
The Heroes of the Elemental Academies Book 1: The Mountain of Fire

They have always protected us. Agents of Light chosen by God to combat the darkness. For thousands of years their battle has raged, against the demons that would enslave us. But what happens when darkness gathers in unimaginable numbers. Will the Heroes of the Light be able to stand against the rising darkness? Join Seth as he dives into a world unknown to relearn what faith truly means and what it means to protect a world. For The Love of God!! And For The LightForce!

stratfordukena · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 11: War Counsel and New Mission


When they entered the war room at HQ Seth realized it had been the map room he'd seen walking through the corridors after he'd awaken... well awaken the first time anyways. Inside Seth looked around to see if he knew anybody in attendance. He spotted Strat, Mike, Rylee, King Samson, and his squad in the room. There were a couple of people that Seth didn't recognize at all. One was a burly lumberjack looking guy with curly black hair and a jagged scar running down the left side of his face from his cheek bone to the corner of his mouth. The guy looked to be in his early twenties. But instead of the usual white armor everyone else was wearing his armor was in the same fashion but, the color was different. It was a mixture of brown and green. With the primary color being brown, but the straps of his armor and the embroidery outlining the armor were all green.

He seemed to have piercing green eyes and emblazoned on his surcoats was a single oak leaf and the words Nature Academy. Everyone else that was there were in the Lightforce knight's armor. It was the armor he had seen when he had first arrived. It was different then the armor he had been given at to where during training. It was heavier and was more made to endure the rigors of combat than the armor they had been given.

Seth said nothing as he took a seat with his squad. He looked to Matt who was looking around the room as if looking for something. He was obviously trying to look calm and in control but Seth could see his hands quivering ever so slightly. "So even Matt was unnerved," Seth thought to himself. The situation must have been worse than everyone was letting on.

When everyone was finally seated Samson stood up and without any preamble said, "Reaper is loose and has gathered an army to fight us." Everyone had suspected that this was the case but to have it confirmed was something else talking erupted in the room.

"That's impossible!" Mike exclaimed winning quieting the room only through force of voice. Strat looked at Matt and raised an eyebrow. He looked much better than he had last Seth had seen him. He had less bags under his eyes and he didn't look so lifeless.

"Nothing is completely impossible you should know that better than anyone."

"But weren't there angles watching the seal this time I thought they said he wouldn't get free again," Rylee said her voice sounding just as strong as any of the other people there. Being taught by her hadn't been as bad as Seth had originally thought. When he had gone into her class for the first time he had been expecting bad blood to surface. But she hadn't even looked at him. And when he had asked a question she had just answered as politely as she would anyone else.

Seth's mom stood up and all eyes turned to her. "That is not exactly true. We hoped he would never get out again but it was never an absolute. The angels that were guarding his prison went missing which allowed him to escape."

"So where could they have gone?" said the burly guy in the brown armor. He looked at those assembled with a permanent scowl.

"That is unknown," Jack said startling everyone. Seth hadn't seen him in the room. He had just been standing in the corner of the room, observing. "If we did know we would have not told you they were missing Lord John." The burly guy who was called John huffed in annoyance.

"So how big is his army?" Rylee asked.

Samson took a deep breath," We think he has an army of more than two hundred thousand." Shocked silence filled the room for several seconds, then all at once chaos erupted.

"What!?!" exclaimed Matt.

"Oh we are so screwed," Mike said with sigh which Seth didn't find helpful. Seth felt shocked into numbness. Two hundred thousand was an unimaginable number one that he could almost not comprehend. It meant that two hundred thousand of the thing that had chased him down the street and killed Joseph were on their way to battle them. Seth felt a cold pit of fear appear in his stomach. He felt helpless and hopeless. In the Academy there were a lot of agents and soldiers but there were not nearly as much as the number of demons marching towards them. And they would be there in the morning.

"Be still!" Samson commanded his voice cutting through the din. "Do not fall to hopelessness or we have already lost. Besides there is good news... We think we have found the location of one of the Elemental Gems." Again a shocked silence prevailed in the room. Hope flared in Seth. What he had heard about the power of the gems so far led him to believe that their power was unmatched by almost anything in the world.

