
The Heroic Adventure of the Black Hero

After having a horrendous life as a wage slave, a man is summoned by a beautiful goddess with the goal of turning him into a hero. But due to the horrendous and cold personality of the hireling, the other gods branded him as a renegade, a "Black Hero". That's how Vandelion was born, and after managing to save the world, he has only one goal in his new life. "I want to live relaxed, doing whatever I want. Having riches and above all several wives. Including you, Goddess." This is how Vandel's bizarre adventure to achieve his dream and in the process save the world again begins. A comical and ecchi adventure with a hero out of the ordinary begins!

Siegburn · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Adventure 19 ─ Seven Catastrophes

Long ago, the world was made up of seven elements.

Wind, water, earth, fire, lightning, light and darkness.

These seven elements gave life on earth as its origin, is what the legends say.

But among these origins there is a certain legend that is real.

One day out of nowhere, seven different forms of life were born solely from that element, resulting in seven creatures that were never meant to exist.

They were seven elemental dragons that wished to destroy everything.

The whole world was thrown into chaos by these seven creatures.

But one day they arrived.

The Three Heroes.

These three heroic men fought against these seven formidable monsters.

Unfortunately, they couldn't kill them, so they opted for the only solution they could find.

Put them all to sleep.

They used their lives to create a deep sleep spell as they were devoured.

After being torn alive and gobbled up as mere pieces of meat, each of the dragons fell into a deep sleep in different corners of the earth.

One of them fell to the ground generating a deep crater, his name was Sapphire and he was known as the black dragon.

Now that, after thousands of years of being deep asleep, Sapphire has awakened under the control of the necklace and will put an end to everything it encounters, starting with the Lespinasse Kingdom.


Zara was engrossed with fear as she saw a huge, black, sinister-looking dragon flying overhead.


"Quickly enter the capital and get ready!"

The knights on horseback and those on foot ran straight into the capital.

Zara included was running with them.

"Wait a moment, don't leave us here!"

"It's true, we are your prisoners!"

"We don't want to die!"

Argrand's soldiers were running with them straight to the capital.

Zara didn't want to let them in, but it would be cowardly for her to leave them to their fate.

So even though she didn't want to, she let them in.

Locking the gates was useless because a dragon could easily fly over the walls.

Once they entered, she ordered Argrand's soldiers to block the entrance, it was useless to do so, but it was better to keep them gathered in one place than to let them free.

(Your Majesty, we are in serious trouble.)


"What the hell is that thing!"

The royal family along with Shirley, were stunned looking at the dragon.


The one who screamed was the queen.

"Why do so many misfortunes happen to us in the same month!"

"M-Mother calm down please. I'm sure Lion will resolve this matter."

"Mary...he went out of town to help me with something...he'll be back after a few hours...I think."

Mary along with her mother went to grab the marquise's neck.

"Shirley, I didn't know you wanted to die by my hands so badly."

"Auntie, I can't believe you hate us so much."

"You're wrong, this is unexpected, I never thought something like this would happen!"

They left Shirley's neck alone when they realized that the dragon fell to the ground.

No one could believe it had happened.

"Was it Lion?"

Mary and the others were glad that Lion had arrived.

But it wasn't Lion who did it, it was...


A few minutes before the dragon made Zara and the others enter the capital.

Eliza was running at full speed with Alice in her arms.

"I wonder how they are doing?"

"The master said they will be fine, so I believe the master whatever he says."

"That's why he told me he went to bring you princess safely home."

"Yes, I understand. But can I ask you something."

"Go ahead."

"Why do you look sad?"

"What do you mean?"

"Your face shows that you don't want to leave him."


Eliza realized this after stopping, she materialized a mirror and could see how her face expressed concern despite being a maid who doesn't show emotions.

She fixed her facial expression and said to Alice.

"I'm sorry for showing you that horrible side princess."

"No, there is nothing to be sorry about."

Alice said with a smile.

"Just like you I'm worried about them. You don't have to pretend you're not."

Eliza wanted to tell Alice something.

Something secret that only Eliza knew.

"Princess, would you like to know why I am so loyal to the master without having much time to get to know each other?"

"Is there really a reason?"

"There is."

"If you feel comfortable with me, please tell me."

