
The Hero Who Returned From The War Has Changed.

Franz was summoned to a medieval fantasy world to save humanity from demons. Now, 4 years later, humanity is close to achieving its goal. Franz has become the strongest human on the continent, and his sword is aimed at the demon capital after a bloody war on the verge of ending. Or at least, that's what the aristocrats of the kingdom thought until everything turns upside down at the celebration party in the royal palace.

Al_12 · Fantasy
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73 Chs


"Franz, remain there and heal yourself with a potion while we provide cover," Angelica instructed.

I found myself severely wounded after a solo confrontation with the elite members of the organization clad in black robes and a chimera simultaneously. Fortunately, my colleagues Angelica and Eva promptly came to my aid.

"Alright, alright, thanks," I responded, exhaustion evident as I sat on the floor and retrieved a high-level healing potion from a bag tied to my clothes.

While I could use potions to mend my injuries, my current circumstances rendered it impossible.

I mean, I could have easily fallen victim to a fatal attack if I had paused for a moment.

"As if a couple of girls could help you in this situation!" Thomas, the head of the lab, shouted.

Naturally, the enemies wouldn't stay idle while I tended to my wounds.

Before long, another trio of foes charged forward. One targeted Angelica, another aimed at Eva, and the remaining assailant seized the opportunity to attack me, defenseless on the ground.

Despite their boss's dismissive comment, the enemy elites maintained their vigilance against Angelica and Eva, dismissing the appearance of the seemingly ordinary women.

Their decision proved correct.

However, merely thinking so didn't prepare them adequately for what lay ahead.

The moment they closed in and swung their swords at me and the others.


One of the attackers spat blood as a sword pierced his throat — a weapon wielded by none other than his comrade.


"What are you doing?!" the third shouted, witnessing the shocking scene.

"I-I didn't do it, I swear! My arm moved against my will!!!"

While they argued in panic,

The sword lodged in the first attacker's throat moved again, this time directed at his other comrade.

However, unlike the previous instance, the black-robed man wasn't even holding the sword.

"What is this?! The sword moves by itself?!" he exclaimed, barely blocking the unexpected attack.

Unfortunately for both, the sword he used for defense also started moving against his will, prompting him to drop it.

But that proved to be a colossal mistake.

Now unarmed, with both floating swords disappearing, the next instant.

Both men had their respective swords impaled in their hearts, perishing simultaneously.

Their lifeless bodies fell to the ground.

Instantly, the remaining men in black robes retreated a couple of steps to escape the range of the skill's effect.

'As expected of Angelica... her unique ability is as chilling as always,' I mused.

Lieutenant Colonel Angelica.

Unique ability:

<Handling >

Many details of her ability are shrouded in secrecy, like the skills of other officers in the army.

From what I've discerned, her ability allows her to use a form of telekinesis on inanimate objects at the very least.

Specifics of her ability, such as weight and size limitations, remain unknown. However, as she just demonstrated, the ability to control enemies' weapons at will can be incredibly advantageous on the battlefield.

While contemplating the myriad uses of Angelica's ability,

"Eva, I'll protect Franz until the healing effect ends. In the meantime, you can take care of attacking from the front," Angelica stated, crossing her arms and narrowing her eyes at me.

"Can I finally have some fun?"

In contrast to Angelica, Eva usually exhibited a cheerful demeanor on the battlefield.

The sight of a small, cute girl advancing toward the menacing men in black robes could create confusion about who the actual victim was.

"It's unfair that Franz always gets the better of it!" she exclaimed, hands on her waist, lifting her small chest.

Eva appeared quite happy at the moment, but in reality, nothing could be further from the truth.

Previously, due to various unexpected events, she had been slightly scared and worried. Nothing is scarier than something of an unknown nature, right?

Also, Jessica's health situation caused her even greater stress.

It was quite ironic.

Even though Eva felt confident when facing a horde of enemies directly, she couldn't do anything to help her friend suffering on a bed.

She felt helpless.

Eva and Jessica had been friends since childhood, almost like sisters rather than best friends.

When Eva decided to join the army to help her family earn more money to pay off debts, Jessica decided to follow in her footsteps.

Jessica claimed it was her decision since she liked the idea of becoming an army officer since childhood.

But deep down, Eva always knew the truth.

'It's to take care of me.'

Even though Eva was the older of the two, Jessica always acted more responsibly and maturely.

When Eva got into trouble, Jessica used to help sort it out and even apologize for her.

When they joined the army, nothing really changed.

Well, actually, it did.

The number of times Eva was saved by Jessica increased exponentially.

That's why Eva always helped her when she had the opportunity or when she asked for it.

Unfortunately for Eva, the number of times Jessica required her help was never that great, so her debt to her did not diminish at all.

