
The Hero of Our Time

In the far future humanitys galaxy-spanning Empire is attacked by two bloodthirsty aliens from beyond our galaxy. In the midst of the desperate struggle against these new enemies, a fanatical soldier of the Empire loses his life in glorious combat. Now lost in the void between life and death he then is sent back in time to prepare humanity for this coming danger. To help him do this, he is reborn as something more than just a regular human. With this and the help of extensive knowledge of old technologies and weapons, he will try to rewrite history. The only problem is that his knowledge of the long-forgotten past is extremely vague. According to old archeological findings on old Earth, it is believed that 3 world wars were fought. The knowledge of when and where isnt known but what is known is that the Second World War was a direct cause for the Third World War starting. And, the one who started the second world war was Charlie Chaplin and his evil red regime that killed millions and attempted to conquer the world. All seemed hopeless until the U,N came and defeated Charlie Chaplin and brought peace to the world for a while. This might look like its inspired by Warhammer, Diablo or other movie or game titles but its not, I promise. This book takes place in World War 2 Germany. This is an alternative take on World War 2 and beyond.

Lilis_42 · Sci-fi
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22 Chs

Chapter 9.

Spoon in hand Chads stomach grumbled in dissatisfaction as he saw the food in front of him. There on the table was a beautiful Porcelain pot, on it was nice drawings of some flowers, but more important to him was what was inside the pot. There in this pot, he could see fish soup mixed in with some herbs and potatoes.

And as for something to drink all there was, was some water. Sure this meal seemed decent and the family sitting around the table didnt seem to mind as they filled their bowls and started to eat. But to Chad, this just seemed too small for him, the soup maybe contained 3 small fishes that were chopped up into small pieces.

Having just some time ago hunted down and eaten a shark, this just seemed too small for him. Right now he was really regretting the fact that he hadnt been able to take the big shark with him here as it was too big. Also, on Paradice Island, he constantly ate a great variety of big animals like, seals, walrusses and polar bears sometimes but now he was supposed to eat a few pieces of fish.

Seeing Chads dissatisfied expression, the mother of the family Else asked him in a concerned tone of voice. " Whats wrong Chad? I apologise if the food isnt to your liking. But right now with the way things are, this is the best we can do. "

Sitting next to him was the smallest girl Lotte who smiled in response to this and placed a piece of fish into his bowl and said happily. 

" Eat it, Big Brother. Its really yummy. " 

Patting the girls head in thanks Chad asked Else. 

" I have no problem with the food. I'm sure it tastes good but I just simply expected more. What I have seen your family seems quite healthy and not poor at all. To not see a greater variety of foods here and no desert is just quite surprising to me. I understand that Germanies and the worlds situation is quite bad but still to see this is just. "

Ending his words there Else then asked in wonder. 

" So what do you usually eat? You speak as thou you were not from around here. Arent you apart of Alfreds crew? "

Hearing her words Chad ate the small piece of fish in his bowl and thought of all the good food he had eaten so far and then he said. 

" Well, usually my diet consists of seal meat along with a lot of berries. Sometimes I do eat fish, but usually, as a dessert, I will eat Walrusses or some bird eggs. Up north in the Arctic I found that the food there is absolutely the best and most abundant that I have ever before eaten. "

Hearing his words everyone around the table froze in wonder as Sophie the 12-year-old girl said accusingly. 

" You liar! Everybody knows that the further north you go the scarcer the food there gets. And berries dont grow in the north! Thats just impossible! " 

Hearing this Alfred slammed his fist into the table and said. 

" Sophie! Dont call Chad a liar. If it wasnt for Chad then I would even be here right now. You all should be grateful to him. "

Shocked by this the family turned to Alfred as Else asked. 

" Alfred, what do you mean? What happened? "

Alfreds face turned dark as he looked down and said. 

" Well after me, a Danish friend of mine and another man delivered supplies to the central camp in Greenlands ice sheet. But along the way, Villumsen tows were frostbitten and needed to be amputated without any antibiotics. But nonetheless, we made it to the central camp where we were supposed to wait out the worst of the winter storm before heading back again. But Villumsens toes started to get worse and were in desperate need of some real medical care. So I and Villumsen decided to head back towards the eastern camp where all our medical supplies were. But the journey was too much for Villumsen as he then died. I too was about to die but that is when he arrived and saved me. "

Hearing the story the family then turned to Chad in wonder and disbelief as Sophie then said. 

" But if he wasnt with you on your journey Dad, then how did he find you out in that vast icy wasteland? Who is he? "

Alfred was about to speak but then Chad smiled and said.

" I think its easier for you all if I just show you. "

Lifting up his arms Chad dug into his core and released the light energy within him. His body immediately started to glow, which startled the family, even Alfred seemed shocked. Then a massive golden light appeared in his hands and expanded consuming his figure and going even further beyond. 

The little girl watched this in amazement, Sophie screamed and tried to run, and bad-eyesight girl Hilde screamed in terror as she sat frozen in her chair. Mother Else went to hug Hilde acting as her meat shield. Alfred just did the sign of the cross and praised god. Then they all and the entire room was consumed by light. 

For a full minute, they all stood inside the light where a sudden and comforting feeling of warmth took over all of them. Suddenly all their fears and worries disappeared and they felt at peace. The feeling was like one that a person would get as he or she soaked in a nice warm bubble bath with the knowledge that they had just succeeded in some great endeavor of theirs.