Eliza opened her mouth.

They heard a loud, powerful roar coming from the same direction they were going.

Eliza jumped to the highest top of a tree and was astonished to see it.


"Princess, a dragon is flying over the kingdom."

"A dragon you say!"

Alice was frightened at the sight of a hard to defeat creature flying over her country.

Eliza said to Alice.

"Please princess, stay here, it's a safe place for you."


Eliza ran at full speed to get as close as she could to the dragon.

"I didn't expect a creature like this to ever show up even as a joke."

"I was able to analyze the defensive level of the realm's mages, their performance is very poor, they can't even have countermeasures against an aerial attack."

"Master won't return yet... only I can take care of that enemy."

Eliza materialized a new weapon, after jumping around and reaching high ground.

A small cannon was materializing.

She could materialize this because all these weapons were hidden on the ship.

She was only transporting them using teleportation, a type of magic created by science.

It is of no use on living beings, so it can only be used on objects.

Materializing the small cannon, she said.

"Target locked, fire."

A large light was launched straight at the dragon, hitting it all over the abdomen making it fall to the ground.

Eliza was glad of this, but quickly understood that this would not be as easy as she thought.

The dragon again got up and this time looked at Eliza who was far away.

She ran off in the opposite direction where the perpetrator was heading so that Alice would not be involved in danger.

"Master, I'll take care of that problem by myself."

Eliza tried to materialize a rocket launcher, but couldn't make it in time.

The black dragon launched a powerful beam of darkness element which was sent straight at her.

She activated one of the shields and moved as far away as she could from the place where the concentrated power attack landed.

But even with that she could not avoid being hit.

A huge black light shone on the ground and devoured a small part of the forest.

Eliza fell several meters away from the spot.

She stood up and when she tried to place her left hand on the ground...


She realized that her entire arm had disappeared despite covering herself from the blast.

"It can't be."

Even a large amount of green blood was dripping from her body in heaps.

Eliza was badly hurt despite taking a small hit.

"Just with this small amount of power... it left me in this state."

Eliza as she stood up also noticed that her leg was fractured.

She was losing her balance.

"It's really annoying this."


She stretched out her hand to the sky and several magic circles manifested everywhere.

"I can't afford to lose here."

"The master will return, I must defeat you or buy time for him to finish you off."

Why was Eliza so anxious about the Lion loyalty issue?

Why is she who has only been with him for a few days so loyal?

It all goes back to the time when Lion was a space soldier.

On one of the space colonies, a revolt was going on.

The people were fed up with the governor and proceeded to raze his property.

Their house burned down and everyone had to flee, but the people were bloodthirsty.

The governor and his friends were taking advantage of the suffering of the people to such a degree that famine struck without warning.

The people were hungry, but the governor didn't care about that.

Then one ordinary day, a villager saw it.

He saw how a bunch of trucks were bringing meat to the private property where the rich people lived.

The people seeing that didn't care at all.

They ate dirt to fill their stomachs and drank contaminated water for strength.

Using their hatred as fuel, they marched against the rich.

The military shot at them, but the people did not mind dying.

They killed the military and went one by one against the rich.

The governor's family lived in the center of the place.

The people started to burn the house and kill all those who were not like them.

Even if they were innocent they did not care at all.

Special forces arrived on a distress signal and proceeded to kill the villagers.

In the end the governor's family was spared, or so they thought.

Suddenly and without warning the special forces started shooting at the governor's family.

They all died, the governor had many enemies.

But in the rubble survived a little brown-haired girl.

The girl was the youngest daughter of the family.

The five-year-old girl had to live most of her life as a pauper.

Why was this happening?

What did I do to deserve this?

Despite being born into a wealthy family, she was born with a very rare skin type to find.

She was a Lunarian.

She was a disgrace to her family, but it was also a disgrace to eliminate her.

She was locked in a secret room and fed once a day.

The girl lived like this for a while until she had to escape the flames.

Now she ate a rotten apple from the garbage.

But with only two years living on the street, her body couldn't take it and collapsed.

She watched people pass over her, as if she were a doormat.

(My life is worth this to others.)

She was seen as garbage and was treated like garbage.

No one cares about trash, even if they had feelings.

It was what she thought when she closed her eyes never to open them again.



