
The Hidden Pillar and The Boy by The Seashore

The Hidden Pillar and The Boy by the Seashore follows a story of A Girl from the sea and A Boy from the land being destined for each other.. When the hibernation season came.. The Mortals from the Sea was required to hibernate on the 7 pillars.. But, what if the Girl hibernated on a hidden pillar? Will He be able to find her? P.S. : I don't write fantasy fics or something like this but i'll try to.

vonteaa_ · Fantasy
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7 Chs


The Light of the afternoon sky blazes down the island of Faial as many adults and children are now walking their way home from the beach.

The Faial Island.. The Secret island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.. and the island being cornered by the 7 famous pillars of the Ocean. The white beach wrapped around the small Island with the rocks and boulders scattered at the certain places.

The Subtropical Island attracted a number of tourists, well.. just a few since the island was indeed hidden in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

A blonde haired boy with a tanned skin quickly rushed towards the shore as he carries the big blue surf board on his arms, placing them down the white sand, taking his towel from his bag as he dried up while staring at the sunset as he squints his green emerald eyes.

Taking a water bottle as he chugs down the remaining liquid from earlier.

One thing about the said boy is he wasn't even outgoing, he wasn't social, he's just a quiet normal boy in the island but.. he felt something.. something that keeps calling him.. something was attracting him from the sea..

What could it be?