
The Hidden Queen of Adernia

Isabella had always knew that she was different from her sisters but couldn't figure out why she was always kept hidden while her sisters were showcased as the kings most treasured ones. In a bit to find herself and unlock the secrets within her ,she finds love with Alex , unknown to her , he happens to be the son to her father's enemy. Would their love stand and would she be able to find out why she had always been hidden?

Ebube_Blessing · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 9: The plot

Lord Arcturus, consumed by rage and fueled by his failure to eliminate King Fredrick, paces furiously within the confines of his study. The revelation that his daughter, Elizabeth, had shared the secret of the hidden exit with the princess, fills him with a potent mix of fury and disappointment.

To him the reason why , King Fredrick and his wife Emilia, hid Isabella was to protect her ,as she was to be crowned queen someday.

He didn't want her to be known by anyone either, so that once the king is eliminated , taking Isabella off the throne wouldn't be a hard nut to crack.

For sure , Isabella's sisters would be married off immediately, leaving no one available to succeed the throne, but now there his daughter was, revealing such a secret to Isabella.

He had trusted her implicitly, never suspecting that her loyalty could waver ,but he was disappointed. He knew he must call her to order and ensure that she doesn't go any further opening all she knew about the palace to anyone but himself.

As the pieces of the puzzle fall into place within Lord Arcturus' mind, a sinister plan begins to take shape. He realizes that Isabella's hidden nature holds the key to his ambitions. The knowledge that she is unknown,and getting rid of her and her father would make the kingdom canvass for a new king, bringing the monarchy of king Frederick's family to an end,he ignites a wicked gleam in his eyes.

Now her closeness and trust to his own daughter Elizabeth , would be an avenue to achieve his aim. He sees an opportunity to exploit her, to manipulate her for his own gain.

Seeking to control the narrative, Lord Arcturus confronts his daughter, Elizabeth, within the sanctuary of his study. The room is shrouded in an air of tension as father and daughter stand face to face. Elizabeth's trembling voice confesses her actions, her fear etched across her features as she reveals every secret she knows about Isabella, including her sneaking off through the secret door to see Prince Alexander of Arondale.

She succumbs to her father's demands, hoping to appease his anger and salvage their fractured bond. She knew her father wasn't what others saw him for, a nobleman? not at all. He once strangulated one of her brothers for stealing from him and blamed it on some servant, who was later trialed.

Lord Arcturus, calculating and devious, carefully listens to his daughter's revelations. The knowledge he gains becomes a weapon, a means to sow seeds of doubt and discord within Elizabeth's mind. He exploits his influence as her father figure, poisoning her thoughts with carefully crafted lies and half-truths. His ultimate aim is to turn Elizabeth against her childhood friend Isabella, and get her bring him informations to undermine the royal lineage and seize power for himself.

As the days pass, Lord Arcturus skillfully plants the seeds of doubt within Elizabeth's impressionable mind. His insidious whispers penetrate the once-unshakeable foundation of trust between Elizabeth and her friend. Elizabeth, caught between her loyalty to her loved one, Isabella and the seeds of suspicion sown by her father , finds herself torn.

" You are being used, my dear daughter. Isabella cares less about. If she does care , she would let you know all she does. Why would she use you to get in touch with Alexander, when no one knows her",He said.

" But father... it's no fault of hers if no one knows her. You told me that the reason she is hidden is because she would one day be queen and Alex is a nobleman", Elizabeth said.

" How bad would it be ,if you get this nobleman for yourself , Elizabeth?", he asked.

" No father, I am of no royal blood and besides , Alexander's relationship with Isabella is already forbidden, because he has a bethroned, mine would be simply impossible", she said.

" Join my quest to be king ,and you would be the next princess. I would break the forbidden law and get you wedded to Alex", Lord Arcturus said.

The web of manipulation begins to tighten as Lord Arcturus maneuvers behind the scenes, orchestrating a delicate dance of deceit. He weaves his schemes with precision, ensuring that Elizabeth remains unaware of his true intentions to eliminate Isabella. With each passing day, the bond between father and daughter strains under the weight of his malicious influence.

But unbeknownst to Lord Arcturus, there are forces at play that he cannot foresee. Isabella's resilience, her innate strength, and the love she holds for her family act as barriers against his insidious machinations. Deep within her heart, a flicker of intuition warns her of the darkness that surrounds her, urging her to question the motives of those she once trusted.

As the battle for Elizabeth's allegiance intensifies, the true extent of Lord Arcturus' betrayal begins to unfold to her. Secrets buried deep within the annals of Adernia's history come to light, revealing a web of treachery that stretches far beyond the confines of their immediate world. Elizabeth, armed with newfound knowledge and guided by her inner strength, is decieved by her father,who tells her that the throne once belonged to her ancestors ,but was navigated by King Fredrick's forefathers forcefully through their treacherous act.

She begins to believe him and develop the hatred within her ,as she stops seeing Isabella for the main time.

The battle for Elizabeth's mind and soul reaches its crescendo, as the forces of manipulation clash against her innate resilience and love for her friend. With each passing moment, the weight of Lord Arcturus' words bears down upon her, challenging her trust and pushing her to the brink.

" She thinks she's better than you,you must show her that you are a million times worth the position than her", she could recall those words of him.

She knew that Isabella was always seen as the definition of a perfect princess who obeyed without questioning her father's authority, even though she was always left indoors ,but her father loved her and trusted her, but here she was always trying to make her father for once proud.