
The Heroes’ Reincarnation

Six Heroes had completed their destiny, slaying the Demon King. The Gods and Goddesses, wanting balance to their world, decided to send the Heroes into another universe. They wouldn’t go unrewarded however. The Gods and Goddesses gave the Heroes one fate-twisting chance before sending them off into their new lives. The Heroes found themselves in the future of earth. Separated and with no way to contact each other. They joined the newest game release, A World’s Legacy! The first game to succeed in a fully immersive VRMMORPG. The Heroes join the launch in hopes of coming into contact with each other. What adventures awaits our heroes? Well there is only one way to find out... ————————————————————————- Author Note: I am inexperienced in writing novels. This is my first ever novel so I apologize for my inevitable mistakes and inconsistencies beforehand.

UnableToOpenDoor · Games
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625 Chs

Backgrounds Not Simple

"This is luxury. . ."

Akiol had such thoughts when he stepped off the plane. Originally when he heard that they were handling the traveling fees, he expected a normal plane flight.

Against these expectations, he was led to a private jet that flew him personally. Everything felt unnecessarily high class. He even began to have second thoughts recruiting their help. When someone was on this level of class, would they even bother entertaining his ideas about a game? Still, it would be too rude to leave in the middle.

All of this put him on edge regardless. Someone with this level of background wasn't simple, and that only heightened his wariness. Massaging his palm he walked forward. Another fancy car awaited his presence. A few eyes glanced at the shiny paint and murmurs were tossed about. Although this lasted only a moment for everyone was too busy to stick around anyway.

"I take it you're Akiol?"

"You can call me James.", Akiol felt like he couldn't lose this identity.

"Then James, Master Terwin eagerly awaits your arrival.", a man dressed in a fancy suit opened the door and gestured for him to enter.

"I hadn't expected such high class."

"You're his special guest, we cannot allow you to have any less."

"I see."

As the fancily dressed man entered the driver seat he asked, "Would you like to rest at a place? It has been a long flight."

"I'm used to moving about constantly, this is nothing. As long as I'm not being a bother I can meet."

"Master Terwin wouldn't dare call you a bother. Rather I think he's the one who has been eager for this meetup."

"He's that excited?"

"To put it simply, finding anyone above Hank's level of skill is very difficult. He has been very curious to see what you're like in person."

"I sure hope he doesn't have any high expectations."

The man's business like face held a look of seriousness, "No, I think you'll match them just fine."

This finely dressed individual wasn't simple. Akiol could tell that much upon meeting him. The way they held themselves held a feeling of importance, but also reeked of danger. A moment of hostility would have them act, that was for sure.

The driver had the same opinion of Akiol. With their years of experience they were incredibly shocked to see someone so carefree, yet so dangerous at the same time. Any ordinary person wouldn't think much of their presence, but as someone who constantly had their life risked they held a higher degree of sensitivity. Akiol screamed of danger if he so much as made one wrong move.

This was a crouching dragon for sure! Such thoughts went through the driver's head, a bit of excitement coursing through his body. He was certain no one had escaped their sights in danger, yet this fellow was just waltzing about unnoticed!

Doing his best to make sure none of these emotions showed, the driver held an air of professionalism as he drove the car. Although Akiol noticed the luxury, he wasn't prepared for the building the driver drove into. A manor of incredible size came into vision. A long road traveling towards it. Approaching a gate the driver spoke something into an intercom and the gates slide apart to open.

Driving up to the manor the driver turned to face Akiol, "We're here."

Stepping out of the car Akiol's eyes narrowed. Speaking his thoughts he asked, "Kind of a rude welcome wouldn't you say?"

"May I know what you mean?", the driver spoke in a calm voice.

"Such hostility, how many angles am I being watched from right now? Four? Five? Let's see, two on the roof, a few in the trees? Ah, I suppose it would be six then, including you.", Akiol's gaze turned to the driver.

Indeed, there was several people watching Akiol's every move. Not bothering to hide their hostility made it easy for Akiol to notice. Yet this whole process only deepened his doubts and concerns, and nearly pushed him over the edge. If this was his world. . . how quickly would he have drawn his sword? Right now he was unarmed.

The driver put on a smile as his hostility weakened, "In that case I have to ask for your forgiveness. Although you may be Master Terwin's guest, these bodyguards must remain aware of any potential guests. Including you."

"They ought to do a better job hiding their bloodlust."

"I'll be sure to pass on your opinion. Now I insist you follow."

A bit of hesitation dragged Akiol's choice to a stop. If he accepted this was akin to willingly walking into a lion's den. Yet in this open field the manor lay on, there was no feasible way for him to protect himself. There was a few trees, but in his experience they only provided a bit of cover, and could not be depended on unless thick in number. That would leave the manor, an unfamiliar territory but certainly held significantly more cover. Even if he wasn't familiar with the layout his chances would be higher inside.


The driver bowed, "My apologies if this mix up has offended you. I will do my best to make sure it doesn't happen again."

Entering through a pair of luxurious doors Akiol rapidly took note of his surroundings. The entire placed screamed luxury, one wrong step could break something more expensive than anything he owned. The floor was made of a stone he was unfamiliar with, and polished to be nearly a mirror. The wall were decorated with various ornaments designed to look expensive. Gold and silver was apparent. Furniture with fine carvings lay in an orderly manner.

The hostile feeling disappeared as he entered the building. There was no gazes staring at him, almost like the place was empty. Akiol knew better than to assume this, but it felt strange. Like this whole ordeal was testing him in one way or another.

Massaging his palm while following the driver Akiol made a mental map of everywhere he went. The driver then paused by a large pair of doors and stepped to the side, "Please enter, Master Terwin is expecting you."

