
1 Grandma

"Mom, Is lola really OK?" I had to ask her, she was silent since we decided to go back to her hometown.

I had so many wonderful memories with my grandparents since childhood but my grandpa had passed on early. We always go back in time Fiestas but now we receive a phone call from my aunt saying my grandma is dying. And mom won't stop crying last night that's why my dad booked us an early flight.

We arrived in my grandma's house after 2 and a half hour of travel. Her home was big but it already has a modern feels. Though Calbayog is one of the province in Samar ,most of the houses built in this town was modernize. My grandma's house located at the south of Calbayog, 30 mins from the Center of the city . The surroundings are mostly Mountains, vast mountain.

"Reu, your grandma is already 85. It has been hard on her and I do hope she will fine but at the sound of your aunt, I just don't know" mom mumbled.

Though she is not crying , her eyes gave her away. I always love grandma, she always tells me story about some magical folklore creature that most provinces have. Specially the Hidden Biringan. From the way she told it , it feels like she had been there.

"We're here" my uncle told us as he park his van on the corner of the wide backyard beside grandma's garden.

My mom got out of the van and she almost like flew to where my grandma's room.

" Reu take your baggage and some of your mom things in our room" my father said. "Yes dad" " I'll just go with your mom. You know she need either one of us with her right now." " Go ahead dad, don't mind me" then he strode where my mother is headed. My aunt and some of my cousins take me to our room. Actually I have my own room here in grandmas house. Its so big that 3-4 families can actually live in it.

" let's go to your Lola's room" aunt said to me. I follow her to the south part of the house where Lola's room is. There my mom was crying so hard, my dad was hugging her on the left side of the bed.

My grandma look at me as I came to the room, she smiled at me , looking at me like she saw the one she was waiting for. The pain was visible in her face but it is like she is glad I was there.

"Reu, apo come here" it almost like whisper when grandma calls me. I did what she told me and sit down on the corner of the upper bed she's lying. "Let me talk to Reu alone" she said in gentle voice more like she is trying so hard to stay conscious just to talk to me.

Aunt and mom nodded at each other , and everyone left us alone.


LOLA is a term which we call our grandma in the Philippines

Apo is a term for the grandchild