
The Hero or The Villain: The Bizarre Journey of The Blunt Guy

Bored with his life of doing the same things every day, Satoshi seeks excitement in his life. His pursuit does not end well for him and he finds himself in the presence of Aurora, the goddess of rebirth. Satoshi, who is not even aware that he is dead, when this self righteous goddess Aurora mocks him and explains the situation, he accepts his death. Satoshi has lived such an idle life that he deserves neither heaven nor hell. Aurora tells him to be grateful for giving him a second chance. Satoshi was shocked to see how absurd the afterlife was and decided to do whatever was on his mind... Satoshi's reckless actions annoyed Aurora and instead of giving him a chance to be reborn, she sent him with his powerless body to a fantasy universe. Originally the reason he is given a second chance is because he must do good deeds and deserve heaven, but even the goddess who judges him after his death is no better than a slut for Satoshi, so he can't even take death seriously anymore. And now he does and says whatever comes to his mind. Will his actions make him a good person or will he turn into a Villain over time? Brief notes : +It's a parody isekai +mc is a blunt and reckless guy. +The story won't be all about the mc, the stories of different characters will be explored little by little for the lore. +Except for the first chapter, the other chapters will be between 1000-1500 words.

LemonTheFirst · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Chapter 31 : Milfs and Children

When Satoshi arrived at the statue, Priest thanked him for his attendance. Satoshi had spoken to the Priest before and was afraid that he would recognize him, so he nodded to the Priest and turned his face towards the crowd of commoners and nobles.

Normally the ritual should have gone like this:

-Before the ritual begins, the temple is prepared with candles, flowers, and other ceremonial items. The floor is swept and rinsed, and the statue of Aurora is anointed with holy water.

-The ritual begins with a drumbeat and chanting, with the priests and attendees gathered inside of a drawing of a tree on the floor. They hold their hands up in reverence as they pray to the goddess for her blessings and play the drums to honor her power.

-As the chanting and prayers continue, the red gem in the heart of the statue begins to glow with last drop of magic it has, growing brighter and brighter until it becomes a dazzling crimson color with this glow, the fire of all the candles in the room is absorbed by the gem and then, as soon as the gem runs out of energy, the room becomes pitch black. The attendants murmur their approval, knowing that the ritual is successful and that the goddess's blessings are upon them.

-Finally end of the ritual, the blessing to able to see around in this darkness is only granted to the Archbishop by the Goddess and the Archbishop should carefully remove the red gem from the statue's heart and replace it with the new gem, which shines with even stronger power and light. The attendants would applaud and bow deeply in reverence to the goddess, grateful for her blessings.

But now there was an anomaly in the ritual and it was Satoshi...

After everyone had greeted the Archbishop, drums and chanting began, and all the religious gathered in the tree drawn on the ground. Satoshi had no idea what was happening, he was just trying to do what everyone else was doing. So he moved into the drawing of the tree and waited.

As the Gem grew brighter, the door opened and a chest was brought in, the Priest took the Archbishop's arm and escorted him back under the statue...

 Strangely, winds began to blow in the room without a single window and the fire from the candles was drawn towards to the gem.

The chest opened immediately under the statue, inside of it there was a massive red gem. The Priest looked proudly at the Archbishop and pointed at the gem, while Satoshi still couldn't understand what was happening.

He decided to bend down and pick up the gem, he looked at it and said, 'Oh man, look at the size of that! If this was mine I probably wouldn't have to work again for the rest of my life'

The gem in the heart of the statue glowed brightly enough to blind everyone, then faded out and the room went pitch black. At the moment when Status's heart glowed with great intensity, a red beam of light floated down and penetrated Satoshi's forehead. 

Satoshi opened his eyes after feeling a momentary tingling in his head. He could see the surroundings clearly, everyone was praying with their hands open. 

Priest was annoyed by the fact that the new gem was still not placed, he turned his head left and right and looked around, but he could see nothing,

"Sir, it's time for you to put the gem back in its place!''

Satoshi placed the gem under his left armpit and waved his right hand in front of Priest's face. He saw that the Priest didn't react at all and some people in the crowd had stopped praying and were staring blankly left and right so he realized that he was the only one who could see around...

He bowed his head and started to walk away with the gem in silent steps, 'Hehe suckers, as if I would give this gem to you stupid followers of Aurora!'

He was a few meters from reaching the door when he lost his balance with a big jolt, luckily he managed to steady himself before he fell to the ground.

After this great jolt, cracks appeared in the walls of the church and stones began to fall from the cracks, and the light of the moon began to penetrate through the gaps...

The priest was suddenly dazzled by the light streaming in, and as he snapped out of it, that was the scene before his eyes:

As the church collapsed, everyone was leaving their positions and were rushing towards the door, and in the middle of them there was a man calmly walking with the gem under his arm.

''Explain yourself, Archbishop!'' the Priest shouted,

Satoshi stopped and Priest continued his speech,

''So you're just going to let the church collapse?! And let everyone inside shatter to their pieces?!'' the priest sighed and continued,


He let out a *Tsch* and kept talking,

''Have you ever thought about all these people's children Huh!?''

Satoshi calmly said, "I'm sure you think about all those children every night," and turned towards to the Priest with a cold expression on his face, 

"And I bet you have thought about them so much that'd be enough to also fill my part of doing it''

The Priest shouted out in rage, ''What does that supposed to mean?!''

''You can do it, can't you Priest? You can have all the children you want, but I can't even have a single milf?''

"What the fuck ar-'' The priest was shouting but Satoshi interrupted him, he looked down to the priest he took off his veil and said,

''Are you the pedophile because you are the priest? Or does being the Priest makes you the pedophile?''

Priest collapsed to his knees, "wha?-,you... wait... wait... like, huuuuuuuu-?" his voice was getting fainter and fainter.

Satoshi, ''I've decided how I'll live my life'' 

He turned back, closed his eyes, started walking towards the door and finished his speech,

''Now its just a matter of doing the best I can to achieve that''

 Priest was now in an indescribable emptiness... he just desperately began to wail...
