
The Hero Of Vengeance

"Kill them all...Burn it down..." Those are the words I heard echoing in my head ever since the day I woke up in Lorelei. The voice sounds familiar. I've heard it before. But would it be crazy if I said it sounded like me? Would it be crazy...if I said i remembered dying? Utterly rediculous. To repeat the same thing over and over, expecting a different result while changing absolutely nothing. I was the son of a Duke and a commoner in a foreign land. Through pain and suffering, I somehow managed to marry a beautiful Princess of that land. You know...after my father got eaten by a dragon. And after being locked in a dungeon and tortured by her insane sister... But none of that matters now. Because my world lies in ruins. Everyone I've ever known is dead. All except my beloved, who stands to protect me with her shield. But I don't mean to say that things have been destroyed... What I mean, is much simpler. Avernia is gone. Gone forever. Lost to the plague I called 'The Black Ooze'. But I'll avenge it. I'll kill the one responsibke for massacring my family and destroying my world. They'll regret having made an enemy out of me. Because the sword I wield is called Vengeance. The Overseer sword. The Omni-Weapon. No matter the cost...I will have vengeance. I'll kill them all. I'll burn everything down. Author's note: I sincerely hope you enjoy my work, but keep in mind that I am my own editor and I don't see everything. there might still be a few errors. Sorry! This is an original work.

DovahKean · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
326 Chs

Chapter 98: The Abyss Engine

Alice and I made our way quickly to the Abyss Engine tower.

We reached a wall just past the area where we encountered Kazuma and I teleported us to the other side of it.

Then I used the compass to direct us to the power source.

Eventually, we came close to a massive tower. I felt the buzzing sensation from before radiating from before and started feeling pain in my head. To be honest, it was hard to maintain focus on the invisibility and any minute, it would likely run out.

We decided that the best course of action would be to begin the assault now.

The front door was monitored by two stationary guards holding assault rifles. Occasionally, another group of about five or so guards would pass by.

Alice placed a barrier around us and the two guards, then I uncloaked with my silenced pistol ready.

"What the hell!? Who are-"

I shot both of them in quick succession. The bullets penetrated their helmets and killed then instantly.

My magic ensured that even their voices weren't heard.

We dragged the bodies into a nearby bush and I cast an illusion spell on them to make them disappear for about twenty minutes.

I couldn't maintain it due to the buzzing feeling, so I had to make a temporary spell.

We had twenty minutes to ascend or descend the tower in order to find the power source. When the power source was destroyed, Iris would evac us from the region.

After I cloaked the dead guards, I took their key cards and we went into the facility.

We moved quickly and made sure to check every corner for guards.

I used an advanced form of enemy detection and found that there were soldiers everywhere.

Alice took up the rear and made sure we weren't followed.

Eventually, it couldn't be avoided and several guards walked casually around the corner while we were in the middle of the hallway.

They froze when they saw us.

"Um...what's going on here? Who are you two? Identify yourselves!" One of them said.

Without a word, the two of us raised our guns and shot at then.

I fired four times and killed four guards.

Alice fired four times and killed two.

I could already tell the difference in my aim thanks to the Warlord Aspect. Regardless, Alice was almost just as lethal as I was.

Once the guards has all died, we searched their bodies to find executive key cards. None of them had any, so we continued onwards.

A few minutes later, the real fun began.

The alarms went off.


"There it is. I take it the elevator is out of the question?" Alice asked jokingly.

"Ha...yeah, probably."

Eventually we rounded the corner an immediately pulled back. There were at least twenty guards over there rushing for us.

I pulled out two grenades and yanked the pins out. Then tossed them into the hall as I conjured several fireballs.

The resulting explosions and screams were proof enough that they had been killed.

Moments later, another group of guards showed up at our back and fired on us.

Alice blocked the bullets with her barriers and I pulled out an assault rifle.

I made sure to fire in short, controlled bursts to maintain accuracy.

With my aim, they didn't last very long at all. The Warlord was truly amazing as an Aspect.

We ran out after that and found the stairwell.

The occasional group of guards would arrive to shoot at us, but our teamwork proved to be more than they could handle.

Alice provided cover and I dispatched the soldiers with extreme prejudice.

Since we had inventories, we could afford to store extra ammunition. This way, I didn't have to waste time on scavenging for ammo from the guards while also being able to use our superior weapons.

Sometimes, the soldiers would use their Aspects to attack us, but they weren't effective. They were so weak that Alice could just cancel them out with her divine magic and barriers.

We slowly moved higher and higher in the building, killing every soldier in our path until none approached us any longer.


"Tyranus, we need to move quickly. They're going to send one of them soon!" Alice said.

"Understood. How much further to the power source?" I asked.

"I'm detecting that it's at the top floor. We should reach it soon."


We continued up the stairs and then heard another voice on the intercom.

[This is Overlord Kazuma and Overlord Draiko. Give up now, intruders, or face our wrath.]

[Actually, I would prefer if they struggled. I haven't had my daily blood yet!] Another voice, presumably Draiko said.

We assumed that Draiko was currently in the previous city, but it seemed like Kazuma brought him here.

It made perfect sense, after all. This was the single most important structure on their entire continent.

"We're about to have company again, Tyranus!" Alice said as she readied a barrier around us.

After she spoke, a door exploded outward and another squad of soldiers ran in.

