
The heroes of yesterday

10 review = 1 bonus chapter 10 powerstone = 5 bonus chapter s WARNING: Lot's of blood Ruthless protagonist, not forgiving revenge seeker. Mc is OP but he'll meet more OP antagonist's. In a time long after the heroic battles that shaped their world, the planet Etha lies in ruins. Ten thousand years have passed since the great heroes defeated the beasts and left behind their legendary inheritance: a sword, a spear, a straw hat, and a suit of armor. These relics, steeped in ancient power, remain hidden, their secrets lost to the ravages of time and war. Eckert Van Bilbord, the fearless and adventurous son of King Arthritis Van Bilbord, is determined to restore glory to his fractured land. As humanity’s wars over territory have left their mark, Eckert, a prodigious young warrior, sets out on a quest to find these fabled relics. Driven by a deep sense of destiny and an unquenchable thirst for adventure, he journeys across Etha, facing treacherous foes, unraveling ancient mysteries, and discovering what it truly means to be a hero. In a world where legends come alive and the past intertwines with the present, Eckert’s journey will not only test his strength but also reveal the profound legacy of the heroes who came before him.

Drjeath · History
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17 Chs

I'll get stronger (bonus)

Eckert readied himself, muscles tense, and his eyes locked on Angel. "Alright, now for the fight," he said, a determined edge to his voice. His heart raced with excitement and a bit of trepidation. He knew Angel was powerful, far more experienced in combat than he was, but this was his chance to truly test the new strength he had gained from his awakening.

Angel didn't respond with words; instead, she silently picked up a stone, tossing it high into the air. Both of them watched as the stone ascended, their eyes narrowing in focus. The air between them seemed to crackle with tension, each waiting for the stone to fall and signal the start of their spar.

The instant the stone hit the ground, Eckert bolted forward with the speed of a leopard, his body moving with newfound agility and strength. In the blink of an eye, he closed the distance between them, his fist already in motion for a powerful punch aimed at Angel's midsection.

But Angel, with her vast battle experience, was unfazed. She crossed her arms just in time to block his attack. Yet, as his punch connected, a resounding boom echoed through the arena. The force of the impact sent shockwaves through the air, and to Eckert's surprise, Angel was pushed back three steps, her feet skidding slightly on the ground.

"Not bad," she remarked, her voice calm but tinged with a hint of amusement. "For someone who just awakened, you pack quite a punch."

Eckert didn't reply. He was already moving, following up with a series of rapid strikes, each one aimed at breaking through her defenses. His movements were quick and fluid, a testament to his rigorous training, but Angel effortlessly matched his speed. She blocked each punch with precision, her eyes never leaving his.

"You might have the power now, but you lack the experience," Angel said, deflecting a particularly strong blow aimed at her head. "Power is nothing without control, without strategy."

Eckert gritted his teeth, trying to focus on his next move. He ducked low, attempting to sweep her legs out from under her, but Angel jumped gracefully over his attack, twisting in mid-air to deliver a kick aimed at his chest. He barely managed to block it, the force of the impact causing him to slide back several feet.

"Come on, is that all you've got?" Angel taunted, a sly grin playing on her lips as she landed lightly on her feet. "You need to do better than that if you want to land a hit on me."

Frustration bubbled up inside Eckert, but he forced it down, focusing on the fight. He knew she was right; his lack of experience was glaring. But he also knew that he couldn't let it get to him. This was a test, not just of his new strength but of his ability to learn and adapt in the heat of battle.

He decided to change his approach. Instead of relying solely on brute strength, he began to use his agility, moving swiftly around Angel, looking for openings in her defense. He threw in feints, quick jabs, and sudden kicks, trying to catch her off guard. But Angel's experience shone through; she saw through his every move, countering with ease.

As they exchanged blows, Angel kept talking, her words cutting as sharply as her strikes. "You've got potential, Eckert, but potential alone doesn't win battles. You've got to learn to think ahead, anticipate your opponent's moves. Right now, you're just reacting, and that's why you're losing."

Eckert tried to tune her out, focusing solely on the fight, but her words stuck with him. She was right again. He needed to be more than just a powerful fighter; he needed to be a smart one. He took a deep breath, calming his mind, and started analyzing her movements, looking for patterns, for any sign of a weakness.

He noticed that Angel's defense, while solid, had a slight delay when she transitioned between blocking high and low attacks. It was a small window, but it was something he could exploit. He pressed the attack, launching a series of high punches to force her into a defensive position, then suddenly dropped low, aiming a powerful kick at her legs.

This time, his attack connected. Angel stumbled slightly, caught off guard by the sudden change in his tactics. Eckert didn't waste the opportunity; he followed up with a strong punch aimed at her midsection. But Angel recovered quickly, twisting her body to avoid the full impact, though the force of his blow still pushed her back.

"Good, you're learning," she said, her voice tinged with genuine approval. "But don't get cocky. I'm still far from done."

With that, she intensified her assault, her movements becoming a blur of speed and precision. Eckert found himself on the defensive, struggling to keep up with her relentless attacks. Every time he thought he had her figured out, she changed her tactics, keeping him constantly off balance.

Despite the onslaught, Eckert refused to back down. He could feel his body adapting to the fight, his mind starting to anticipate her moves more accurately. He wasn't just reacting anymore; he was starting to predict, to counter with more precision.

But Angel wasn't about to let him have the upper hand. She moved in close, feinting a punch before suddenly spinning and delivering a powerful kick to his side. Eckert barely had time to brace himself, the impact sending him crashing to the ground. He rolled quickly, springing back to his feet, but Angel was already on him, her fist aimed directly at his face.

He barely managed to dodge, the force of her punch grazing his cheek. He retaliated with a quick jab to her midsection, but Angel blocked it effortlessly, countering with a punch that landed squarely on his shoulder, numbing his arm.

As the fight continued, Eckert could feel his strength waning, but he pushed through the fatigue, determined to keep up with Angel. Each blow they exchanged was a learning experience, teaching him more about his new limits and capabilities. Despite the intensity of the battle, he found himself growing more confident, more in control of his abilities.

"You've got spirit, I'll give you that," Angel said, her breathing slightly heavier than before. "But remember, it's not just about winning. It's about surviving, about enduring. That's what separates the strong from the weak."

With those words, she launched her final attack, a combination of swift punches and kicks that left Eckert reeling. He barely managed to block most of them, but a few slipped through, leaving him bruised and battered. Yet, despite the pain, he stood his ground, refusing to be beaten.

Finally, with a powerful kick, Angel sent him sprawling to the ground. Eckert lay there for a moment, gasping for breath, his body aching from the relentless assault. But as he looked up at Angel, he saw her smiling down at him, a look of respect in her eyes.

"Not bad," she said, extending a hand to help him up. "You've got a long way to go, but you're getting there."

Eckert took her hand, pulling himself to his feet. He was exhausted, his body covered in sweat and bruises, but there was a fierce determination in his eyes.

"I'll get stronger," he said, his voice steady despite the fatigue. "I'll learn, and I'll get stronger."

Angel nodded, a proud smile on her face. "I'm sure you will. But for now, let's call it a day. You've earned some rest."

Author here:

Last bonus chapter, more power stones more chapters


Arizona: kick him for me

Angel: aren't you the one that boosted his power like this

Eckert: ᕙ⁠(⁠ ͡⁠◉⁠ ͜⁠ ⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠◉⁠)⁠ᕗ

Arizona: author revive me!!!!!!

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