
The Hero Who Became the Villain

Raymond Steelheart, the son of the world's most revered hero - Naomi Steelheart. Born from the unknown affair of his human mother and the demon king, he was kept as the secret child between the two, raised until he was 5 years old. After a brutal war between the two races, he was met with the death of both of his parents and told that the current hero sacrificed her life to take the Demon King's. Taken in by his aunt, he lives there for 13 years, undertaking secret hellish training to become the next hero. But not everything is as it seems. Why did his parents have to fight so suddenly? What was the point of becoming the next hero? And why would his mother try to kill his father in the first place!? _____ I do not own the story cover, it is a panel from the manhwa 'Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint'. However, I did edit it a bit so that it would fit with the theme of my own story.

NotNecro · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Chapter 14: Magic Attribute



AGE: 11 and 2 days





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I was right. I had the 'Space-Time' attribute.

This meant that I could bend reality itself, although I wasn't sure how I could use this for combat.

'I'll figure that out later.'

Standing up from my bed, I went to take a quick shower and put on my uniform, which had been tailored to my body. I didn't know how they managed to get my measurements already, but I presumed that the watch had managed to sort something out.

The academy's uniform was a decently made suit for the students. It only had a simple charcoal black shirt, and a snow-coloured blazer, which had a gold lining around the edges.

The suit nicely contrasted my jet-black hair, and my messily cut bangs created a natural look for my face.

As far as I could remember, the girl's uniform was mostly the same, but they had the option to wear skirts or trousers according to their preferences.

It was now around midday, and I had stepped out into the school's premises.

I didn't meet anyone up the lift, as most people had already left anyway.

I could see students ranging from my age to 16, all minding their own business. While there were some friend groups busily chatting along, most of the students were looking at their watch interface, trying to see what classes they had next.

Imitating them, I looked down at my watch interface, asking for my class schedule.

'Hmmm, it seems I have arithmetic first, then magic training, and finally, combat training.'

At Athena Academy, the students were not just taught the basic school curriculum, but also other important subjects, which were sure to help them in life.

As I was thinking about my subjects, I happened to bump into a group of boys, who were about a year older than me, and a head taller.

The presumed leader of the group was an elegant-looking boy, with golden, wavy hair covering his forehead, and emerald-green eyes.

"Huuuhhh, who the hell is this twerp?"

His personality was completely different to his looks.

"I don't know dude, but look at his eyes, they seem like they are glowing right?"

"Wtf is wrong with him, trying to mess with us just before class?"

The group of boys started to talk to each other, making obvious their disgust at me.

"Hey, look, I am sorry I bumped into you, so could you please move?" I asked the group leader with a bored look on my face.

"Look here little man, I am Mason Greenstone, this year's number 1 strongest candidate. And I don't like the attitude you are giving me," he said with a sneer.

'Strongest candidate? What is that?' I inwardly asked my watch.

Before the floating screen above my watch could appear, with a strong and sudden force, I was pushed to the side and held by my throat against the wall of a building.

"Kid, if you aren't going to answer me, feel free to not talk. But just know, that I will make your life hell."

At that, I was let go, and Mason simply walked away in the opposite direction I was walking from.

Brushing myself off, I sighed and started to pick up my pace to class, I didn't have the energy to deal with brats like him.

My face remain unchanged from the encounter, and there was no evidence that anything had happened.


My first class was over, and it was extremely boring. The concepts that they taught were incredibly easy to grasp, and so I understood everything within the first 30 minutes.

The classes itself each lasted for about 2 hours, and everyone was allowed to do anything they wanted after the first hour if they had finished their work.

The teacher was one of the nicer ones, so she simply just sat at her desk in silence after teaching what she needed to teach.

'So this is what a school is...'

Even though I was the son of the late Hero, it turned out that I really didn't receive any special privileges, and I was alone for the whole class.

Students were all getting up from their seats, which were arranged like it was a lecture room in a university.

I realised that this school was extremely sophisticated for a bunch of 11 to 12-year-olds, but this was most likely because of children maturing much faster with the addition of magic.

As I was about to leave the room, I heard a call from a familiar voice I had met in the morning.

"Heyy! You there! I didn't manage to catch your name earlier after I was rudely cut off, so could we please introduce ourselves to each other?


With an apathetic look, I turned back to see the figure of Marissa Lenwood running towards me, panting in desperation.

"Haa... My name is Ray Steelheart, just turned eleven a few days ago, and has no special feats worth mentioning."

"Wait a minute, Ray Steelheart? ISN'T THAT THE NAME OF THE HEIR TO THE LATE HERO?" Marissa blurted out in surprise, way too loudly.

In an instant, dozens of heads turned around, with their ears capturing something that piqued their interest.

I stared deeply into Marissa's eyes, not showing a shred of emotion. Inside, I was holding back my bloodlust.

'This little moth-'


The sound of a thunderclap came from the elevated platform the teacher was on, drawing everyone's attention to her stern face.

Immediately, everyone momentarily forgot about Ray and hurried on outside of the class to not anger the usually nice teacher. I was not an exception.

As I started to pick up the pace for my next class, Marissa started to run as well to catch up with me.

I was a bit faster than her, so by the time I reached the room for Magic Training, she was exhaling deep breaths and panting.

"I'm so... haaa... I'm so sorry..." she said out of breath.

"Do you also have this class?" I asked, hoping that she was a weirdo, fixated on talking to me, and accidentally came to the wrong room.

"Huh, oh, um, yes. It also happens that I also have this class next!" she said as she turned to look at the room number.


The scene was exactly like that from a comedy skit, as I just stared at her with a stoic face.

"Very well, I hope we do not interact that much, and if we do, please keep it to a minimum.

Stepping inside, I could see the seats packed with children, waiting for the class to start.

I could tell that this was one of the more anticipated classes, most likely due to the fact that it was about magic.

As I went to sit down near the back, Marissa nonchalantly sat next to me, as if it was a normal thing.

"Alright, guys. Today, and from now on, I will be your professor for the year."

The professor was a handsome 20 to 30-year-old-looking man, with striking snow-white hair, and cat-shaped eyes. His pupils were bright turquoise, and his skin was milky white. He had one dangling earpiece ornament on his right ear, which had leaf shapes the same colour as his eyes.

He was wearing a dashing suit, with, once again, a turquoise accent, giving him a cold and mature mien.

"My name is Professor Dayworth, and today, we will be learning about magic attributes."

I have left a picture of Professor Dayworth in the comments!

Thanks for reading.

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