
The hidden king

As the leader of the Wolf King, he mysteriously disappeared, and during her journey to explore the truth, she discovered that things were not simple, leading to a journey full of courage and suspense.

Saltyalfalfa · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 3

"Did you see Kenny last night? Was he the one who came to pick me up?" Amelia asked, noticing Ellie and Heidi's sudden interest.

"Yeah, it seems like Kenny swung by to give you a lift. I guess he was a bit miffed since we promised to have an uninterrupted night out," Amelia nodded knowingly. It was just like Kenny to be a little overprotective, she thought warmly.

Taking a sip of her tea, Heidi inquired, "So, you came over just because of that?" Amelia shook her head, her expression serious. "Kenny's gone missing. We've all been searching for him." "Hmm, Kenny doesn't strike me as the disappearing type. Maybe he got caught up hunting or something?" Amelia hoped Ellie's suggestion was right. Heidi patted Amelia's shoulder reassuringly, "Don't fret too much. Men have their moments too. Perhaps he just wanted some alone time, wandering off beyond the forest for a breather. Anyway, you haven't eaten, have you? Let's try Grandma's cooking in the temple today." With that, Heidi headed to the kitchen to prepare lunch.

As the moon rose in the evening sky, even the furthest search parties returned empty-handed. Rumors began to circulate, and hushed conversations filled the air. Mapor, the messenger from the Cheno tribe, had visited multiple times, desperate for news of Chief Kenny. A tribe without its leader was vulnerable, especially with tensions along the southern border and disputes over fertile river territories.

The night wasn't full, but the city slept soundly nonetheless. Standing alone atop the hill, Amelia scanned the sprawling Lawrence, hoping to find a clue among the stars.

Sometime past midnight, she spotted a figure near the city walls. It was Mapor, the Cheno messenger, his form frail and stooped. Emerging from the shadows, he hesitated briefly before approaching her, his determination evident. With her hand on her sword, Amelia approached cautiously. Suddenly, a crow's piercing cry shattered the silence, causing Mapor to flee into the darkness, leaving Amelia in pursuit, her heart pounding with anticipation.

"This is all too strange," Milia thought as she made her way back to her home, with a sense of unease gnawing at her. Mapor had been unusually bold in the council chamber during the day, and when he hurried over just now, Milia could see fear in his eyes. He had been visiting the tribe frequently lately, having multiple discussions with Kenny, who always returned late at night. Milia only had a vague understanding that the messenger had brought news from Thomas, the chief of the southern tribe, regarding negotiations over river territories. Thomas' tribe had been encroaching on Lawrence's rivers and docks, and there were even rumors of them attacking Lawrence's people during a full moon night. Despite the denials, they proposed joint development of the river areas for trading and cultivation.

Alone in her bed, Milia felt a loneliness she hadn't known since she and Kenny had married three years ago. Clutching the thick furs, she longed for the intimate moments with Kenny, slipping into a deep slumber amidst her worries.

The next morning, as the sun rose, Milia opened her eyes. She reached out to Kenny's side of the bed, feeling its coldness. He hadn't returned. Without time for despair, Milia swiftly got up, choosing a simple formal outfit from her wardrobe. Opting for tailored trousers and a shirt over the ornate robes, she adorned herself with accessories and tied up her long hair. Stepping out into the courtyard, she headed to the council hall to confer with the elders, as was her routine with Kenny.

People on the street glanced at her with curiosity and sympathy as she walked by, offering a smile in return. Inside the council hall, a gathering was already underway— the twelve elders responsible for various aspects of city affairs, along with the chief hunter, the head guard, and other tribe members who sought guidance.

Taking a deep breath, Milia approached them, meeting the gaze of Liam, the head guard. Liam glanced at Milia with a heavy heart. He and his team had returned from the riverside, only to be sent by Elder Gabriel to the farthest reaches of the forest in search of Kenny. They were the most experienced team, led by Liam's careful guidance. Milia could see the sorrow and pain in his eyes, and her heart sank.

"Miss Milia, I have bad news. Last night, during our search at the cliffs, we found a body. We brought it back. Perhaps you can identify," Liam's eyes were filled with sympathy.

