
The Hidden Queen of Adernia

Isabella had always knew that she was different from her sisters but couldn't figure out why she was always kept hidden while her sisters were showcased as the kings most treasured ones. In a bit to find herself and unlock the secrets within her ,she finds love with Alex , unknown to her , he happens to be the son to her father's enemy. Would their love stand and would she be able to find out why she had always been hidden?

Ebube_Blessing · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 4: Forbidden Romance

The grand ballroom was adorned with shimmering chandeliers and filled with the enchanting melodies of the royal orchestra. Different kingdoms of the east were present with their kings, queens, princes, princesses, lord's and ladies. Isabella's heart raced as she entered the room, her eyes scanning the crowd for any sign of her father.

" Long live the king of Adernia", some introduced as he walked into the grand hall and all bowed while he made his way to the podium where all royals sat. There with him was the guard she had read his mind, walking uptight with the king, she could only feel of strangulating him that instant for being a double crosser. She knew she must keep her eyes fixed on him all through the party.

She knew that Prince Alexander was meant to be at the ball, but she had not seen him yet. She looked from side to side to see if she could find him.

And there he was, standing near the entrance, looking as regal as ever. Their eyes locked, and Isabella felt a jolt of electricity surge through her. It was as if the world around them faded away, leaving only the two of them.

Alexander immediately recalled the pendent she had on, he could see her full face the last time, but now he could and looming deep into her sparkling green eyes, he got lost.

With each step she took towards him, Isabella's heart beat faster. Finally, they stood face to face, and Prince Alexander extended his hand, inviting her to dance. As they swayed to the music, Isabella found herself captivated by his charm, wit, and genuine kindness.

They talked throughout the night, oblivious to the eyes watching their every move. Isabella shared her love for nature and her fascination with books. To her surprise, Alexander seemed genuinely intrigued and accepting of her abilities.

As the night wore on, Isabella realized that her gift did not work on Prince Alexander. His thoughts remained a mystery to her, and she found herself both relieved and intrigued by this revelation.

However, their blossoming connection did not go unnoticed. King Frederick, Isabella's father, observed their closeness with a mix of concern and anger. He knew the dangers that lay in forbidden romances and the potential threat they posed to his kingdom's stability.

He knew Alexander was already tied to the daughter of King Edward, his sworn enemy and he wanted nothing to do with him.

In a swift and commanding voice, King Frederick ordered the guards to escort Isabella back to her chambers, effectively separating her from Prince Alexander. Isabella's heart sank, and she could see the confusion in Alexander's eyes as she was reluctantly led away.

As Isabella was taken from the ballroom, Alexander was left standing there, stunned by the king's revelation. He had no idea why King Frederick acted that way but could only sense that had a secret daughter, hidden away from the public eye. Questions swirled in his mind, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of intrigue and determination to uncover the truth.

Little did they know that their forbidden romance had ignited a spark that would challenge the boundaries of tradition and put them on a path filled with both passion and danger.

As Prince Alexander stood lost in thought, contemplating the revelation of King Frederick's secret daughter, a gentle touch on his shoulder broke him from his reverie. He turned to see Princess Victoria, his betrothed, standing before him with a warm smile.

"May I have this dance, my prince?" Princess Victoria asked, her eyes filled with anticipation.

Caught off guard by the sudden interruption, Alexander hesitated for a moment. His mind was still consumed with thoughts of the mysterious princess he had met earlier, but he knew he couldn't let his personal feelings overshadow his duty as a prince.

With a polite smile, he extended his hand to Princess Victoria. "Of course, my lady," he replied, trying to push his conflicting emotions aside.

They joined the other couples on the dance floor, their steps guided by the graceful rhythm of the music. Princess Victoria, elegant and poised, held Alexander's gaze as they moved in perfect harmony. Her presence reminded him of their shared history and the expectations placed upon them as future rulers.

As they danced, Alexander's mind drifted back to the encounter with the secret princess. He couldn't deny the strong connection he felt in her presence, the way their conversations flowed effortlessly, and the intriguing mystery surrounding her.

Yet, he was committed to his betrothal with Princess Victoria, a union forged by political alliances and familial obligations. He couldn't betray the trust that had been placed in him, even if his heart yearned for something more.

Meanwhile, Princess Victoria noticed the flicker of distraction in Alexander's eyes. She sensed that something was amiss, but she chose to remain composed, hoping that their dance would provide an opportunity for them to reconnect and strengthen their bond.

As the music reached its crescendo, the dance came to an end, and Princess Victoria curtsied gracefully, gratitude shining in her eyes. "Thank you for the dance, my prince," she said softly.

Alexander returned the gesture, feeling a mix of guilt and admiration for Princess Victoria's unwavering devotion. "It was my pleasure, Princess," he replied, his voice tinged with a hint of melancholy.

