,Mahi by his father. Avatar had a girlfriend who he met in his college days,but she left him, after she left, he never intrested in anyone. Because of the continuous nagging of his grandmother, he decided married to whoever girl his parents decide him for. Mahi have everything in her life family career and her friends. A well known singer Mahi Malhotra, she is just 18 years old and wanted nothing but a perfect live. But her every plan disturb when her father got into an accident and some incident lead her get married to Avatar. what happened when two people without love get into each other's life. will they fall for each other or just fall out. . . . Instagram :- missiyashergill

Siya_Shergill · Urban
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76 Chs

13. Lavish Party

Today's Old Mr Kapoor's operation everyone left for the hospital after Mahi do her first kitchen ritual in which she have to make something sweet for everyone.

She make Gajar ka halwa (carrot-based sweet dessert pudding) and everyone praise her. She knows how to cook as her mother and her elder mother teach how to cook to her and her siblings. They all six brothers and sisters know how to cook.

After that everyone left for the hospital expect Mahi as she have to go to my parents house for their pag phera.

During this ceremony the newly wedded daughter comes back to her paternal home for the first time. It is the brother who usually goes to fetch his sister from her husband's house. Mahi stays with her parents for a day, after which the Avatar arrives to take his wife back. As Old Mr Kapoor surgery got successful.

Avatar in his first official visit to his in-laws place after the wedding is extended the warmest welcome. It is time for yet another feast especially for the Avatar. Avatar also seek blessings from his in-laws and requesting for permission he leaves with his better half to begin the new journey together.


Inside the car

"Is this much security always follows you?" Mahi ask randomly it's nothing new for her as it is common in her family also it just that her brother is a underworld King so people thinks hundred time before getting into any conflict with them.

"why? Didn't your brother got followed by bodyguards? Avatar ask instead answering her.

"No! they got followed by bodyguards all the time." Mahi sigh "Even some time they followed by military officers as uncle is President."

Avatar rise his well defined brow "Your family is untouchable is there in politics underground world and also in business."

"But I still have to hug a big thigh!" They both laugh.

"Do you know the reason I agree to marry you is?" Avatar suddenly changed the topic.

"It's not very hard to guess anyone who had such big opportunity never miss a second to marry me, as they gain power in both politics and underworld." Mahi said with a straight face.

"smart!" Avatar said while adding "But there is also another reason you click me when we met the first time. I was attracted by your voice and those two eyes."

"offcourse!" Mahi said proudly "My eyes are seductive and my voice is seductress. It's can also seduce you, so try to escape from me."

"oh!" Aadhar exclaim "And what if I told you that I am already seduce by it then." it's a statement not a question.

"Ahh..." taking a deep breath I came with an answer "Good then, as we have to spend our life with each other it good to be seduced by me than anybody else."

Avatar just chuckled and her held Mahi's left hand and leave a kiss on it. Mahi got startled and want to retrieve her hand but Avatar hold it tightly and place both their entangled hand on his lap.

Mahi is still looking at their hand when suddenly Avatar face her and left a peck on her lips while saying "You're mine!"

Mahi don't know what to say and what to think but suddenly she noticed they are not going toward Kapoor Mansion "where are we going?"

Avatar lazily said "Airport back to Mumbai today is our reception party."


When Mahi and Avatar reach Mumbai in Avatar's private aircraft. He directly take her to his own Mansion where designers and makeup artist is waiting for there arrival.

Avatar introduce Mahi to everyone as his wife. Servent got know that they have a new mistress they become overjoyed, but resistant themselves as they don't want to make her afraid.

Mahi got ready in a Red saree heavy earrings and a chunni on her head. Except that she is wearing her wedding chain,choora and a little bit of Vermilion. She look simple yet classic. She like the face these designer and makeup artist give her a simple look as she got very tired of wearing heavy lehnga and jewellery thought out her wedding ceremony.

Avatar wear a black tuxedo which is complimenting his look with his wife.


Diya's home

"Mom, dad did they told you what kind of party is going to happen on Kapoor's Mansion." Diya ask as she saw Kapoor's Mansion butler is sharing invitation card.

"No the butler just said that, it is a happy occasion for Kapoor's and they want to share their happiness with us." Diya's father told her. He have an ominous felling that something is going to happen which is not going to be any good for them.

"I think Old Mr Kapoor operation got successful that's why this party is going to happen." Diya share her fantasy with her father.

Diya father thought for some time before sighing, why his daughter is such a dumb? Kapoor's like leaving low profile, a normal operation never become a reason for such a lavish party.


Mahi is chilling after she get ready as they have still time before she and Avatar leave for Kapoor Mansion suddenly her cellphone phone start ringing.

She check her phone and saw a string of number, her brow frown but she still answer it, thinking it may be any important call.

"Hello?" she ask in a questioning tone.

"Hii, Mahi it's me Hrithik!" Hrithik said while trying to console his excitement.

Mahi feel her breath stuck in her throat she hurriedly move her eyes toward room door which is tightly shut "Yes?" she is feeling like a wife cheating on her husband just after their wedding.

She suddenly feel like crying, why did he call her? she is trying to move on and become a good wife to her husband but here he call her to make her remember all the grief she buried deep into her heart.She didn't feel bad for herself she feel bad for Avatar.

He is her husband he deserves all her love and now it's time for her move on from her unrequited love to love someone who's her future. Past doesn't give anything except pain and remorse.

"I wanted to ask you are you free on New year?" Hrithik ask nervously.

"Hmm?" Mahi got startled by this question.

"Actually I got a new job because of you so I want to thank you and our friends,so New year party on me." Hrithik said.

"okay!" Mahi said hurriedly and disconnect the call, as she fell some one is going to open the door.