
The Heroes’ Reincarnation

Six Heroes had completed their destiny, slaying the Demon King. The Gods and Goddesses, wanting balance to their world, decided to send the Heroes into another universe. They wouldn’t go unrewarded however. The Gods and Goddesses gave the Heroes one fate-twisting chance before sending them off into their new lives. The Heroes found themselves in the future of earth. Separated and with no way to contact each other. They joined the newest game release, A World’s Legacy! The first game to succeed in a fully immersive VRMMORPG. The Heroes join the launch in hopes of coming into contact with each other. What adventures awaits our heroes? Well there is only one way to find out... ————————————————————————- Author Note: I am inexperienced in writing novels. This is my first ever novel so I apologize for my inevitable mistakes and inconsistencies beforehand.

UnableToOpenDoor · Games
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Fear Those At The Apex

"These guys give off a gross feeling."

Givale complained while aiming her bow of mana. Mira nodded in agreement while forming his blood axe, "But Akiol-Sensei said to get rid of them."

"Then let's do that."

The two Chimeras gained their bearings and charged towards Givale and Mira. Drawing her bow Givale released a few magic arrows to slow their movement. As a few made contact they exploded and erased the Heretic flesh. Scrunching her face Givale watched as they regenerated the damage almost instantly, "Not more regeneration!"

The minotaur-like Chimera broke the ground with each step as it charged towards Givale. Mira slid in the way and swung his axe. It attempted to block with one of its arms, but failed to comprehend Mira's sheer strength. His axe felt no resistance as it cleaved the Chimera in half.

The naga-like Chimera moved its snake body to wrap around Mira. Sucking in a mouthful of breath he pushed against the Chimera. The snake-like body quivered for a moment before exploding apart. Mira landed and tilted his head, "They're not strong?"

Givale drew back her bow, a massive arrow growing with every inch drawn, "But they're tenacious!"


Deep purple magic shot towards the minotaur-like Chimera. It saw the arrow and dodged it, perhaps learning from the previous shots. Givale made a small smile, "You'll need more than that."

Space swirled and the arrow teleported to point towards the Chimera's back. Exploding upon contact it expanded into a large purple sphere. It remained as so for half a second before shrinking and disappearing. Givale began to draw another arrow, "One down!"

Mira questioned, "Eh? But what happened to their regeneration?"

"I don't have to worry about it if there's nothing to regenerate from!"

"Oh! That makes sense!"

Mira paused for a second, "But then. . . did I mess up?"

Due to him exploding the naga-like Chimera, various pieces of flesh remained scattered around the area. Givale eyed each piece and responded, "Doesn't matter, we just gotta keep doing it until they can't anymore!"

Suddenly, all the flesh pieces twitched. They moved like a boiling pot of water and expanded rapidly. Now Mira found himself being surrounded by several naga-like Chimera. Each gave off the same intimidating feeling. They all slithered towards him, Mira eyed them all one at a time, "Givale? What do we do?"

Givale felt her eyebrow twitch, "Round them up! We'll just finish this in one blow-"

The ground beneath Givale collapsed into a pit, several Naga-like Chimera appearing through gaps in the earth. Understanding what was happening she warned, "The blood counts too! Don't cause enough damage to make them bleed!"

Her bow of mana vanished as she dashed about. Dodging the strikes by the Chimeras she ordered, "We need to round them up!"

Mira found himself in a troubling situation. He couldn't harm the Chimera, else they would multiply, and he couldn't just let them roam freely. As for rounding them up. . .

Grabbing one of the tails of the Chimera he easily prevented it from moving. It struggled fruitlessly to free itself. Mira gently tugged it closer, and idea forming. Tossing one of the Chimera upwards he quickly ran to the others. They tried to harm him, but any damage they dealt was regenerated by Mira.

That was right! The biggest issue when dealing with a Chimera was their regeneration! The same strength as Mira! Except for Mira, he was superior! The regeneration of Heresy, while powerful, isn't nearly as strong as that of a suppressed Origin Hydra!

If anything, they were merely a failed copy of Mira's regeneration!

Givale spotted Mira's moves and followed suit. While her strength couldn't compare to Mira's, her advantages of being a Dragon was finally taking place. She remained at the top of Second Stage, something these Chimera's couldn't approach!

Kicking and bouncing off the Chimera Givale formed portals for them to fall through. To prevent any others from reaching the ground she created a massive spacial one-way barrier.

Heresy seeped into many things, but Space was both an existing thing, and something no one could comprehend. Holding no physical form Space was practically invulnerable the Heresy. Of course this small thing couldn't be taken advantage of most of the time due to no one being able to control it. Save for Givale.

The Chimera were gathered in an invisible box in the air. Mira tossed the final one into it and cheered on, "Do it!"

The amount of Chimera was large, and their total size was beyond the damage her strongest arrow was capable of erasing. Extending a hand she slowly formed a fist, crushing the Chimera into a smaller total size.

She frowned, it seems she couldn't quite crush them completely to a size she was capable of erasing. The reason for this she was unaware of, but not something she couldn't handle. Sheathing her daggers her form rapidly changed. A beautiful scaled Dragon took form and stared at the Chimeras.

A chilling authority overcame the forest. The feeling of a superior being was pushed onto all their existence. Opening her jaws a ball of purple magic formed and grew in size. Mira noticed this and quickly moved behind her. Patiently waiting he retracted his axe and placed his hands behind his back.

The ultimate move of all Dragons. Their breath attack. Channeling their magic directly from their heart through their body it is no exaggeration to call it their strongest move. Once it grew to a sufficient size Givale released the breath attack.


A thin purple beam launched forward, passing through the Chimeras and extending further beyond. From Givale's mouth it expanded and followed the line, growing in size as it traveled. By the time it reached the Chimeras the size was more than quadruple the box's size. The breath attack completely enveloped the Chimeras, and all sight to them was lost.

The beam of magic traveled into the air, traveling an unknown distance before slowly fading. Givale snapped her jaws shut and returned to her human form. Placing her fists on her hips triumphantly she declared, "They didn't stand a chance!"

Her statement rung true. For not a single trace of the Chimeras remained. They were completely, utterly, entirely erased from existence.

The offensive power of two of the apex races was not something easily matched. Even for the Party. Moreover under Akiol's guise, and Stars' previous wielder, these two became more than a threat to be reckoned.

They became a threat to be feared.