Milia's heart sank as the crowd parted, revealing a body covered in a white cloth on the floor. Standing there, her mind went blank, struggling to breathe as every ounce of strength seemed to leave her body.

With the crowd's eyes on her, Milia walked over to the body. Bending down, she hesitated to touch the white cloth, unable to believe any connection between herself and the lifeless figure underneath. Tears silently streamed down her cheeks as she noticed the bloodied hand protruding from the cover, adorned with the black moonstone ring representing the Lawrence tribe. This ring, imbued with magic by the high priest during the inheritance ceremony, could only be worn by the tribe's leaders. Without the high priest's blessing, the ring would harm any unfamiliar touch, sprouting sharp thorns internally.

So, the only one who could wear this ring was surely Chief Kenny.

Standing behind Milia, Liam seemed to understand her hesitation, letting out a deep sigh. "It looks like he fell from the highest point of the cliff. When we found him, he was lying on the rocks, badly injured. Well, he probably didn't suffer too much," Liam paused, knowing his words offered little comfort.

Gabriel stepped forward, followed by several elders and guards, and they carried the body away. They would take him to the temple for the priests to perform the final examination and rituals. Everyone remained silent, their gaze fixed on Milia. But she didn't want to speak to anyone; life had taken a significant turn, and understanding often came much later for people.

Heidi emerged from the crowd, accompanying Milia as they left the council hall, slowly making their way back to the olive tree courtyard.

Milia felt dazed, unsure of how she had returned to her solitary bedroom. Closing all doors and windows, she collapsed onto the bed. In the encompassing darkness, she allowed herself to succumb to a torrent of tears.

It felt like an eternity had passed when the first rays of sunlight pierced through the window. Each rap was a sharp reminder of the tumultuous events of the previous day. Milia, nursing a pounding headache, had no desire to face anyone.

But the knocking persisted, urging Milia to reluctantly leave the solace of her bed. With a heavy heart, she made her way to the door, squinting against the glaring sunlight that illuminated her tired eyes.

Outside stood Heidi, bearing a basket of provisions.

In silence, Milia ushered Heidi into the dining hall. Heidi gave a nod in agreement as she busied herself with fetching bread from the basket and kindling a fire by the stove to brew tea. Milia sat in quiet contemplation, the events of the previous day replaying in her mind like a haunting dream. What was to be done now, she wondered? It was evident she no longer held the title of chief's wife, nor did she have any claim to involvement in the city's affairs. According to tradition, she would have to relinquish all duties associated with the chief's wife after the funeral. Ironically, Milia realized, she had spent the past three years of her marriage to Kenny focused on her own pursuits, never truly understanding his role as the tribe's leader.

"Heidi, did the high priest mention how Kenny fell from the cliff? He couldn't have been there alone. It's the most desolate forest, with nothing around," Milia queried, her voice tinged with disbelief.

"Yeah," Heidi nodded in agreement, "We examined the body. Apart from the injuries sustained from the fall, there was nothing else. It seems..." Heidi paused, furrowing her brow, "There were no signs of struggle or other footprints on the cliff. Perhaps Kenny took the plunge himself..."

"How could that be?" Milia vehemently protested.

"Yeah, but that seems to be the case," Heidi sympathetically patted her hand, "You know, the moonstone ring can only connect with the tribe's sole leader."

Yes, it was an undeniable truth. Milia closed her eyes in anguish. She felt dizzy; this sudden upheaval had come without any warning.

Her thoughts turned to the meeting with the southern Cheno tribe. No, she immediately dismissed the notion. The meeting had been planned well in advance. Kenny and everyone else had prepared for it and discussed numerous contingency plans. Though the situation was challenging, it was not insurmountable.

Milia pondered a course of action and remembered the chief's office behind the council hall, often used for more private meetings. Determined, Milia decided to pay it a visit.

Together, Heidi and Milia left for the olive tree courtyard. Heidi had to hasten back to the temple to assist with the arrangements for the chief's funeral the next day. Milia, clad in a red mourning robe, walked alone to the chief's office.