
The Hidden Wife of the Cold CEO - The Saga of Forbidden Love

Liliana Greens, a shy little sunshine small-town girl too good for her own good, meets an injured stranger Jason Blake. Oblivious to his identity as the multi-millionaire businessman Jason Blake Williams, the current CEO of Williamson Group of Companies; soon she finds herself in love with the mysterious man after helping him for a few months with his treatment and while letting him stay at her place. While Jason, who for some reasons hasn’t yet told her about his true identity, even after being in a long-distance relationship with her for about three years; marries her. Dreaming about a normal life free from chaos and her troublesome past, Liliana finds herself cheated on by her now husband and in the middle of hiding herself not only from Jason but also from some unknown threats that could cost her life. In between running away from Jason, building her career and hiding from the sword hanging above her head, will she be able to do what she wants? Or will she be a secret forever? Or the threats lurking in the dark succeed in doing what they want. Will she succeed in her life along with her love by her side or will this mark the end of her small love story. Read ‘The Hidden Wife of the Cold CEO – The Saga of Forbidden Love’ and join Liliana on the emotional rollercoaster of her life filled with lots of love, possessiveness, fluffy and intimate moments with the love of her life Jason.

me_itsybitsysri · Urban
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20 Chs


Chapter - 19


Sandra chuckled hearing Liliana saying those words. While on the side Liliana pouted hearing her friend laughing at a serious question she just asked. Jason on the other hand was finding it hard to control his laugh. But he maintained his stoic face because he knew if he laughed again on 'such a serious life-threatening question' of his dear wife, he would lose the progress he had made till now in getting Liliana back.

Liliana still hadn't realized yet that she was still sitting on Jason's lap, and Sandra had already noticed that. She looked at Jason questioningly about the questionable position they were in now. Jason just shrugged being a little too comfortable in the current position he was in. He had his left hand wrapped around Liliana's waist and his right hand was on her right thigh caressing her ever so gently. Liliana had long forgotten about the position they were sitting in; she was very comfortable in her current soft seat.

"Why are suddenly interested in who changed your clothes?"

"What do you mean I am suddenly concerned about it? For your information I was concerned about it the moment I realized that I was not in the clothes I was wearing when I came here."


"Yeah! You can ask Jason! He was the one I asked about it! How can you say I shouldn't be concerned about it; it is a thing about my dignity!"

Liliana said in an accusing tone to Sandra who was amused to see her like this. It would be a lie to say that Jason wasn't amused. He was surprised to see Liliana including him in her conversations just before when she would when they were together. Well, they are still together logically and legally, it's just their relationship is not going from the best period.

"Shouldn't you be more concerned about the comfortable chair you are sitting on from such a long time? I think you need a break Jason otherwise your legs will go numb."

"Why would you even spoil the mood, Sandra! I was having a great time!"

"Looks like a grumpy, cold CEO can be whiny too. Oh! I should have recorded that!"

Sandra chuckled at Jason, while on the other hand Liliana was having a hard time trying to conceal her emotions that were going out of order due to the warmness that had spread throughout her body especially the red tint that had spread across her cheeks, ears and neck. She started to wriggle out her way from his lap in which this time she managed to, successfully. While Jason was having a playful banter with Sandra, she managed to make her way out of the bed not noticing the dark hawk like eyes that were stick to her the moment she started to move a little.

She stood on her feet but staggered a little because of still not being fully healed from the incident before, but Jason immediately wrapped his hands around her waist preventing her from falling. She held his hand which rested on her waist to gain her balance.

"You should be careful Liana, you still haven't recovered yet fully, I would recommend you rest for a day or two and then only take up any type of strenuous work, or better throughout the period of time you are still menstruating."

"Okay, I will take her back and make sure she gets enough rest for the time being."

"That would be great. See you later Lee and Jason take care of her. Bye."


Before Liliana could say something, Sandra was already out of the door. She turned towards Jason who was now standing ready to leave too but stopped him,

"Mr. Williams, I can take care of myself, you don't have to bother yourself with such trivial matters anymore."

Jason stopped in his tracks hearing Liliana saying this, He turned around and stared at her with cold eyes making her intimidated with him but keeping the eye-contact, nevertheless. Neither one was ready to back down from each other, aside from the fact that they were already mesmerized with the other persons eyes.

"Yeah, I can see how well you take care of yourself Ms. Green. I have taken the decision and it is final that you no more staying alone when you can't even care for yourself."

"There is no need for you to treat me a mere employee of your company so good, aside from the fact that I have joined your company just today only, it shouldn't be your concern to care about my health at all. I admit I was careless this time, but I do take care of myself very well, I have since my birth."

There was bitterness in Liliana's voice as well as words, she didn't want to have anything to do with the man she despised so much, in no way will she give up the hard-earned freedom she has got herself.

"You are my responsibility Ms. Green, if you don't remember then let me do the honors by reminding you. Mr. Jones and Mr. Scott has specially requested me to take care of you and if anything happens to you during the duration you are here it would be considered fault in my hospitality, so I don't want to hear any sort of complain from your side because as your temporary guardian cum boss, you are my responsibility, and I can take decisions regarding your health and safety. So, I won't hear anything in this matter."

"But I am an adult, and I can take care of myself! Mr. Williams!"

"Make sure to pack your bags Ms. Green once you go home, I will send my driver to pick you up at seven. So be ready."

With that Jason stepped out of the room leaving a shocked Liliana to herself. She was dumbfounded to see him walk away like it was nothing, like he hadn't just ignored her words completely and told her his decision no not told but ordered her to follow his decision.

When she was alone in the room, she took her time to get up and get freshen up so that she could prepare her leave, it wasn't like she had any choice than to follow was Jason had just said to her. Yes, it was the sad truth that despite of her various denials, Mr. Jones and Mr, Scott had made her agree with being under Jason's direct monitoring and guidance and accept him as her guardian till she was with him. And Jason was taking full advantage if the fact that she cannot deny any of them.