
The Hero Who Returned From The War Has Changed.

Franz was summoned to a medieval fantasy world to save humanity from demons. Now, 4 years later, humanity is close to achieving its goal. Franz has become the strongest human on the continent, and his sword is aimed at the demon capital after a bloody war on the verge of ending. Or at least, that's what the aristocrats of the kingdom thought until everything turns upside down at the celebration party in the royal palace.

Al_12 · Fantasy
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73 Chs

Royal Coronation

Several weeks had elapsed since the revelation of the murder case in the royal palace, a shocking event that had cast a somber shadow over the kingdom. The subsequent return of the army had ushered in a period of relative calm, allowing the nation to slowly regain a sense of normalcy. Amid meticulous planning and various administrative procedures, the highly anticipated coronation date of Princess Elizabeth had been set for the approaching weekend.

The coronation, a significant and symbolic event, required Princess Elizabeth to take an oath before both the Church of Light's Archbishop and the President of the Parliament. In Herssian, a Constitutional Monarchy, executive power rested with the King, while the Parliament held judicial authority. The Church of Light, wielding substantial influence not only in Herssian but across the entire Farheim continent, served the Goddess Zenith, whom they revered as the creator and caretaker of the world, Hortana.

Zenith, who I believed responsible for my kidnapping, had become a central figure in my desperate attempts to find a way back to Earth. Despite numerous endeavors to communicate with her at the Church headquarters, my efforts were met with silence. Frustrated, I decided to delve into the Holy Book and other religious documents in search of answers, only to discover disturbing verses promoting hate and discrimination.

The third verse of the Holy Book stated, "All the inhabitants born in the land of light (Farheim) are children of Zenith, who will have her blessing before and after death." The fourth verse was even more explicit, declaring, "Those not born in the land of light and who don't follow Zenith as their deity will be treated as heretics, as their existence will only bring ruin to this world, so they will have to die." These blatant expressions of hatred painted a grim picture of the twisted morality prevalent in this world.


"Franz, are you ready for the coronation ceremony tonight?" inquired Major Eva.

"Absolutely, Eva! Didn't you see I paid special attention to my outfit today?" I responded, pointing to my elegantly styled black suit with a bright smile.

Eva, known for her playful banter, teased me about my usual attire, jokingly referring to it as that of a homeless person. I defended my consistent military uniform choices until this special occasion, where I took pride in my refined appearance.

"Hahaha, I'm just kidding, Franz. You look quite handsome today," Eva remarked with her characteristic mischievous laugh.

"Heh~ You look pretty too in your red dress, Eva."

Eva wore a long, not-so-long red dress that complemented her hair and eyes of the same color. Expressing her gratitude, she seemed visibly happy.

"By the way, Eva, you are quite tall today."

"Huh, did you notice?" she questioned.

How could I not notice when her exaggeratedly tall figure was hard to miss? However, I refrained from commenting on the towering effect, wondering if she had gone overboard with the heels.

The entrance of Angelica and Jessica interrupted our banter. Both donned elegant dresses matching their respective hair colors. Angelica opted for a conservative dress that highlighted her slender figure, while Jessica sported a more revealing short dress.

"I hope that this time you two behave properly at the ceremony," warned Jessica with a menacing look directed at Eva and me.

"O-Of course, we'll behave well, Jessica... Won't we, Eva?" I said, beads of sweat forming on my forehead.

"Y-Yes, of course! What happened last time won't happen again!" Eva nervously assured.

Ah, my dark past of pranks during formal events haunted me once again. To divert attention, I inquired about Colonel Samantha's whereabouts.

"Hmm, I haven't seen her on the way here at least," Jessica replied.

"Maybe she's already waiting inside the ceremonial room. In that case, we'd better get going," I suggested.

As we walked towards the royal throne room together...



Eva's ridiculously high heels betrayed her as she tripped.

I did my best to maintain a poker face.


In the royal throne room, the coronation ceremony unfolded, attended by parliament members, military personnel, court magicians, and influential merchants. Soldiers, both inside and outside the room, ensured security measures were in place, prohibiting the consumption or distribution of food to prevent any potential acts of poisoning.

