
The Heros Embrace

A man is saved by a goddess from another world and is then reincarnated into the world in the hopes to become the world's next big hero. With the help of a small group of adventures he must fight his way through on going challenges and obstacles to become the next hero of Monthraka.

LoneWoIf · Fantasy
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4 Chs

A New Life

A man has just received news that he has been terminated as of today from his job and in a fit of frustration storms off to his car and proceeds to drive home.

"I can't believe I was fired, after 5 years of service I'm just let go without any reason, why at all the times, things have to turn south for me now. My mother recently died just two weeks ago, my wife and I are getting a divorce, I'm struggling to keep up with rent due to low wages at work and then I get fired from my job, how can things get any worse!"

As he angrily talks to his self he bumps into a rock on the road and losses control. In a string of good luck to his bad luck he is able to regain control.

"That's was a close one." he says with a sigh of relief looking back at where he almost ran off the road, but as he turned back to focus on driving he sees an animal in the road and swerves off the mountain side. As his car tumbled down the steep slope his body was swinging side to side, his head crashing into the door window and the steering wheel, getting cuts from the broken glass piercing and cutting up his body, then the car stop upside down on a tree near the edge of a cliff that was a straight fall into the ocean. His body hung motionless, discombobulated and blood streaming down his bruised and cut up body all he do is hope that a miracle happens. He started to hear the sound of snapping coming from outside the car, it was the tree giving out from the weight of the car.

"Well, I didn't think things could get this worse for me," he thought to himself with a smirk on his face.

As he his body hung and he thought to himself, a bright light started to surrounded his body.

"My life was fine up until now and I wish I knew why it was happening. Was this just a mistake or was this planned to happen to me from the start."

The light started glowing brighter and brighter and the tree gave out more and more as time went by.

"I wish life didn't get so bad up till now and that everything went back to normal."

He heard more snapping coming from the tree and felt the weight of the car shift more towards the edge of the cliff.

"That's not making the situation any better. When the worst is to come, all I can I know is that I will die with proud, knowing that I lived a some what decent life huh."

The tree finally broke and both the car and tree plummeted down towards the ocean.

"Looks like my time has come. I wish it wouldn't end like this, but there is nothing I can to do about it. I wish there was some way to escape this situation but there is no way to do so. I wish someone would save me, I wish someone would just restart my life and I could change this from happening, I wish I could be reborn into a new life."

He closed his eyes and ready his self the impact that was to come. As the car fell closer to the water the the light glowed blindly and just before the car hit the water he disappeared. He felt coldness on his back, puzzled to why he didn't feel his body surrounded by water or feel his lungs fill up with water as his suffocated or bleed out he open his eyes to find himself lying on the ground. He sat up and looked at his body, it was completely rid of any type of damage, then he looked around to see that he was in a open space.

"Hello mortal," a voice spoke from the vast empty space.

"Who's there?" asked the man. Then a bright light flashed before his eyes, after the light went away, a women stood in front of him. She wore a bright, white dress with a pearl necklace and earrings, had long, luscious black and aqua blue eyes.

"I am Aurora, one of the goddess of Monthraka."

"A goddess, does that mean I died?"

"Not exactly, I saved you just before you hit the water."

"So does that mean I'm goin to reborn or something like that?"

"If you were to hit the water and died from the impact then yes, but since I was able to save both your soul and body intact you will be reincarnated with body and memories."

"Well that sounds...good, but what you said, a goddess of Monthraka, what do you mean by that?" He asks curiously.

"You will be reincarnated into a world of myth and fantasy to your world and experience encounters that you would never experience in your world."

" So, I'll be like a hero or something?"

"I do not know, what you want to become in this new world is for you to decide, just let me know what you would like to do and I will provide you with what is necessary to start your journey."

"So I tell you what I would like to be and you provide me with some starter kit to help me in the beginning?"

"Yes, but there is no need to rush, you can change the path you take anytime if needed."

"So, I can be anything I want to be, huh?" the man said to himself.

"A hero sounds nice, better than what I did in my world. Yeah, I'll be a hero, or something like that." He walks to the goddess and tells her that he would like to be a hero.

"You can not simply be a hero, the road to become a hero starts with being acknowledged as a warrior."

"That's fine too." he says energetically.

"Are you sure? The journey will be long and dangerous, and you might not be acknowledged as hero within the life time you have left."

