
The Hero Who Lost His Sword

Volume One is now complete! **Due to extreme family difficulties the book is on hold for now, hope to resume in April or before.** *Warning* This book is mostly a comedy and will make you laugh. There are a few serious moments and a few sexy scenes. This is an R rated book. If that doesn't bother you, please enjoy. Be warned there is even one BL scene and one Yuri scene, neither are extremely risque but they are there. You should never meet the one you worship.... The hero Michael as been trained by the church from a young age for a sole purpose. He is to defeat the demon lord. However when Michael finally encounters the demon lord things did not go as planned. He finds a woman standing where the demon lord should be. This meeting will change his life forever. Her power completely overwhelms him. He wakes up later outside of a small village, his body transformed into that of a beautiful girl. Who was that woman? Why was she at the location of the demon lord? And why is Michael a girl?! If you want to know the answers read the book. This book is full of laughs and is bound to put a smile on your face. I hope that you will enjoy reading it as much as I have enjoyed writing it. I also have a horror book that won wpc 144 called Paranormal is the new Normal.

Alphachoas · Fantasy
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99 Chs

A Friendly Dragon Brawl with Demons

 Morian roared out her words to Lucell. "Let's make it look good." She said her voice deep and echoing. She got on all fours and prepared to pounce on Lucell. He saw her and did the same. The two circled each other causing the ground to rumble with every step.

 The forward scouts sent by the church arrived just in time to see the two dragons circling each other. "Looks like dragons are having a fight in the demon forest." The scout commander said. "Everyone gets down. When dragon's fight the landscape changes. All of our armies, in all of the kingdoms, could not stand up to one dragon of that size and ferocity. I cannot imagine that the demons will live much longer with such an imposing force upon them."

 "Should we run sir?" One of the scouts asked.

 "Not if you don't want to die." The commander answered. "Just stay hidden, they might see any sudden movement and bring the fight over here." With that the entire scouting party laid flat upon the ground.