"What!? Which one," Matt exclaimed an excited look in plastered all over his face. No one else seemed to speak or be willing to speak until Jack once again stepped forward. His brown hair swaying into his face made him seem more mysterious and haughty as he answered.

"The Water Gem is the gem we believe we have located."

"And where is this place you think it is located," Lord John said in a very condescending tone. " You Can't..."

"Diablo Mountain," Strat said interrupting Whatever John was about to say. "That is where we believe it is."

Seth didn't think it was his place to speak but he slowly stood anyways, which seemed to surprise everyone.

"Um hi sorry to interrupt but I would like you to explain a few things to me so that i know i'm on the same page as everyone else." Seth took a deep breath summoning his courage before continuing. "First explain to me this Diablo Mountain. Why is it so special, and why would the Water Gem be there?"

Samson looked at Seth like he was trying to gauge just how much power it would take to throw him off the nearest balcony. the look alone almost made him shrink back into his seat but instead he remained standing, waiting for an answer.

"Diablo Mountain is a Volcano one of the most powerful and unpredictable volcanoes in our world. It's lava and rock formations have been used to temper and create many legendary weapons. but only the dwarves or the Scades would ever dare venture there. The heat off the lava is said to be enough to melt the hair from your head," Rylee finally replied.

"As to why the Water gem would be there, it is rather quite simple. The Water Gem is the ultimate source of water so it's only logical that the Water gem be sealed within one of the most ultimate sources of fire, the natural opposite of water>" Mike finished. Seth nodded his understanding to all of this then continued.

"So i'm guessing that you want my squad, squad one to retrieve the Water Gem so that it may be used to repel the enemy invasion before the Lightforce Academy is destroyed. Is that not so?" Of everything Seth could've said Seth deduced that this was the least expected response.

"Well aren't you a perceptive one," Lord John replied with a wink in Seth's direction. Then he turned serious, "I think everyone gets the point the young Malcovitch was trying to convey. It's time to get to the point, we have an army bearing down on us and we do not have the time to be spending it on all the details." This got everyone's attention and Seth saw everyone agreed with the burly lumberjack, (which is how Seth had chosen to refer to him as.) Seth sat down and releasing a pent up breath that he hadn't known he had been holding. Samson as well stopped pacing and sat down steepling his fingers in front of him on the white metal trim glass table.

"You're correct Lord John so i'll get right to the point. I'll be sending Disciple squad one along with, if you'll agree to it, Master Strat, Master Jack, Lady Rylee, and Master Mike. Your mission to retrieve and bring back safely the Water Gem and to warn all the other Academies you can along the way."

"Excuse me milord, but won't Lord Bannot and Lord Peterson be more useful here to help repel the enemy?" Matt inquired. Samson seemed to consider this.

"In this instance I believe that the mission to successfully retrieve the Water Gem would take precedence so having Master Strat, and Master Jack along would exponentially increase the chances of success. We will have The Chief Commander here who has fought Reaper before," Samson replied gesturing to Seth's mother who dipped her head in polite acknowledgement. "This is all assuming you are okay with this Master Strat, and Master Jack." Both of the Elementists were curt with their nod of assent, Their faces devoid of any emotion.

"Plus this will allow additional training to be completed on the road. Master Strat it might be prudent for you to start training Young master Malcovitch before it's too late." Seth looked up at Strat trying to get clues as to what that meant out of Strat but Strat remained as still and emotionless as stone.

Samson nodded his head signifying that everything had been decided, then he stood up and looked to everyone.

"We have a lot to do in a short time. those of you going I expect you to be ready within the hour. Take the path through The Black Forest." Samson paused and closed his eyes. Then he took a deep breath. "Join me in a prayer," He said extending his hand toward Strat who sat directly to the right of him. Strat grasped his hand then extended his hand as well which Seth's mom took. They joined hands until they were standing in a complete circle around the glass war table. They all bowed their heads and closed their eyes and Seth couldn't help but think. What good is this going to do?