After the driver opened a door Akiol walked through to be greeted by a surprisingly humble office. Stacked with books and documents in a slightly disorderly fashion it gave off a feeling of being well used. A slightly older than middle-aged man sat on a chair scanning a paper. Upon noticing the doors open he asked, "Oh? Who is it?"


Terwin's eyes brightened, "It's you! I was told you were on your way, but was simply too busy to check up when exactly you were arriving. Forgive me, I had expected you later and planned to make a more ample introduction."

"I suppose this introduction was ample enough."

Frowning at the statement Terwin immediately called, "Sir Paul?"

The driver bowed as he entered the room. Walking next to Terwin he asked, "Yes Master Terwin?"

"Has something unsavory happened?"

"It as follows.", Paul lowered his head and whispered to Terwin.

Nodding at the words the frown deepened on Terwin's face, "I am displeased with your choices on this matter Sir Paul. This is my esteemed guest. You are dismissed for today."

"I will reflect on my actions Master Terwin.", Paul bowed and swiftly made himself scarce.

Terwin sighed and tossed the document onto the desk, "It seems my guards were unsociable, you'll have to forgive them. Part of why I'm so busy is because of some. . . drama that's putting them on edge."

"I half expected a fight to break out."

"Half expected? I take it you were confident in your ability to win?"

"I cannot say guarantees."

A pleased and impressed look flashed on Terwin's face, "I hope you can forgive me. If you don't mind entertaining another walk, mind if I show you something? Corolla and Hank have been expecting your arrival."

Terwin was a charismatic individual. Although his words were simply the energy he gave off made you feel a form of trust. To Akiol he was just barely able to see through it, but he couldn't determine if Terwin's actions had ill intent. Terwin's expressions and mannerisms seemed mechanical, as if filling predetermined motions. Yet they held nothing beyond that, as if it was simply habit.

Perhaps Terwin's excitement loosened this image and allowed Akiol to see through it. Although he still failed to pierce through it beyond surface level. Was this the mannerism of economically powerful people? The constant masking to keep themselves defined as high class? Akiol couldn't disregard this potential reasoning. As long as he didn't let his guard down, it should be fine.

"Corolla?", Akiol chose to ask.

"Ah, you know her by Candy right? My daughter."

"I had a feeling when you mentioned Hank. . .", Akiol nodded after saying that, "Alright I have no issue with those two."

"My sincerest gratitude. I needed a break, a perfect opportunity wouldn't you say?"

"Or an intentional one."

Terwin merely smiled mysteriously at that comment. Gesturing for Akiol to follow Terwin guided Akiol down the Manor to an underground segment. To Akiol's surprise the underground bit of the Manor was significantly larger than the above ground building. Its depth was something he couldn't quite comprehend fully. Moreover there was a clear buzz of activity. A shocking comparison to that of the silence in the Manor.

Expanded his hand to gesture at the underground bit Terwin introduced, "A somewhat secret of my home. Not many of my guests are permitted down here."

Someone interrupted Terwin. A joyful voice spoke out, "Father!"

A young girl tackled Terwin's legs and hugged him, "You haven't visited in forever!"

"It's been a week Corolla. . ."


With a helpless smile Terwin put a hand on her head, "Yes I'm sorry. I'll be sure to take more breaks from work."

Akiol noticed that this smile didn't seem as mechanical as the previous ones.

Terwin continued, "More importantly, our important guest is here."

Corolla turned her attention to Akiol. Tilting her head she asked, "Who. . . Oh! It's Akiol! You look surprisingly similar to your avatar!"

That was the second time someone mentioned that. Akiol was positive the looks between he and James were significant enough to not be compared so easily. With a smile Akiol responded, "We meet in person."

"You're surprisingly more. . . I dunno. . .", Corolla scrutinized Akiol's appearance, "I expected you to look more ordinary. You don't seem like someone who plays games often."

"A World's Legacy is technically my first."


Akiol turned to the side, "I presume that would be Hank?"

A flash of surprise flickered through Terwin and Corolla's eyes. Hank could be described as invisible to a majority of people. Even their highly trained guards struggled to notice his presence most of the time. Yet Akiol, who had only met him in a game before, was able to recognize and spot Hank?

An awkward cough formed, "How'd you know?"

"You're the only person here who's location I don't have pinned down. I have to say your stealth is among the best I've ever seen."

Hank spread his hands, "It's my line of work, if I wasn't this good I couldn't stand to protect the Young Miss."

Hank was incapable of understanding just how high Akiol's praise was. It was no exaggeration. In this world devoid of mana and advanced techniques, someone managed to reach the peak of stealth with their own ability. Akiol truthfully had nothing but praises for such skill.

Terwin on the other hand was alarmed by a different part of what Akiol said. Although it was casually mentioned, even disguised as a compliment, it frightened him. The words 'only person here who's location I don't have pinned down' was an almost unbelievable statement. Did Akiol truly have that deep of an understanding of his surroundings despite not having any prior experience with the area?

If he was speaking the truth, it proved that Akiol wasn't omniscient. If Hank was capable of going by relatively undetected, then there was a chance that if Akiol proved dangerous, they could handle that situation.

Placing aside these thoughts for now Terwin spoke, "Corolla has been handling a lot of the game affairs whilst I've been busy. So I felt it was necessary for her to be apart of this offer you spoke of."

"Ah, I almost feel like all of this was unnecessary for my simple offer."

Corolla shook her head, "I still wish to hear, even if it's simple."

"Then I have no issues."

Terwin then continued to guide them, "Let us speak somewhere a bit more private."