
Starting of a Revolution

"Are you sure this is a good idea?"

Benedict smiled, "Seems like a risk doesn't it?"

"A risk would be an understatement Sir."

"This is my last ditch effort to keep my grip on this position. Of course while it seems like all I'm doing is throwing money at a problem and hope it fixes, I certainly have a few things planned."

"I don't doubt that Sir, it just seems-"

"I know, rest assured the growth of the shop will be under strict supervision

~ ~ ~

"Ah, you've finally arrived."

"And who are you?", Yielya asked.

"I've been assigned to help manage the stores, you can ask me to do anything and I'll do it to my best capabilities."

"I see, he wants to make sure this goes well."

"That is correct."

"In that case, what do I need to do?"

"Currently there isn't much, being present on opening day is a must however. In case the Lord himself decides to visit."

"Does the Lord visit shops on their opening day?"

"Occasionally, sometimes he comes in disguise. If we wish to maintain the image of a new business created by a lucky individual, we will need you present."

"Ha, 'lucky individual'."

"Are you displeased with how I worded it?"

Yielya shook her head, "I was more amused by it."


"Well I don't wish to be left in the dark. What's exactly the layout here?"

"Of course, please follow me."

~ ~ ~

"What has he done?"

A figure wearing a black cloak stood on top a tower. Their face was covered by a shadow granted from the cloak, making their expression unreadable, "That damn Dot, causing mayhem across this place."

They watched as the area beneath them grew increasingly chaotic from battle.

A voice spoke up from behind them, "What shall we do?"

The figure did not answer, instead they stood motionlessly, watching the land burn. The cloak flapped with the rising wind, but did not fail in its duty to cover the wearer.

Clicking their tongue in frustration they swiftly turned, "My plans have been ruined, but from the ashes will arise something far greater."

"Your thoughts?"

"Chaos presents an opportunity, an opportunity I certainly shall not let pass. Come now, we must return to base. I have much to discuss and plan with the others."

"Right away."

"The Demonic Plane will be under my control, nothing shall stop this."

~ ~ ~

Nimin thrust his spear forward and dispatched a monster. Now that he had finally defeated the wandering monsters in the area, he was granted an opportunity to observe the place.

He needed a location out of sight, yet noticeable enough to not be completely hidden. Additionally it needed to be spacious, to support the size of the soon-to-be revolution.

After searching for quite some time, he found a cave located near a shore. It's entrance was protected by a large body of water, and only gravel made the floor. The size was enormous, making it quite surprising that it even still stood. With a bit of cleaning it would prove to be even more spacious.

It seemed to be a hidden pocket of various monsters. Despite him fully exploring the place there wasn't much to be found. Only a few stragglers taking shelter.

He had spent the past week searching for a worthy place. This cave was as close as he got to fit his criteria. Any further hesitation may not be worth it, so he decided to stick with this area. Reaching into his bag he pulled out a wooden token with a strange rune inscribed into it. The token was roughly the size of his palm and gave a faint warmth when held.

"Such a simple looking item is so rare."

'It is how this world tends to operate~' -Glint

Nimin did not disagree with Glint. Flipping the token in his hand he grit his teeth. Tossing it in front of him it landed on the ground and shattered. Suddenly a system notification appeared:

<Are you sure want to move your Guildhouse here?>

Only hesitating for a brief moment Nimin confirmed the notification. A bright glow began to appear and flashed.

Blinking to readjust his vision he saw his Guildhouse in front of him, placed in the middle of the cave. With a sad smile Nimin touched the building, "Sorry that I had to move you, but it has to be this way."

With the base area secured, the start of the revolution had begun!

~ ~ ~

Tilia took a breath, "Hoi!!"

Her voice was carried across the village. This gathered the attention of the guards that were patrolling.

They walked towards her slightly wary. With weapons drawn one asked, "What do you want?!"

"According to this document," Tilia lifted a piece of paper, "This village is now free from the Lord's control. Due to this you are to leave immediately."

"Nonsense, the Lord has no reason to do this."

"You have a valid reason for your beliefs, but this document says otherwise. You are free to inspect it as you please."

They hesitated, after the beating some received from her they were quite unwilling to approach. Soon a single person was singled out, being urged forward by the others. Stepping forward fearfully they shook violently as they got closer. Carefully reading the document they found the same signature of their Lord at the bottom. Gritting their teeth they said, "It's true."

Tilia nodded, "Now that the document has been confirmed, take your buddies and leave. Unless you wish to be escorted of course."

They shook their heads and quickly scampered off.

This commotion naturally drew the attention of the villagers, those who eavesdropped were among the first to leave their homes. Eager to verify this document for themselves.

Slowly a crowd began to form, hesitant yet excited they surrounded Tilia.

"Is it true?", one asked.

"Are we really free?", spoke up another.

Tilia allowed them to view the document, making excitement spread like a wildfire. Quickly news reached to every corner of the village.

An elder spoke up, "You fools! Go inform those in the smithy! We're finally free!"

This only further excited the villagers, as many tripped in their haste to inform the dwarves working to their deaths.

The elder shook Tilia's hand, "You've done so much for us. How could we repay you?"

"There's nothing I can accept right now."

"Meaning you may have something in the future?"

"As much as I would like to say that you don't have to repay me, I'm afraid the future is a bit bleak."

They nodded understandingly, "Our village will always welcome you. If you ever need assistance don't hesitate to ask."

"I'll remember that."