"Dear Father Please watch over us as we all go to do what you've called us to do. Dark times are ahead but we know that with your help we shall be victorious. I ask that you watch over us all and see that in the future we all come to trust in you more. Because although darkness is upon us. We would not be called the Lightforce if we couldn't bring the light. And we can do all this because." at this time Strat spoke up starting a chant that sounded like it would come from a high school pep rally.

"WE CAN DO," Strat shouted.

"WE CAN DO!" everyone repeated.


"ALL THINGS!" Everyone's voices rose in pitch and the excitement and,. determination permeated the air through almost all things. Even Seth got caught in its flow.


"THROUGH CHRIST!" At this moment the entire room began to shake with their words causing Seth to look nervously at the dirt crumbling from the ceiling.




"US!!!" The last roar shook the whole building like a 4.5 earthquake and if Seth hadn't been holding onto Matt and Aria's hands he would've fallen to the ground.

Seth felt new sensation filling his body and mind. He couldn't place the feeling at first but it made him straighten his spine, stand taller, square his shoulders, and push aside his fears. Then he realized what it was: Courage. As they left the war room Matt stopped everyone from their squad in the hallway.

"I know that many of us are probably unsure or nervous as this will be some of our first time engaging the enemy and going on a mission. however remember this, everyone is counting on us to bring back that gem. failure is not an option. Because if we fail everyone we know and love will be slaughtered by death." Matt paused to give them time to process what he had just said then he began as determination once again spread through Seth.

"We will meet at the gate in twenty minutes. Don't be late we need to leave as soon as possible if we wish to slip past the enemy army. Any questions?" Seth raised his hand, "yes Seth?"

"What should we bring with us?" he asked.

"It will be mostly up to you but you must pack light because i assume we will be having to travel light and fast. Don't bring half your house, like a certain someone." At this everyone in the group looked pointedly at Michelle, who blushed in embarrassment At their gazes.

"What!? I was just being cautious.

"Cautious of what? The House Hunters?!" Aria laughed. soon everyone had joined in the laughing and Seth felt the tension with in their group fade if only a little bit.

"So I will see each and every one of you in thirty minutes agreed?" Matt said.

"Agreed," Everyone replied speaking as one.

Seth headed off towards his house. He was trying to hurry cause he didn't wish to be caught in the storm that would happen when the alarms went off. as he was passing some early rising folks on the street a little boy ran out to Seth from his mother's arms.

"Caleb!" said the women a apologetic look coming over her face. but she made no move to follow the boy, as he ran right up to Seth. Seth stopped and knelt down as the boy came up. The boy had specifically come to him for some reason. The boy had sandy hair that had obviously been recently washed and when he looked at Seth, big blue eyes were filled with worry.

Still Seth saw the kid try to put on a brave face. He puffed out his tiny chest and stood straight. He looked Seth thought like he was trying to be a man.

"Sir?" he said. "My mommy is scared that there are bad things on their way to hurt us," his voice sounded as if he was trying not to cry. "Is it true sir? are a bunch of baddies coming cause I won't let them hurt my mommy i'll tell them to go away!" Seth felt warmth bloom in his heart this kid was terrified but if it meant protecting his mom he'd do anything. Seth ruffled the kids hair as he chuckled.

"Hey kid even if the baddies come you have a whole bunch of people who will never let them get to your mom. So don't you worry we agents aren't going to let anything happen to your mamma." The little guy's eyes filled with tears.

"P-promise?" he asked. Seth smiled at him warmly

"Promise." Seth watched as the little kids face transformed into a lopsided bucktooth smile.

"Okay!" He said.

"Kid what is your name?" Seth asked on a whim.

"Caleb sir and I'm a whole five years old." Seth faked a shocked look.

"Oh are you now," He said chuckling. Seth's feeling were jumping up around and swirling to and fro. Such love for this kid had blossomed with in him that Seth sensed that he had already decided to protect this boy and his mother no matter the cost. Set wondered if this was the love Seth's mother had for him.