As they parted ways, both Prince Alexander and Princess Victoria carried a weight in their hearts. The evening had deepened their understanding of the complexities of their arranged union, leaving them to navigate a future filled with duty, secrets, and the undeniable allure of forbidden love.

Isabella's heart raced as she sneaked her way back into the ballroom, her determination to protect her father overriding any fear or caution. She knew she had read someone's mind, learning of a sinister plan to poison King Frederick's drink. Time was of the essence, and she had to act swiftly.

Her eyes darted around the room, searching for any sign of danger. Her heart sank when she spotted Prince Alexander dancing with Princess Victoria. A pang of jealousy momentarily gripped her, but she quickly dismissed it. This was not the time for personal feelings. Lives were at stake, and she had a mission to accomplish.

Isabella focused her attention on King Frederick, who was engaged in conversation with his advisors. Her gaze narrowed as she noticed a servant approaching him, carrying a tray with a goblet of wine. Panic surged through her as she realized the moment had come. She watched the servant give a dangerous smirk to the guard.

With an instinctive surge of adrenaline, Isabella propelled herself forward, pushing through the crowd. The goblet slipped from the servant's hand, crashing to the ground in a shower of shattered glass. Gasps filled the air as all eyes turned to the commotion.

"My apologies, Your Majesty!" Isabella exclaimed, feigning surprise and innocence. "It was an accident!"

King Frederick, his face a mix of surprise and irritation, ordered the guards to seize her. "Take her away!" he commanded, pretending not to recognize his own daughter.

As the guards approached, Isabella fought back tears, her heart heavy with the sacrifice she was making for her father's safety. She had to maintain her act, for the greater good of the kingdom.

With one last longing look at King Frederick, Isabella allowed herself to be led away, knowing that her actions had disrupted the deadly plan and saved her father's life. She was prepared to face the consequences, even if it meant being cast aside and forgotten.

Little did Isabella know that her courageous act had not gone unnoticed. Prince Alexander, who had witnessed the entire scene, stood frozen, a mix of admiration and confusion swirling in his eyes. He couldn't help but question the circumstances surrounding the mysterious girl.

As Isabella was led away, her mind raced with uncertainty about her future. But amidst the chaos and her newfound isolation, she held onto the hope that her sacrifice would ultimately make a difference and ensure the safety of those she loved.

The next day, as the sun cast its warm glow over the kingdom of Adernia, King Frederick summoned Isabella to his private chambers. His expression was a mix of concern and curiosity as he gestured for her to take a seat.

"Isabella, my dear," the king began, his voice gentle yet firm. "I want to know the truth about what happened at the ball last night. Why did you cause such a commotion?"

Isabella took a deep breath, gathering her courage. She looked directly into her father's eyes, her own filled with sincerity. "Father, I had to act. I overheard a conversation in the mind of one of your guards mind, revealing a plot to poison your drink. I couldn't stand by and let that happen."

King Frederick's eyes widened in shock, his initial frustration dissolving into a mix of disbelief and gratitude. "You... you saved my life?" he whispered, his voice choked with emotion.

Tears welled up in Isabella's eyes as she nodded. "Yes, Father. I couldn't bear the thought of losing you. I had to do something."

The king's stern demeanor softened, and he reached out to hold Isabella's hands. "My dear daughter, you have shown bravery and loyalty beyond measure. I am proud of you."

He quickly ordered the arrest of the guard and the servant who had brought the drink immediately.

Meanwhile, in the neighboring kingdom of Arondale ,King Maximilian pondered over the events of the previous night. He couldn't shake the feeling that there was something significant about the mysterious girl who had caused a scene at the ball. Her bravery and selflessness had left a lasting impression on him.

He retreated to his private study, surrounded by stacks of ancient scrolls and maps. King Maximilian, known for his sharp mind and keen intellect, began to piece together the fragments of information he had gathered.

The name Isabella floated through his thoughts, accompanied by the image of a young woman with captivating eyes and an air of mystery. He had made his research and was told that she lived in the palace and beared the name Isabella, but no one knew who exactly she was and what she does in the palace. He delved into his vast network of resources, determined to uncover the identity of the girl who had crossed his path.

King Maximilian knew that his quest for the truth would not be easy. Yet, his curiosity and a growing sense of admiration drove him forward, urging him to uncover the secrets that lay hidden within the walls of Adernia.

As the days passed, Isabella's act of bravery became the talk of the kingdom, as it was rumoured that the king of Adernia would have been poisoned ,if not for an unknown girl. Whispers filled the corridors of the palace, and rumors spread like wildfire. But amidst the speculation, one question remained unanswered: Who was the mysterious girl, and what role did she truly play in the court of King Frederick?