And even now that Jessica was enduring great pain, Eva was unable to help her.

Because of all the above, she felt completely useless and powerless.

While looking forward to Franz's return to change the situation and help Jessica recover.

Suddenly, a girl named Natasha arrived at the inn. From her heavy breathing, it seemed she had run to get there as soon as possible.

Natasha shared Franz's plan, and together with Angelica, they discussed its execution.

Franz planned to meet everyone outside the cave for a coordinated attack, unaware of Jessica's current condition. She was in no condition to go out and fight, so someone had to stay to care for her.

"I will do it."

Although frustrated at not being able to participate in the battle, Eva prioritized Jessica's safety. While she trusted Angelica to handle it, she believed it more appropriate for Angelica to participate in the attack to keep Franz in check for the plan's proper execution.


"You two can go help that idiot, don't worry about your partner; I'll take care of her while you two are gone."

Natasha understood from Eva's dialogue and facial expressions that she also wanted to go. Since she was also worried about Franz, she thought that the most tactical decision would be to take care of Jessica herself.

However, they both considered Natasha's suggestion for a moment before accepting.

To begin with, they already blindly trusted a stranger from the village about Franz's situation.

In the case of a trap prepared by the villagers, they would be delivering Jessica as a hostage on a silver platter.

No matter how much pressure they felt, making a mistake like that could endanger everyone.

Fortunately, when they were about to thank Natasha for trying to help but tell her they preferred to follow the previously agreed-upon plan,


A loud sound, akin to an explosion, echoed throughout the village, even reaching the inn's room where the girls were.

Angelica and Eva exchanged worried glances.

At that moment, Natasha remembered something she had previously forgotten to show.

"I forgot to show this to you guys."

Natasha took from her pocket a somewhat worn military medal shaped like a shamrock.

"Franz had told me that you would probably doubt my identity upon arrival here, so he gave me this to prove that I'm someone he trusted."


The moment Angelica and Eva saw the object Natasha was holding, they both froze in


Their eyes trembled.

"Are you two fine?" Natasha was worried when she saw the strange state of both girls.

"A-ah, sorry Natasha, it's just that we were really surprised that you had that medal with you. The fact that you have it means that Franz gave it to you because he fully trusted you," Angelica replied.

"R-Right, there's no way Franz would let that medal be taken from him, and if you have it... it just means that he entrusted it to you to ensure your identity as an ally," Eva answered.

Natasha found their reactions strange, but without having time to worry about details, she told them to hurry up and help Franz.

They both nodded and immediately headed toward the cave.

In this way, the current situation was reached where Eva was finally able to relieve some of the tension accumulated in her small body, taking revenge on those responsible for Jessica's poor condition.

Eva, with a big smile but eyes full of mischief towards her enemies, advanced toward the front without any hint of fear.

The men in black robes at once started a coordinated attack, only this time with the experience of facing Franz and Angelica. They decided to distance themselves from Eva and attack from a distance as a precaution.

Little did they know that this was the worst decision they could make against Eva.

Seeing her enemies moving away from her, Eva smiled and extended her right arm forward.

With her hand, she pointed toward them with her index finger.

She had closed her right eye while tilting her head slightly.

"If they were going to get away, they should have gotten out of my sight. Unfortunately for them, they're still within my range."

The next instant.


From the tip of Eva's index finger, a kind of sphere, almost invisible to the eye except for the mana that surrounded it, appeared.

At the distance the men in black were, they couldn't see what Eva was doing. Even if they could see it, being able to react in time to dodge it was a completely different thing.

"Air Bullets," Eva said with a calm and solemn tone, as opposed to her usual animated voice.

At that moment, an incredibly strong and fast air pressure smaller than a coin was released. The enemies only became aware of the attack due to residual magic when the attack was about to hit them, and it was too late.

Multiple air bullets filled the men's bodies with holes.

In a scene more resembling a slaughterhouse than a fight, a heap of bodies fell lifeless onto the cold snow, staining it crimson red.

Only Thomas, the head of the laboratory, and three of his escorts who had stayed to protect him were left alive.

Of course, they had expressions of shock and disbelief.

All the remaining elite forces were wiped out so easily by such a small girl?

While still frozen in disbelief,

Eva started to move toward them. Only now her appearance was no longer that of a tender, defenseless girl but that of a war machine prepared to cause slaughter.

Major Eva.

Unique ability:

<Compression >

An incredibly powerful unique ability that made Eva, a girl who didn't fit in both personality and appearance in the army, rise to the position of Major.

"Only you guys are left... I can guess you are the leader of this criminal group, aren't you?" 

Eva's cheerful expression and tone of voice had returned, but that only made her look more terrifying.

"Well, we have a lot to talk about, you and me."

Don't mess with Franz's colleagues!

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