"Well Caleb you're almost ready to be joining the protectors yourself aren't you?" The boy's grin widened.

"Yeah I will protect my mamma." he said puffing up his chest.

"Caleb look at me," Seth said gently. The boy looked up at him.

"How are you going to protect your mamma if you keep running away from her like you just did." Now the boy looked panicked. He turned around to see where his mother was. Of course she had walked up during their conversation and was staring at Seth with something that bordered on amazement.

"Mamma! I'm sorry I didn't mean to run away from you,"The boy exclaimed burying his head in his mothers mid-drift.

"It is okay Caleb, but next time you need to listen to me," the woman said in a stern voice. "Do you understand me?" Caleb looked down guiltily

"Yes mamma I understand." The woman studied Seth for a moment. Her green eyes seemed full with fear and worry. She had shoulder length blond hair just a little brighter and more pure than her son's. She looked young for one who had obviously been a stay at home mom for a while but she was at least three times Seth's age. Seth could clearly see the dark circles under her eyes. Although, though there were smile wrinkles at the corners of her mouth she wasn't smiling now.

"Sir do you know the situation, can you tell us anything?" Seth wanted to stay and explain the danger that was approaching but he knew he had things to do and a place to be in thirty minutes.

"I don't have the luxury to stay an explain but there should be announcement all I can tell you is that we will be under attack soon and that you should prepare yourselves." Seth started forward towards his house but then stopped and without looking back he said. "I may be new here and there is too much i don't understand but what I do know is that I think I've grown fond of this place. In the bible it says that God is our shield and our sword. so he will surly be with us in this fight. You know it's kind of reassuring." Then without another word Seth left headed home as fast as he could.

When Seth entered his room he found a green and white travel pack on his bed filled with clothes, bandages,flint and steel, a lighter, a pocket knife, a map, bottled water, duck-tape, and a few small lengths of rope twine. There was also a few MREs (Which believe it or not are extremely good. The US Military eats good.), and bags of hardened jerky and some kind of healing paste with a green stripe on the tube. The note on top of the pack said.

"Dear Seth,

Ha I beat you home slow poke! I already made you a pack. I don't think i have it in me to see you off, sorry. If i do go to see you off I may never let you leave regardless of the consequences for the worlds. So in parting i'll tell you this. Always keep your sword sharp, clean and at your side, be generous and brave but don't just waste resources, build your friendships with your friends through sticking with them no matter what. And no matter what you do, you better come back to me alive. Now I've got lot's to do so get going.


Your Mom."

Seth felt himself tear up a little and he was disappointed she would not be coming to see him off, but he understood her reasoning. She had an Academy to get ready for war, actual war... something Seth could not yet imagine. Seth knew in the back of his mind that he would be entering this battle himself but he was strangely apathetic to the idea of battle. Seth had other things to worry about at the moment.

Gathering his things and grabbing his hoodie off the hook on his way out he went to the door to leave. As he stood there looking over his new house he felt resolved to save this place. he decided right there and then that he wouldn't be moving again, not since he had made friends. He wouldn't accept it if he had to leave this place too. Seth shook his head and flicked off the lights of his house. He exited and closed the door behind him, it locking itself when he shut it. Seth looked to the sky that was dotted with hundreds, no thousands of stars. That had been what had amazed him the most about this place. The stars in the sky had been so many the first time he saw them that they had literally taken his breath away. In the normal world the city pollution and greenhouse gases had made it impossible to see the stars inside of town.

Seth had heard you could still see stars in the country outside of town. but you could never see as many as were in the sky above Elementia. Seth had learned in school that the stars had once looked like this in the normal world but Seth couldn't picture it. The sky had so many colors, white, blue, yellow, red, green, even purple. The stars followed a pattern like a giant spiral so Seth could guess he was seeing the Milky Way, their galaxy.

Seth took a deep breath and took off toward the west gate. He had already taken to many stops and he couldn't afford to be late so he had to make up the time. He sprinted forward making a group of agents curse as he ran through then knocking one of them over.