A grenade and a few fireballs fixed that problem, but one of them threw a flash grenade at us.

Luckily, Alice concealed it within a black barrier. The grenade went off harmlessly and we continued running up the stairs.

A moment later, I felt something heat up in front of me. I instinctively dodged back as a black claw appeared and tried to take my head off. As soon as it was done, I shot forward like a bullet and punched Kazuma in the chest using lethal strikes, sending him flying through multiple walls and out of the building.

"I'll bet he didn't expect that," Alice said.

"Probably not, but he'll be back soon enough," I said with a slight smile.

That felt...SO good...

I cast an advanced haste spell on us and we started jumping up the stairways to avoid more soldiers coming in through the doors.

We passed a window and I could tell we were very high up already. Probably around floor thirty, or so.

We saw a VERY pissed off Kazuma readying a gigantic ball of hellfire and Alice enclosed him in one of her barriers.

He didn't notice and when he threw it, it exploded in his face.

After that, I pulled out Justice and threw my chains at him through the window. He was surprised and confused when I pulled him up and slammed him into the ground below.

I wasn't stupid enough to believe that would actually kill him, but it might've at least bought us time.

We continued moving up as quickly as possible until we reached the top floor at fifty. We only had to walk a short distance to find a room sealed with huge steel doors.

We tried the key cards and weren't surprised that they didn't work. So I teleported us to the other side after looking through it using magic.

What we saw was genuinely shocking.

There were massive cables flowing from a central spherical tank surrounded by six pillars radiating demonic energy. The tank was filled with a red liquid. I could see a shape of someone in it.

"Tyranus, this is it. The source of the Abyss Engine is coming from this machine. Orders?"

"I'll ask Leiso."

"Leiso. We've located the Abyss Engine's power source. There seems to be someone inside of it."

"That's odd. Regardless, destroy the engine and kill the person powering it. Then, once the interference field has dispersed, Iris will come get you. Have you been seen?"

"We had to make improvizations due to the extreme intensity of the field. We had a run-in with Kazuma and have already killed a lot of soldiers."

"Then time is of the essence. Destroy the Engine."

I broke contact and then turned to Alice.

"Destroy the engine and kill the person inside. Although if we have time, I'd like to ask them some questions..." I said.

"Unserstood. Let's get started."

We turned to the pillars radiating the red energy and used our swords to destroy them one by one. Each time one of them was destroyed, the water in the tank faded closer to its original color.

Once all of the generators were destroyed, the water was clear.

The man in the spherical tank had all sorts of devices connected to his body. He was almost naked except for his underwear. He also wore an oxygen mask over his mouth and nose to breathe in the tank.

His hair was long and brown in color. He looked muscular, yet emaciated at the same time.

Suddenly, we felt a pulse of energy. The buzzing sensation was interrupted but it looked like more energy was being forcefully pulled from the man.


He screamed out in pain.

"Let's just...get him out of there, okay Tyranus?" Alice said hesitantly.


We approached the tank and I saw a plaque on the front.


"Subject...TF-J? Who the hell is this guy?" I asked.

"Maybe an otherworlder? Only one way to find out..." Alice said as she raised Honor.

I nodded and she slammed the side of the tank with the sword.

We jumped back and all of the water flooded out of the front of the tank... Along with 'Subject TF-J'.

Several of the cables connected to him came off in the process.

As soon as it was done, the buzzing sensation stopped completely. The Abyss Engine was no more.

A minute passed and he started coughing violently. He shakily sat up and stared at us with deep blue eyes.


We each took our masks off and looked at him.

"I'm Tyranus and this is Alice. Who are you?"

"Who...am I? I can't..."

"If you were powering this machine, we've been ordered to kill you." I said.

"No...I have to... I can't die...not here..." He said.

"Tyranus, should I heal him? He might not be threat to us," Alice said.

I thought about for a moment...

This guy definitely wasn't a threat to us. It might be better to keep him alive for information.

"Leiso. The guy in the machine isn't a threat. If it's okay, I'd like to keep him alive for questioning. Also, the Abyss Engine is down."

"Good. And I suppose we can take him in for questioning. I'll contact Iris. Stay put and wait for evac."

I terminated the contact and looked at the man.

"Leiso says you can live. You're coming with us," I said.

"Lei...so...?" He said.

There was a light of recognition in his eyes.

Alice turned and snapped her fingers. Immediately, the subject was enveloped in a bright light. He seemed to regain himself and blinked rapidly.

Just then, there were footsteps and shouting outside of the room.

"Tyranus, they're here!" Alice said as she readied Honor.

I readied Justice and suddenly the doors opened.

A large number of soldiers flooded in with their weapons raised.

"Wait...weren't there only two of them?" One soldier said.

"I thought so too. What's going on here?" Another said.

About this time, I started feeling a rising power in subject TF-J.

He stood up and shook his head, then walked forward.

"You two...you're saving me, right?" He said.

"That seems to be the plan, yes," I said.

"Then let me handle these guys!" He said with a smile.

I felt a surge of power from the subject. A pillar of divine energy shot straight towards the sky and through the ceiling.

After it finished, he smiled.

"I don't know what you did to me...umm...Alice? But I feel amazing! Thanks!"

Immediately, blue lightning sparked and crackled all around him.

"You two stand back and enjoy the show!"