Suddenly she opened eyes that were supposed to be closed forever.

She woke up in a hospital bed.

It was a clandestine one because of the surroundings.

"You know, stop bringing trouble into my house will you?"

"Hey, hey professor. Whose fault do you think it is that I have to go out and run your errands when you're wanted for defamations against the government?"

"I haven't slandered anyone!"

"Those fools don't want to believe me is different!"

"That tell them...oh, she's awake now."

Voices were approaching, she was surprised to see two different men in front of her.

One of them was short and big nosed, the other was a blue skinned man like her.

"W-Where am I?"

Night asked intrigued, the big-nosed man told her.

"Tell her you kidnapped her."

"Don't be silly Professor Foncas. I didn't kidnap her, I rescued her from certain death."

"You are a very serious case, Lion-shi."

The man─ Lion introduced himself.

He told her he was an officer who space that he went around these places looking for criminals.

He found her lying on the ground, since no one seemed to care he brought her here to heal her.

She could leave when she healed.

The girl never said her name.

But she wanted only one thing.

To live.

She accepted whatever the man said without complaint.

She expected him to do something to her, but Lion treated her very well every day.

This made the girl grow up and become a beautiful young lady.

She had turned twelve, she was now an adult in every sense of the word.

She was standing in a doorway, she was about to say goodbye to them.

The reason for her farewell was because the threat of the demon king was spreading through the cosmos.

They left her in a safe colony where she could live a quiet life.

A few days after they left.

The girl understood something.

She hated this life.

She had work, food, water and a roof over her head.

She lacked nothing.

But she hated this life.

She'd rather be with him, with Lion.

The days she spent with him made her see what human kindness was.

Then the girl went out to look for them.

Years passed until she accidentally ran into a certain underwear thief.

"Excuse me, can you repeat that?"

After meeting Professor Foncas, the girl asked him for a huge favor.

"Please make me Master Lion's exclusive maid!"

The professor touched his chin for what she was asking was not normal.

"I won't ask why you want to be an exclusive servant. I want to ask for what reason you want to serve him."

The girl turned red as she revealed her reasons.

"Master Lion has been along with you the only people to give me a decent home and treat me like a human being."

"But the time I've spent with him made me realize feeling I never thought to develop."

"That's why, please professor. Make me an exclusive servant."

"You know what will happen to you, don't you?"

"I know."

The girl revealed a dark truth that no one knew, or at least to the public.

"Exclusive maids are born from human bodies. It's impossible to copy the feel of a real human body."

"That's why those companies use real women and turn them into androids."

"They lose almost all of their human side to be replaced by that of a machine."

"I was told this by a girl who lost her younger sister because she sold herself to give them the money to live decently."

"Even knowing that monstrosity that destroys your body, do you want to become one?"

The girl closed her eyes and saw Lion's face.

"I want to. It's my reason for coming from so far away."

"I want to serve the master with body and soul."

Professor Foncas sighed in disappointment.

"Fine, I will. But only because you're telling me to use it as an excuse to give him a gift."

"Sounds like a cruel gift to me."

"It's not cruel professor. I want to serve Master Lion forever, please help me with this guilty favor."

Professor Foncas had committed certain atrocities in the past for the sake of science.

"Okay. What's one more sin on my list?"

He proceeded to operate on the girl and give her the necessary characteristics to be a magidroid.


Said the professor to the girl who looked different from before.

"Professor, thank you."

"There is nothing to thank."

"Umm, that's true."

"A name, you have to give yourself one."

The girl gave her opinion for her name.

"...How about that name?"

"It's a very beautiful name."

"Well, from today I christen you as..."

"Elysium I am, and I won't let you lay a finger on the home where Master Lion lives!"

After remembering her past, Eliza manifested a large amount of cannons coming out of those circles.

It was a huge amount of cannons pointing at the dragon.

Eliza screamed at the top of her lungs as the cannons fired furiously at the dragon.

"I won't let you ruin my happiness with the master!"

There is a saying that goes as follows. "There is no worse fear, than someone who secretly loves a person and you don't know what you will do if you get in their way."


After Lion and Estelle finished off the remaining members of the assassin's guild, they went to steal the carriage and cause havoc to escape.