"I'm sure." she nods her head and waves her left hand in front of the man. He slightly levitates off the ground and he starts to glow a brightly. After a few seconds the light vanish and his clothing is changed to hide armor with light metal plating with the neck, end sleeves, top of the pants and top of the boots lined with some fur, across his chest and to the right of him was a satchel with some herbs, plants and food, and attached to the left of his belt was a small pouch with 100 silver pieces.

"Now that is complete the final step is to choose your weapon to take to battle," she says as she lifts her left hand to the opposite side of the space to summon an assortment of different weapons. There were all sorts of weapons, as he looked through the weapons he didn't know what to pick, but there was one thing that caught his attention, a pair of arm braces. He wondered if they were mistakenly put there, but he didn't let that distract him for long and keep looking though the weapons. He keep passing the braces and then decided to pick them up.

"Hmm?" Aurora said puzzled. The man put them on and looked at them anxiously, then smirked.

"Alright, I'm ready." he informed Aurora.

"Hahaha, you are an intriguing human, if you are sure with your choose then I will not stop you, but as an added precaution I will increase your strength slightly to help better your use with your weapon." She raised her left hand and the man start to slightly glow red, he could feel that he is stronger than he was before.

"Your time has come to begin your life a new," she said raising both her hands. Light starts to surround the man and he starts to levitate.

"Your journey will be long and dangerous, but I see great potential, you succeed in your quest to become a hero, may great fortune be upon. I do not know where you will end up when you leave from this place, but rest assure, it will be some where safe for you can learn some of the dangers you will encounter before facing more formidable threats. Go forth and may the greater gods of these realms watch over." Then a flash of light blinded him. As he started to regain his vision he start to see a blue sky and some trees, he realized that he is laying on the ground, again.

"How many times I'm I going to end up on the ground?" he says as he gets up and wipes the dirty off him.

"Well, I guess it's better than being died." He starts to observe his surrounding and see animals roaming around that he has never seen and different plants of many shapes, sizes and colors unique to this world.

"So, this is Monthraka huh." he eagerly says

"This is the beginning of my new life, a second chance at what was almost taken away from me. I can't let this chance go to waste, I have to make the most of it and not make any mistakes that could compromise my reincarnation. Well, here I go, time to start my life in this new world and become a hero." With that being said he ventured off into the woods to see what he could find in the vast and life filled wild.

The man was wondering around the woods looking around and admiring the everything around him. He saw animals common to his world, but also different subspecies of that animal that were different from the normal one. Plants had uncommon colorations that would seem unsafe in his world but were safe in this. After a few minutes or so he stumbled upon road.

"Hmm, this should take me some where," he said to himself and began to follow the dirt road. He continued up the road for what felt like several miles, when he reached the top of a hill he saw a town in the distance. The town wasn't that big, but seemed peaceful enough. There was small wooden houses with some of them having small vendors outside of them with merchants selling items, a small fountain in the middle of town, an inn, a small bar and other small shops. While exploring the town and viewing the items on sell at the small stalls he felt a hand fall onto his shoulder.

"Welcome to Woodstol traveler," a voice spoke from behind him and proceeded to turn around to see who greeted him. Behind him was a man dressed in chainmail and weilding a spear.

"Thank you," he said to the man with a bright expression.

"I've never seen you before. Your not around from these parts, are you?"

"No, not exactly, I'm new to these parts."

"Well, if you have any questions about the town just ask me or any of the other guards around and we will gladly be willing to answer them."

"Will do, thank you." The guard node his head and went back to patrolling and the man went back to the stalls that he had visit previously to get some food seeing that he was almost out, he also bought some herbs and flasks for he can practice making some potions for the road. After buying everything he did he had 42 silver left and it was getting was getting dark, so he went to the inn he had saw earlier, when entering the inn he was greeted by an older lady.

"Hello, how may I help you?"

"How much are your rooms?"

"20 silver per night."

"Alright." He reached into his coin pouch and pulled out the 20 silver pieces and handed it to the lady and the lady handed him a key with a room number attached to it.

"You have a goodnight sir." He noded his head and went up to his room and settle down. He walked over to the window and looked out to see the town lit up in a vibrant orange.

"This was a good thing to happen to me," he thought to his self.

"I got to make this at least last for a while. If I don't end up a hero, at least I want to die in this world knowing that I lived a better life then my previous one. Once morning comes it will be my time to shine and not just to become a hero, but something someone can look up to." After he was done relaxing her blew out his lantern and rest for the day ahead of him tomorrow.

Name of land: Monthraka

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