The room buzzed with anticipation as the standard coronation procedures progressed, culminating in the princess swearing-in segment.

"Her Majesty, the Third Princess, Isabella Von Herssian, will enter the stage to take the solemn coronation oath!"

Princess Isabella, adorned in a beautiful white dress, walked forward, stopping in front of Parliament's President and the Archbishop. The audience bowed their heads in a sign of respect, except for those captivated by Princess Isabella's beauty.

Princess Isabella, with her hair elegantly styled and light makeup accentuating her features, responded solemnly to the Parliament's President and the Archbishop, swearing to protect the interests of the nation and follow the will of Goddess Zenith.

"With the power granted to me, I endorse the promotion of Her Majesty, Isabella Von Herssian, as the new and only Queen of Herssian!" declared both the Parliament's President and the Archbishop simultaneously.

Isabella gracefully took the royal crown and placed it on her head, eliciting loud applause throughout the royal palace. The ceremony moved into its closing phase with the new Queen seated on the royal throne.

"May I speak for a moment?"

Although it was expected, Queen Elizabeth didn't leave the stage.

"I want to thank everyone for coming to my coronation today," she began, acknowledging the difficulties stemming from recent tragic events.

Her family's loss and the demise of key nobles weighed heavily on her and the kingdom, compelling her to promise justice and accountability for the perpetrators.

However, Queen Isabella took an unexpected turn in her speech.

"Sadly, it's not just the horrific murder case in the Royal Palace that should concern all of us here. As you may have noticed from the current presence of the Hero and the Army in the capital, the operation to invade the Demon capital ended in resounding failure."

Queen Isabella's revelation stirred panic within me, leaving me unprepared for what came next.

"The reason behind all this is... Treason! One of the three great kingdoms has joined hands with the Demons!"

The Archbishop and a significant portion of the audience expressed shock at this unexpected disclosure.

"The Ramantha Kingdom," declared Queen Isabella, revealing the alleged conspirator.

A stunned silence gripped the royal throne room as Isabella announced the kingdom's declaration of hostility not only against the Jacinto Kingdom but also with the Ramantha Kingdom.


Everyone present, including me, was shocked at the unexpected revelation of Isabella

"The Ramantha kingdom is allied with the demons. I know that it's hard to believe... but it's already confirmed. It's for this very reason, that from today, I, Isabella Von Herssian, the Queen of Herssian, declare hostility of our kingdom not only against the Jacinto Kingdom but also with the Ramantha Kingdom!"

Once Isabella finished saying these words, she inhaled deeply and then screamed passionately:


As the applause and shouts of support resonated, I found myself grappling with the gravity of the situation. A full-scale confrontation between the three great kingdoms loomed, a scenario that promised catastrophic consequences.

My mind raced, contemplating the potential death and destruction that could unfold, and the economic toll on all the kingdoms involved. I recognized the urgency of resolving this crisis before a massive war engulfed the entire continent.

Just as Isabella finished her speech and my mind swirled with thoughts, a person approached me from the crowd. Dressed in a long black dress that highlighted her features, Colonel Samantha's stunning appearance commanded attention.

"What did you think, Franz?" Samantha inquired, her gaze fixed on Isabella.

"It looks like we'll be very busy thanks to the new Queen," Samantha added, a tinge of sadness in her tone.

While I observed Samantha's melancholic profile, a loud crash in the distance, followed by a scream, diverted my attention.

Concerned about a potential attack on the Royal Palace, I braced myself for an unknown threat.


"Noooooo! T-The right heel broke!!!"

I sighed in relief; it was only Major Eva, her high heel mishap providing a moment of unintentional comic relief amidst the looming crisis.

The room remained oblivious to my internal turmoil as I contemplated the challenges ahead. Juggling political intricacies, the threat of war, and the mysteries surrounding recent events, the Farheim continent stood at the precipice of conflict. My role in shaping its fate had become more complex than ever, far from the peace I had initially sought.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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