They managed to do it in time and successfully fled, but to the opposite side.

"We actually managed to eliminate all of them, now the assassin's guild lost at least on this side of the region its most influential members and their boss."

"That's right, but we shouldn't be happy about it, they will surely send assassins to get rid of us. Master, now more than ever we must be cautious."

Lion sighed after being glad to get out of that chaotic place.

"First I get out of one problem and now you get me into another. Let me rest for a moment."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry. But I'd like to have a little more information to deal with them all."

"I know several of them and where their hideouts are, but the problem is how to get to them."

"Well that's another problem I don't want─"

The carriage was shaken violently by a gust of wind that mysteriously came from the right.

They almost fell to the ground, but fortunately the horses held on.

"What the hell was that?"

Lion asked intrigued as to what happened.

Estelle noticed a shadow and looked up at the sky.

"Master I looked up!"


"Are you serious!"

The two saw a large black dragon flying overhead and heading in a certain direction.

"Hey, that direction where it's going. Isn't that the kingdom?"

"Looks like it to me."

"You've got to be kidding me!"

Lion went in the direction the dragon came from.

"Where are we going master?"

"Isn't it obvious? A dragon doesn't leave a place unseen, we'll go gather information quickly."

Lion bit his lips as he saw the problems only increase.

"Can't I just relax?"

After reaching the place where the dragon came out from, they were surprised to see the huge hole.

"Are you serious?"

"The dragon came out of here master. There are scales everywhere."

Lion cursed his bad luck.

"I hope I don't think some idiot planned this, do you?"

"I hope there wasn't some idiot who thought he could control a dragon, right?"

(I really don't want to deal with these kinds of idiots again, they're the ones who give me the most work to do.)

Lion was unknowingly cursing the late Algard.

Estelle sniffed around the place and found something.

"Master I can smell someone alive!"

"Are you a dog now?"

"Huh, no?"

"My race has a highly developed nose for smelling certain odors, here it stinks to death, but there's one specific part that doesn't smell the same."

"Let's see."

They reached an area surrounded by debris and after removing some of it, they found a strange metal box.

"Master here's something."

"This thing looks like something where you would store heavy equipment."

Opening the box, they found a surprise.


Eclair was locked in there.

She was glad to see that she was safe, but quickly panicked when the rescuers looked at her with murderous intent.

"Hey, do you happen to know why a dragon got out of here?"

Eclair was scary so she confessed everything.

Down to the smallest detail.

The murderous glares from both of them focused too much on her to the point where she was begging for them to stop looking at her.

"It's no use wanting to kill her."

"You were going to kill me!!!?"

"What should we do master?"

"At this rate your home will be destroyed."

Lion wanted to go immediately to the kingdom, but after going what Eclair told him he understood that he couldn't just do it.

"We can't go back like this. A dragon, that thing Eclair said is something we can't defeat easily."

"Even you can't?"

"I could try, but I'd rather minimize the damage if possible."

"That's why I want to reduce the danger. You two will help me look for that manual."

"That manual?"

Said both girls, Eclair understood what he meant.

"The manual with the control spell. Surely there must be a way to deactivate it, if we do that that dragon will lose its order to destroy the kingdom and leave or go back to sleep."

"What if it doesn't happen?"

Eclair was terrified, she didn't want to do this, but she was threatened to make it happen.

Lion said in a very cold tone.

"I guess I'll have to be lizard food."

"Come on you two, we need to look quickly to see if there is a chance to deactivate the spell."


They both said, Estelle looked at Eclair and couldn't believe she was helping them.

(Is she too afraid of the master or does she feel too guilty?)

(If we don't find that quickly, many innocent people will die.)

Lion, on the other hand, was thinking of only one thing.

(Eliza please take care of the kingdom while I'm gone.)

The countdown to the real end of the kingdom began.


How did you like Eliza's background?

I said it at the beginning of the novel, don't expect me to put 100% seriousness in this work because I'm not looking for that, it's 50% comedy and 50% seriousness so I don't stress myself out.

Well, enjoy Eliza's fanservice.


We have reached the penultimate chapter my dear readers.

The next chapter is the final one before the epilogue.

The surprise is coming, look forward to it.

Siegburncreators' thoughts