
New Power, New Responsibilities

Akiol was scrolling through various messages. Due to the sudden change of plans, he had to discuss his plan to take on the undead through messages instead of actual meets. He felt that due to this more people were unwilling to help, but he hoped that the numbers from the Guilds and Torch's mechanical army were enough.

As the date grew ever so close he was finalizing the details with several people. Today, he had to meet with two last groups before the window closed. Waving away the various group chats he was reading through he then crouched to a sitting position. While he waited for the agreed meeting time, there was another issue at hand.

Mira was sliding across the dirt with axe in hand, throwing it forward the moment he began to slow. Givale easily dodged it and fired a handful of arrows, except not towards Mira. Another small kid watched the arrows casually, hair and eyes such a deep blue they seemed black. As the arrows landed they swirled and were absorbed into his body.

Lowering her bow she frowned, "That's not fair! You can't just negate my whole magic!"

"Your magic?! The wielding of space was my thing first! You're just a copy cat!"

"It's clearly different?! Besides who said you get to be immune to magic?!"

"I do. It's my thing."

"Your thing is being a black hole!"

This third kid was none other than Stars. The third Strand had indeed accelerated Akiol to Third Stage. With it his power was even more dramatic than previously. His whole being almost radiated with an essence of strength. This level of change was expected, and to his surprise the level was higher than from his previous world. Third Stage, along with his usage of Aura and new sword style, had transcended his peak against the Demon Lord. Now, not a single thing was holding him back, and he could only improve.

Of course, this ascension to Third Stage seemed to have unlocked Stars' ability to use him humanoid form outside of his special world. Now Akiol had to supervise three children with incredible strength. Narrowing his eyes he began to wonder the irony of this all, now being a father to seemingly children who are far older than him in pure age. As for their mental maturity. . . well they were currently arguing over fair abilities.

Mira retrieved his axe, "You control space, that alone is pretty unfair."

"I worked hard for that! Stars gets to just ignore it just because?!"

Stars simply shrugged, "It just goes to show your magic isn't invincible."

At this moment Akiol decided to speak up, "Stars has a very fair point. If you become to content with your advantage, you'll be helpless the moment you lose it. Adapting in battle is very important, now that you have a target that's immune to magic you can improve in other categories. For instance, I do believe Stars is only immune to magic and not say. . . a pair of daggers?"

The mana bow almost vanished immediately as Givale leapt forward. Stars nearly fell backwards out of shock, "Akiol?! Let's not give her any ideas!!"

"The same goes for you Stars, can't be relying on your immunity to magic."

"But I'm a sword! I don't fight!!"

"Yet you're participating in the duel. Abide by the rules."

Barely dodging a slice Stars immediately tried to negotiate, "Okay okay! You're right, it's a bit unfair! Now let's not slice me up!"

"Try and defend against this then! Let's see that immunity in action!"


Stars morphed into a stream of dark blue and entered the empty scabbard on Akiol's back. Givale slid to a stop and frowned, "Coward!"

'I'm a sword! This is how I fight.' -Stars

Akiol stood back up and exhaled, "This is also true."

Unsheathing Stars he took a stance, "Now, let's make sure we're all adjusted shall we?"

Givale leapt back and returned to Mira's side, "This is not fair at all."

Leaning the axe on his shoulder Mira crouched down, "But I learn so much!"

"Always eager to learn from Akiol aren't you. Was all that time we spent training mean nothing to you?"

"Akiol's better at fighting."

Givale's face twisted slightly, but found she couldn't argue.

The two leapt forward suddenly in sync, and a friendly sparring battle began. Before creating {Way of the Galaxy} Akiol wasn't confident on dueling both Mira and Givale at the same time. The training they had undergone was nothing short of incredible. Yet those decades Akiol spent alone perfecting his own technique, the rise to Third Stage, and all the fighting he had experienced. It now put him in an entirely new realm.

It did not take long for Akiol to overwhelm the two. Not even a flicker of Aura was present as the two fell to the ground. Pointing the tip of his sword towards them Akiol smiled, "I'm doubling training for the next few days. Your speed at adapting is incredible, you'll get used to this in no time."

Mira was the first to complain surprisingly, "I really thought I'd be able to land a hit this time!"

Givale chose to remain silent. An apparent frown remained on her face, but no complaints were voiced.

Sheathing Stars Akiol turned towards a direction, "Alright, time to go."

The war against the undead drew closer!

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