"Hey! What the heck," the man called after him only sounding slightly annoyed. Seth wanted to turn around and apologize but he knew he didn't have the time. The alarms went off when he was about three quarters the way there. It made everything more difficult. The horn that sounded was deep loud and loud enough to wake the dead so no one missed it. It rang three times, which Seth could only guess meant that that was the signal for an attack. immediately people began to run where ever they were going. Men and women began pouring out of their homes armor and swords at the ready. Some of them even held glowing white swords that hadn't been fully formed yet

Seth didn't stop for any of this, and when he had reached the western wall gate he only had a moment to admire it's grandness. The wall was the same quartz like stone that Seth found all around The Academy. The only difference was the way it was built. Each block was about as wide as Seth was tall and about twice that high. It arched about fifty feet upwards where it towered over Seth, complete with beautiful arches and columns which Seth thought pretty but unnecessary. Waiting for him at the entrance were the others all mounted on horses. Even the horses glowed with life energy and they seemed to be eager to go to run. The horses were a silver color with some roan or paints mixed in but that just added to the beauty of the horses. When he approached their group who were all awaiting him except for Lord Bannot who seemed to be the only person absent. Jack looked down at Seth with what he could see as amusement.

"Enjoying the sights are we?" he asked in a joking tone. Seth could tell he was doing this to probably lighten the mood and it seemed to be working when he replied.

"Indeed I am. I'm still adjusting to this new world. Sometimes I wake up and think this was all a dream."

He looked at me seriously, "Who said it isn't a dream does that make it any less real?" Seth felt stunned by what Jack had just said so he didn't answer. It was a new prospective., and Seth realized Jack was right it didn't matter whether it was a dream or not or real or not it was happening so he had to respond to the situation.

"May God watch over us on the journey we are about to undertake," Matt said as Seth turned and mounted his silver horse.

"Amen to that," Rylee added in agreement. For the first time Seth noticed her. She was wearing a silver breastplate that had the likeness of a dove etched into it surrounded by a wreath. She wore riding pants that were attached to greaves and high riding boots. Her brunette hair had been pulled back into a pony tail that seemed to fit right under her helm without any problem. The helm was of the same silvery make that her breastplate and greaves were made of, but had dove wings carved into the metal above her eyebrows it was a very graceful helm that seemed to accent all of the beautiful feature of her face. Seth shook his head vigorously trying to clear his mind. Why would he be thinking of her like that he barely knew her and he sure didn't know her enough to be thinking of her in that aspect. He needed to focus on what was ahead of him. This mission was going to be the first time he went outside the Academy walls. He was going to be in real danger for the first time since his flight to the Academy.

He was going to have to fight. He didn't know if he could do it but he was going to try. Not just for his friends and family that he had here but for himself. To prove to himself that he had what it took to go through with all this. Just then the wall behind them began to shudder and the gate folded inward. The road outside was winding and made of cobblestone. it passed through rolling hills and and then into a wide open plain. The grass glowed with health, and the strong green of the trees and shrubs that dotted the landscape attested to the beauty of the land. The dawning of the sun seemed to illuminate everything in its most majestic state.

"So is everyone ready to go?" Lord Bannot asked as he road up to them riding a large white warhorse.

"Indeed we are Strat only waiting on you," Jack replied in an even tone. Lord Bannot nodded in acknowledgement,

"Yeah sorry about that Lord Samson and I were gathering Intel on the enemy's movements." Lord Bannot rode up to Jack so that their horses were facing the opposite way and he spoke softly so that only those in our company would hear. "The Earth Academy, Air Academy and Nature Academy are already aware of the demon army and are deploying troops to help drive them back. But we must still go to the Fire Academy, as it seems we can't contact them for some reason." Jack nodded his head solemnly.

"We should be on our way then shouldn't we?" Jack turned his horse around and then without another word led the way out of the Academy. Lord Bannot followed, his white cloak gleaming as it billowed in the wind. Seth didn't know what he expected but he expected a bigger sendoff than that but he followed the others as they one by one turned and rode out through the gate and into the rolling hills beyond.