
The Heroes’ Reincarnation

Six Heroes had completed their destiny, slaying the Demon King. The Gods and Goddesses, wanting balance to their world, decided to send the Heroes into another universe. They wouldn’t go unrewarded however. The Gods and Goddesses gave the Heroes one fate-twisting chance before sending them off into their new lives. The Heroes found themselves in the future of earth. Separated and with no way to contact each other. They joined the newest game release, A World’s Legacy! The first game to succeed in a fully immersive VRMMORPG. The Heroes join the launch in hopes of coming into contact with each other. What adventures awaits our heroes? Well there is only one way to find out... ————————————————————————- Author Note: I am inexperienced in writing novels. This is my first ever novel so I apologize for my inevitable mistakes and inconsistencies beforehand.

UnableToOpenDoor · Games
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625 Chs

Wanting to Grow

"Made your decision?"

Mira nodded, "I'll come with, please take care of me."

"Likewise Mira, glad to have you along."

Akiol watched as Givale dashed along the ground. Shooting arrows at a rapid pace. She was quite proficient in battle now, no doubt the results of her efforts.

Her element was quite dangerous, but Akiol believed only the surface was scratched when it came to its potential.

That would be up to Givale to find out however, for Akiol did not have the ability to control the element.

Leaning against the tree Akiol asked, "When will we leave?"


"Oh? What about that detour?" He teased.


Chuckling, Akiol changed the subject, "Excellent, hopefully I can get my bearings-"

His attention was drawn to some noises in the distance. The sound of fighting was evident, he could even catch glimpses of various Skills.

Calling to Givale he rushed towards the fight, intrigued by who would enter the forest at night.

It was a group of players, shouting various orders at each other as they fought one of the creatures. It was obvious from a glance that they were struggling to fight.

Yet it was odd, the strength of the monsters in the forest was enough to give any team trouble. Even the ones from their continent. From what Wrock had said, the average player strength was strangely low.

This group, although struggling, was still fighting back against the creature decently well.

Givale aimed a shot towards the creature, but was swiftly stopped by Akiol. She looked at him with a questioning gaze, "They need help though!"

"It might seem that way, but sometimes helping when not asked can lead to issues. What if they're waiting for something? We could be seen as trying to steal their kill. It would be best to wait and watch."

A series of small explosions covered the creature. It wailed in distress.

Someone shouted, "Good! Now try to pin it!"

A massive golden hammer appeared and slammed down on the creature. It was pushed to the ground and pinned by the hammer.

Mira disapproved, "They're making too much sound. It's attracting the others."

"Maybe that's what they want. Let's keep watching further."

Another player shouted, "Now kill it, quickly!"

Several spells and Skills bombarded the creature, swiftly killing it. As the creature drew its final breath the team collapsed in exhaustion.

One commented, "Guild Leader could've probably handled this on his own."

Another added, "Why do you think we are here?"

"I know, but to think the difference is so vast!"

Akiol frowned, "It seems like they aren't aware, let's offer a hand then."

Approaching the team Akiol greeted, "Yo, seems like you're in a bit of a pickle."

The team watched him warily. One demanded, "Who are you?! What do you want?"

"Just came by with a warning, that battle of yours alerted quite the number of these creatures. As we speak they're heading here. Just wanted to make sure you're aware, and if you need some assistance."


The sound of the creatures filled their ears. As many of them came into view, as if arising from the shadows.

Akiol whistled, "Right on time too. Well, need some help?"

The team got to their feet and held their weapons. Someone answered, "We'll take it if you're offering!"

Akiol nodded approvingly, "Right then. Givale, Mira, I'll leave these guys to you!"

Givale sprinted into view, a bow made of mana in her hand. She shot several arrows, creating multiple holes in the creatures.

Mira leapt into battle, crushing several of them under his feet. He wasn't confident in using the Claymore without breaking it just yet, so he opted to use his own limbs.

The team watched dumbfounded as two kids cleared out the creatures they had struggled to beat with ease. In just a few moments the forest had gone quiet again.

Givale returned to Akiol, "Did I kill more?"

"No, I'm afraid Mira beat you this time."

Givale kicked a rock in frustration. This was a small game they played, occasionally racing to beat more than the other.

Akiol believed friendly rivalry would spur growth, so he endorsed the competitions. While also making sure it didn't get too out of hand.

