Two sharp gasps rang out, originating from Elowyn and Soleia respectively. Elowyn held onto Orion's arm right as his eyes widened with disbelief. The green light from his jade ear studs quickly dimmed.
"Ralph, you―"
Ralph raised his hand, swiping his thumb across the corner of his lip. A small red stain coated the pad of his thumb and he scowled at the sight of it. Then, he raised his gaze to meet Orion's eyes.
For some reason, even though the Duke had seen his fair share of monsters and death, there was something in Ralph's eyes that sent an uncomfortable chill down his spine. But the look was gone as quickly as it came, replaced by the usual humorous, lazy gaze his best friend often wore.
"Come on, Orion," Ralph said with a humorless laugh. "You would really hit a woman? Not just that, but a princess? Whether you like it or not, she's still your wife. She looked after your estate and your family for two years while you were gone. Surely that counts for something?"
Orion took a deep breath. The look of surprise quickly dissipated from his features, but the anger remained. His hand slowly lowered back down to his side before he looked past Ralph and at Soleia. However, his words were still directed at his friend.
"Make sure she gets her trinkets and leaves by the time we return from dinner," Orion coldly said. "And have someone replace all the furniture that she has used before."
Replace the furniture? Soleia's lower eyelid danced in annoyance. Did this blockhead not hear a single thing she had just said? Where was he going to get the money to replace the furniture? Because of this new little mistress, they might even have to start selling furniture instead!
With his instructions given, he bent down and carried Elowyn with a swoop. She squeaked in surprise, her hands coming around to steady herself, looping around his neck.
As they left the room, Orion said in a much softer voice to Elowyn, "Let us have dinner while they clean the room. Did she hurt you?"
Both Ralph and Soleia could only watch wordlessly as Orion carried Elowyn away, his footsteps quickly disappearing as he went down the hall.
Soleia, however, paid him no mind. She bent down and looked at the scraps that were left by her feet, her heart scrunching painfully. It was such a shame. She was so close to completion, and the projected earnings from this prototype could've fed the entire estate for the whole winter.
Reaching for the discarded bag under the vanity table, she began to pick up the pieces, carefully placing them in the bag. She would need to find somewhere where Elowyn wouldn't be able to disturb her. She was too slow this time, and it was a mistake she wouldn't repeat a second time.
"Allow me, Your Highness." With that said, Ralph immediately kneeled down by Soleia's side, carefully helping her pick up the pieces one by one. "Might I ask what this is supposed to be? It looks like a… particularly elegant bag?"
Soleia snorted at his description. "Not quite. I was hoping to create a minor heat source that could be carried around in one's pockets," she said. "Winter is too cold."
And the heating in this estate could only be described as miserably inadequate.
"So," Ralph said, "how do we fix it?"
"Pardon?" Soleia asked, blinking in confusion as she looked up from the mess.
"Your heating invention," Ralph clarified. "How do we fix it now that it's broken?"
Soleia quietly looked at the man, her eyebrows raised in surprise. Because of her silence, Ralph sheepishly laughed and shrugged, his gaze turning shifty.
"You just seemed upset," he said. "I thought you might feel better when it's fixed."
"Oh," Soleia said. Unknowingly, she found a small smile coming to her lips. Ralph's kindness was so surprising that she had forgotten all words for a second. "Thank you," she said. "But I'm afraid it's not possible. I'm missing a heating element and―"
She reached down and held up the shattered red stone, showcasing it to Ralph.
"The garnet shattered. Something probably slammed on it when it fell from the table," she said, trying her best to conceal the misery she felt.
This garnet wasn't of the highest quality — not in a long shot — but it was the best she could afford. She had scrimped and saved on her meals just to purchase this small stone of dubious quality for experiments related to heating magic. Now that it was broken, she would need to find another.
"I'm sure we can find a way," Ralph said after a moment of silence. He offered a reassuring smile, one that warmed Soleia's heart greatly. "For now, let's help you move to a more private location, shall we?"
Soleia nodded, and together with Ralph's help, they gathered her belongings and trudged out of the depressing room.
"Would you like to move your projects to Orion's study?" Ralph asked. He winced, eyeing the doors they passed― doors that led to the chambers of Orion's many relatives. "I doubt there would be much free space left for you anywhere else in this estate."
Soleia pursed her lips. Ralph was right― she didn't have much choice left. All the other rooms in the main building were occupied by Orion's many relatives, either as their bedchambers or as a room for their own personal hobbies. After Soleia's arrival, any spare bedrooms were quickly claimed and repurposed.
That was the entire reason why Soleia remained in Orion's private quarters for the two years he had been gone. It was the only room they could not touch other than his study, which was no place to rest her head more than two nights in a row.
Soleia mirthlessly laughed, her expression dead as she death-glared the doors. "I doubt my lovely husband would agree to that," she said. "But I do have some things I need to retrieve. Could you bring these bags to the servants' quarters for me? I'll meet you there shortly after I get the documents I need."
"Will you be fine alone?" Ralph asked, his eyebrows furrowed. "I can come with you."
"I'll be alright," she said. "I've probably spent more time here in this estate than you have, at this point."
It wasn't an exaggeration― Orion Elsher had barely even been appointed as Duke for a month before he was packed and shipped off to war.
Ralph could only nod before turning in the opposite direction, headed towards the servants' quarters as per instructed.
On the other hand, Soleia hurried to the Duke's study. She needed to get there in time before Orion finished his dinner. She didn't want him to look at the mess she had created in his study. It would no doubt add yet another red to the ledger of crimes she had already somehow committed in his head.
When she finally reached the last doors, Soleia reached for the knob and turned… only for it to not budge. She pursed her lips, trying again.
"Drat," she cursed under her breath. "Locked. Why is it locked?"
A sudden voice caused her to jump back in surprise, turning around to look for the speaker.
"Is there a reason you're somewhere you shouldn't be?"