Then the light faded and everything seemed as it had been just a minute before. Sophie having just run just a moment before was lying on the floor with wide eyes and a happy expression on her face. Hilde and Else held soft smiles on their faces as they hugged each other. Lotte was in awe as he looked at Chad and said. 

" Are you Jesus? "

Hearing this Alfred came out of his own stunned state and said. 

" Yes, that must be it. Your truly Jesus reborn in the flesh. " 

Alfred seemed as he was about to fall to his knees and start praying as all the others looked at him like he were some godly being. Seeing this Chad stood up and released his massive white angel wings out his back. 

A small gush of wind was sent into all of their faces as they all fell to the ground in shock. All of them were in awe as Chad then said.

" I do not know who this Jesus is, but if you must call me something other than just Chad, then you can call me the Hand of God. By the Immortal Empresses grace, I have been sent here to see the German people and Humanity grow into their full potential. But please do not worship me for I am but a servant of the Empress and no more, just like you all can be If you wish to follow me. "

With that said Chad then pulled his wings back and sat in his chair and said.

" Ok, I think thats good enough. Now, lets eat. "

After saying this Chad filled his bowl and started to eat the surprisingly delicious soup, but to his surprise nobody else sat back into their chairs. Instead, they all bowed to him, except the smallest girl Lotte who just looked at him with awe. 

With tears in her eyes the oldest girl Hilde spoke while bowing to Chad. 

" Thank you, Chad. For the first time in a long time, I can finally see clearly again. Please if theres anything you wish of me I will do it. I am forever grateful to you. "

Else looked to Hilde and tried to confirm this fact as the short-haired girl Sophie spoke to Chad in a pleading tone of voice. 

" The Hand of God, please forgive my earlier rudeness and do not punish my family. Instead please punish me. "

Then she paused and through panted heavy breaths said. 

" Please use me to your hearts fullest desire. Ravage me, abuse me, I dont mind. No, I want you to do it. Please. "

Hearing this Chad stopped eating and raised an eyebrow as he thought to himself. What the fuck is this girl talking about?

Then one by one the others except Lotte started to ask for forgiveness over something. Annoyed by this Chad raised his hand silencing them all and then said. 

" Enough, I already told you to not worship me. I'm really nothing that special. Please just act normally around me and return to your meals. " 

After saying this the room went silent but nobody moved. Everybody just looked at one another unsure of what to do. Even Lotte seemed unsure of what she should do. 

Did I go too far with that show of power? Chad wondered to himself as he looked at the family. The family didnt yet seem to realize it but all of them looked much better than before. Even the mothers big boobs had lost their slight saggyness and were now a lot firmer looking. Maybe his isolation on the island and time in the many wars against aliens and even zombies had completely destroyed his common sense, now he wasnt sure what was too much.

With a big sigh, he then said again. " Please I insist, sit down and continue like nothing happened. And, please dont go talking to others about this too much and also please forget the whole Hand of God thing. "

Despite saying this, the damage had already been done and now there was no going back for Chad. Hearing Chads words Lotte was the first to get up and return to eating, but immediately as she dug into the soup her eyes widened. She let out a happy moan and said. " Wow, Its so tasty! "

Seeing this the others got curious as well and quickly sat in their chairs and started to eat. Soon all of them were moaning in pleasure and complimenting the food, but to Chads disappointment none of them except Lotte dared to look at him.

With a deep sigh, Chad decided to let this matter be. Being treated as some godly being was not something that he wanted. To him, this just seemed way too strange. To be the center of so much attention was not normal to him and he didnt really like it.

After the strange dinner, Alfred decided to leave for Berlin where he would be meeting some professors and government officials who he needed to report to about his findings in Greenland. Left alone with 4 girls Chad felt a bit awkward and decided to do something nice for them. 

From the basement, he grabbed some tools and materials and headed outside where he decided to build a swing as a gift to Lotte and other things for the older girls. The yard wasnt big, there were only some flower beds and other edible plants planted in a few places, but close to the beach, there was a nice patch of grass and a thick tree that were going to suit his purposes well.

With ease, Chad climbed atop the thick tree with rope in hand and as he hung there upside down he then started to tie the ropes to the tree. Then he heard the door opening and then he saw the 3 girls stepping out the door with bags on their backs and dressed in similar white dresses. 

Hanging upside down from the tree he saw Lotte start to laugh at him as the other girls simply avoided his gaze and looked down as he then asked.

" Where are you girls going dressed in such fine clothes? "

Walking past him Lotte said in excitement. 

" We are going to school! But Hilde is going to the Hamburgh University to learn chemistry. "

Intrigued by this Chad wanted to ask more but the girls left in a hurry The two older girls shily waved him goodbye as Lotte did so but with a happy expression. Shrugging his shoulders Chad then went back to work when he then heard Else calling out to him from the house.

" Chad could you come here? I want to do something for you. " 

Hearing this Chad raised an eyebrow but did as the woman asked. Jumping off the tree, he headed inside and found out that Alfred had asked Else to cut his hair and give him a true German haircut.

After some time of cutting and then cleaning Else gasped at the sight, she blushed and without looking handed Chad a small mirror. Looking at himself in the mirror Chad grinned. His face was truly perfect, with a flawless jawline and overall just perfection. 

putting his lips together, he nodded at his reflection in admiration and then tuned to Else and asked. 

" Well, how do I look? "

Else didnt look at him and simply ran away saying. 

" No, my heart cant take it. "