
The Heroes’ Reincarnation

Six Heroes had completed their destiny, slaying the Demon King. The Gods and Goddesses, wanting balance to their world, decided to send the Heroes into another universe. They wouldn’t go unrewarded however. The Gods and Goddesses gave the Heroes one fate-twisting chance before sending them off into their new lives. The Heroes found themselves in the future of earth. Separated and with no way to contact each other. They joined the newest game release, A World’s Legacy! The first game to succeed in a fully immersive VRMMORPG. The Heroes join the launch in hopes of coming into contact with each other. What adventures awaits our heroes? Well there is only one way to find out... ————————————————————————- Author Note: I am inexperienced in writing novels. This is my first ever novel so I apologize for my inevitable mistakes and inconsistencies beforehand.

UnableToOpenDoor · Games
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Trial for Truth!

The Almighty One hovered about inspecting the two swords, "To think he was able to break a law set within this world. That one has dangerous potential."

"Your Graciousness, do you really plan to hold a trial?"

"We have been attempt to repair the Seventh Heaven for a long time. If this Baron has a method to repair it, would it not be worth?"

"S-Still, there's a chance-"

"Then he will perish.

"If you are certain."

"I am, spread word of the trial. I have preparations to make."

"Right away!"

The guards quickly went to fulfill orders, leaving The Almighty One alone. She placed Abe within an unknown space and lifted Lucidus Lumen. Holding onto the sword she ordered, "Speak."

'Not many know of the fact we hold a consciousness.' -Lumen

"If something this meager escaped my view then I wouldn't be worthy of this position. Now speak, what is your intention coming back here?"

'I think you can guess that.'

"It can't be that simple."

'It is, I can't stand being in this condition.'

"Then the Baron, what is his intention?"

'Why would I reveal that? You would find out during the trial anyway.'

"You are acting confident despite your position."

'Your threats are empty, I am fully aware of the scripture. I am a Holy Being in a way, harming me goes against the Holy Codex.'

"I am in a position to make exceptions."

'But you won't, there's a piece of you who wants to believe him. Who wants to repair the Seventh Heaven. The fact he's so willing to risk it all under the Holy Codex gives you a glimmer of hope. Destroying me removes his every intention of coming here, and you'll just make enemies with someone who has the greatest potential I have ever seen.'

"You believe to have every outcome covered. Yet I do believe there is one you haven't considered."

'Ha, I doubt it.'

"Believing your words to be true, and them being actually true are two different things. Your Wielder could believe he has a method of repairing the Seventh Heaven. But if that fails?"

'Then you made no progress, but you haven't lost any. Let me tell you something. My wielder is the one guy you don't want to mess with. He managed to become a hybrid through sheer will. Two polar opposites suddenly seem to merge within him, to coordinate well. I've seen him time and time again break through the limits we believed to be unbreakable. Today he might be some mere Second Stage, but what about in a year or two? What level will he reach then?'

"Don't threaten me. Those who reach Fourth Stage come to an understanding of why this level is so impossible to reach. I understand what happened to your previous Wielder, it seems they met an ill fate before reaching such a level. A shame, but you put too much faith into your current."

'You're merely afraid. He accomplished one thing you haven't dared to think of. He broke one of the rules that bind this world. Something the Gods couldn't do. Once he reaches the max of his potential, this realm of yours will be an afterthought.'

"Enough! I will not have the one responsible for the greatest loss this realm has ever witness speak down to me!"

'I am certain it was not me who caused the downfall of the Seventh Heaven.'

"You know nothing of your past. Don't speak foolishly."


"I will host this trial, and if he has a method that proves to work. Then I will grant any wish he desires."

'To say that under the effect of the Holy Codex. . . good to know you have your values.'

"The Seventh Heaven means more to use than you can imagine. Its return is something I prioritize over everything else. Besides, I doubt there is a single thing I cannot grant him."

'What if he asks to become Fifth Stage?'

"You seem to be aware of why he won't as such a thing. I have already deduced his demands."

'Well, we shall see.'

. . .

"Gather, followers of the Holy Codex! Bear witness to the trial!", The Almighty One called out.

Hundreds, if not thousands, of Angels gathered around at the stands. Noise formed as they murmured among themselves. Wings fluttered about, seats filled. The Almighty One was pleased with the crowd, "I have granted permission for this trial to proceed. For this Baron of the Abyss claims to know of a way to repair the Seventh Heaven which we have lost long ago!"

Shock spread like wildfire. Travis, who was currently standing on a testimony stand watched as every Angel reacted. This was excellent, the more Angels that witness his claim the better. For the rewards he will reap once the Seventh Heaven is repaired will be grand.

Additionally, he still had the reward from the event to claim. Once this was all over with he intended to claim it. Depending on what he gained from it all would determine his future plans. However right now he must focus on the trial.

The Almighty One spread her arms and the Holy Codex began to glow with a terrifying light. Travis felt a chill crawl down his spine as its power was released. The Almighty One proclaimed, "The power of the Holy Codex befalls upon you! You now are under its effect. Any lies you tell at this trial will grant you its wrath and punishment! Now: Are you prepared to answer my questions?!"

Travis took a breath and answered firmly, "Yes!"

"Then let us begin! Are you a Baron of the Abyss?"


Shocked murmurs spread across the crowd, but was silenced by a single motion from The Almighty One. She then continued, "Were you the one who offered to undertake the trial to prove your word to be true?"


Once again shock rippled through the crowd. This time they were more behaved however. Then The Almighty One asked the big question, "Do you hold truth to your claim of a method to repair the Seventh Heaven?!"

Silence, every single Angel was shocked silent. Travis felt thousands of eyes lock onto him. Probing glances coming from multiple directions. Taking a breath he answered with resolution, "Yes!"

He then grit his teeth, a painful experience developed across his body. His knees gave out as he fell to the ground, a groan escaping from his lips.

The murmurs spread even further. Disappointment flashed across The Almighty One's eyes, "The Holy Codex has revealed that you are lying. Thus, in accordance to the punishment, you will be erased from this world."