Mira was quite happy with his win, and celebrated in his own way.

The team approached Akiol. A Priest asked, "Who… are you guys?"

Akiol introduced, "The one angry is Givale, this guy is Mira, and I'm Akiol."

"They just…"

"Killed them all? They're used to it."

The team tossed glances at each other. Not knowing what to say.

So, Akiol asked, "What are you guys doing here at night? It's quite dangerous."

The Priest responded, "Training."

"I had heard something about your Guild Leader. Don't you think you're reaching a little high though? Perhaps something a little less challenging would work better."

A Sorcerer shouted, "Don't look down on us!"

"I'm not, I'm making a statement from what I saw. It took quite a bit out of you all to fight one of those creatures."

They seemed irritated by what Akiol said. Must've struck a nerve.

Trying to adjust their mood Akiol continued, "You're teamwork is steady, there isn't anything majorly wrong with how you're fighting. I just think the opponent you picked is just a tad bit too strong for what you can handle."

The Defender scratched his head, "We know, it's just that we aren't at the same level as Guild Leader. We're tired of being deadweight."

"So you're challenging the creatures?"

The Defender nodded solemnly.

"I think that increasing your personal strength should take priority. With your teamwork all you're lacking is strength. Why not fight some easier mobs solo?"

The Sorcerer sneered, "That's rich coming from you. You hid behind two kids!"

A Claymore and arrow was pointed at the Sorcerer in a split second. Mira scowled at the Sorcerer, "Don't disrespect Sensei!"

The Sorcerer held up their hands, signaling they gave up.

Akiol smiled faintly, "Let's not make enemies with these guys you two. Put down your weapons."

He then asked, "Does your Guild Leader know of this?"

The Sorcerer refused to make eye contact as they responded, "No, last thing we need is his sympathy."

The rest seemed to agree with this.

"Well, best of luck then. I just think that this method is inefficient. I'll be heading off now, don't get jumped again!"

The Defender reached out, "Wait! You seem to know a thing or two about fighting. Maybe you could… give a few tips?"

Akiol considered the request. After a moment he responded, "Sure, in return I want to meet this Guild Leader you speak of."

The group nodded, agreeing to his conditions.

'Man, these days it just seems like you're a master with many disciples. When will I get to show off?' -Stars

"In due time."

Akiol lifted a finger, "Then some pointers to keep in mind. You're using your Skills inefficiently. You bombarded the creature with as much damage as you can muster. Instead you should aim for doing the most amount of damage with the least cost."

The Sorcerer doubted the words, "What do you mean?"

"Heads, limbs, joints. Hitting critical hits does more than just extra damage. It weakens them physically, slows their movements. For instance damaging the eyes of a creature would limit its vision. But that would also make it more prone to attacking wildly."

"So what you're saying is, is that we shouldn't focus on HP?"

"Excellent, you catch on quick. HP is merely the end goal. While you used a Skill to pin down the creature with that giant hammer, you could have gotten the same result for a reduced cost by damaging the joints on the creature's legs."

A Thief, who had been silent the entire time, asked, "Isn't that a bit difficult though?"

"That's where practice comes in. As you fight like this you'll get used to spotting weak points."

This was the general concept behind the {Vital Points Targeting} style that Akiol had integrated in his combat. The premise being that one shouldn't aim to kill their opponent, but damage them to make the battle easier.


Akiol clapped a single time, "However this is all theory. If I am to give proper pointers I would need to see your strengths individually. So let's rest tonight and exit the forest tomorrow. Then I shall test you all."

The Sorcerer sneered, but said nothing.

The team was oddly on board with Akiol's plans. For some reason he had reminded them of their Guild Leader, which made them subconsciously not question his orders. If it could be even considered orders.

Mira had taught the team how to spot trees that had natural pockets inside them for shelter. Having picked two trees they rested for the night.

As Akiol watched the forest below Mira asked him, "Are you teaching more people?"

Akiol rubbed Mira's head, "Just giving them some pointers, people who already have a fighting style are harder to teach."

"What about me?"

"It's easier because you learn quickly. Additionally you're quite eager as well."

Mira was pleased with the praises and retreated happily.

Akiol had a faint smile on his face as he closed his eyes to rest. The silent sound of the forest was oddly loud that night.