
The Hero Inside the Armor

Magic exist in another world, with different classes, I obtain a Hero Class upon summon,but seperated from my sister in the process, setting aside of the hero class responsibility i will search for my lost sister,with my overpowered armor and set through about this world

Kuro_Chi · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Armor Acquired, Let's Escape!

"W-What is this?"

"Your talking about your level, that's your status take a closer look at it"


"Status? No it's different...It suddenly pop out"

"What is?"

"A Notification Maybe, it says 'Contract is Complete' and another thing says ' Armor of Bloody Fire Acquire'...I have no idea what is this.."

Armor of Bloody Fire? the name sounds cool, is it a reward item?

"Can you click the status of the armor, and read it.."

I click the item, it was in the inventory, it has a sort section, that sort item from armor,swords,staff an many different things

"Bloody Fire (Max Lvl)

Fire resistance armor

Def - 10,000

Damage - 8000

Magic Resistance - 7,500

Critical Strike - 80.5%

Armour special ability:

Blazing Hell Fire (cost: 100 mana)

squeezing the amount of fire magic in your arm,forming a small ball of fire, dealing 5000-7000 damage to oponents"

Wha-What is this ridiculous cheat stats!! No one will survive if someone hits by armor's special ability, this is basically... out of this world, this is totally like a game!! by acquiring something so ridiculous is basically,my existance is quiet a miracle in this world

"That's first time i heard something like that, that's basically what you can call fortune, tell me your not lying?"

"Why would i?!"

Hey! your magical beast, lying to you is basically a suicide, here i am trying to survive in this prison, if i tell a lie that would be in short saying the words 'Pls kill for being dishonest' , i don't wanna see my head seperated to my body, you know! that would be scary

"Well you acquire something overpowerd armor and so on, just slide it and your status will show up"

I slide it right and the status show up

*Gabriel Blackstone LVL-MAX

Classification: Hero

HP:10,000/10,000 Familliar:LEO (LVL 35)


Divine Magic: ∞

Arcane Magic: ∞

Elemental Magic





Specialize Magic





T-This is...DEFINITELY A CHEAT!!! in this stats i can easily dominate the world, but i would never do something so troublesome i rather take a nap

"What's the matter?"

Leo asked

"uh.. Nothing.. It's Just..."


"A-Aren't you cold..?"

She stare at herself, and just turn red,

Yeah she's naked, doesn't she have any clothes? Oh...I just read my status there's written 'creation magic' which i specialise, maybe i should give it a try i stretch my hand and i try to imagine and feel the mana, this is how you do it, yeah according to light novels i read

Imagine, A dress A dress... And cast it in my hand, as i imagine my hand light up after a second i just acquire a simple dress

"Your really abnormal.."

Leo said while covering her naked body with her two hands, i gave the dress

"abnormal? How so? "

"Hey.. Can you turn around!"

"ah. Sorry" and i turn around and she start to wear the dress, Wait... Why do i need to turn around? We're both girls

"When i say abnormal, it's about how you cast magic, usually you use incantation as key words to cast a certain magic and another a magic that can create something.. Is something new to me, how should i put this hmmm, yes.. Out of this world"

Eh?! I just did something i shouldn't do this might affect on how other people see me later

" Y-You can turn around now"

And i turn around seeing leo where the dress matching her long sunset like hair, sh-she's...really cute on it

" Ohh..!! It suits you really well!! Your cute on it.."

"D-Don't say embarrassing things!" she red again

Despite being mature,she still a little girl, she kind of reminds me of misa when we are young, i wonder what she's doing now...is she safe? is she having a proper meal? being away with her makes me feel so lonely,I don't have that many time to spend with her when i'm with her but i'm still happy being just with her, she fill the empty space of my heart with happiness, now that she's far away i feel like this empty space of mine keeps to expand as the days past, i want...to see her..

"What's the matter?"

"Nothing..I'm just feeling lonely right now"

"I-Is it boring being with me?..M-Master..."

She called me master...well that's common sense for her after all she's my familliar

"No, I just remember my little sister, we got seperated while being summon"

"she's probably on the different kingdom"

"Yeah...I wonder how she's doing right now.."

"Master...Do you..want to search for your sister?"

"Well, that's my goal once i'm free from this prison"

"Then, shall we leave?"


"Jeez..Master you just acquire a ridiculous powerful armor why not use it?!"

"Y-Your a genius!!!"

"That's common sense you know!

She's right, why didn't i even think about it, I'm sure dumb...

"We can just go and rampage, hehehe... i wanna see that idiot kings face once i get out here!"

"Shall we leave then? master"

"Wait before that let me see your stats"

I once again open the status box and click leo's stats

*LEO (LVL 35) Master: Gabriel Blackstone

Classification: Magical Beast



Elemental Magic


Specialized Magic


Special Ability

Final Catastrophe

Using Fire and Earth magic combine together, once it's casted from the depths of the earth the fire will go forth make a eruption and deals up to 350.5% of damage within the range of 80m

That special ability is really something, if she wants to destroy the castle she can easily pull it off,

"Then.. i give you permission to go rampage inside the castle, but killing or hurting humans is prohibited! Now go!!!"

once i give her a signal she transform again into a beast, as she engage out of the cage her fur around head started to light up just like a sunset and burn up as she destroy the bars of the cage, with this, for sure the castle will uproar in shock, this way they're attention will be on leo, i just have to gear up.

I click the inventory and press the bloody armor,but...

"A Cape?!"

i did press the bloody armor in the inventory but it releases a red cape with a circled green gem attach on it, and yet i have no idea what is this...it says armor but this is no armor! this is just a peace of cloth,I sighed

"Well is this perhaps a anti-cold armor,hehe..this must be a joke, the stats said it's fire resistance armor but this would be burn if i cast fire on it..still maybe the gem is some kind of magic gem"

I have no choice but to wear it, maybe it has some kind of value, as i wore it i find the gems really beautiful, this would sell..hehe, i touched and all of the sudden i feel like my magic just got absorb, after a few seconds, a magic circle appear, the cape releases metal object that swallow my body

As i gaze on my hand, i notice, i just got transform, but this is unbelievable i thought it was just a useless piece of clothes but it turns out it's really a fortune item,but this feel strange this armor is full of metal and yet this is pretty easy to move and comfortable, anyway i have to find maria

Magic anything impossible is possible right..then i'll use my magic to create telepathy between me and leo so i can give him a signal

<Get their attention and keep them busy>

<M-Master?! YES!! >

I just have to find maria and get out in here, i charge upward the dungeon to get in castle, Yeah i'm wreaking it, just do the labor later foolish king of empire

As i descend through the castle i search every inch,in a room maria was standing in front of it, so i called for her


And she look at me

"Ms.Hero is that you?!"

"Yeah,Let's get out in here!!"

I held her hand and start to drag her

"I Can't, I can't leave the castle"

"Of course you can"

"No, I'm a slave so i can't leave, i can't break the contract or else there would be a punishment"

Then i just have to dispel it right? It sounds easy but i have no idea how to, i hope it's just like leo' s contract that was easy to be made...

Y-Yeah, just like leo

"Listen, Maria from now on your my slave, You are maria!"

As i said those word, a magic circle appear and suddenly break, and again a white magic circle appear that seems to scan maria body, well i don't know how this magic stuff works, if it just like science then it's easy

" Okay it's done right? Let's Go!!"

I just carry maria on the bridal style and dash, as i dash maria begun to scream, i'm outta here in the castle!!

<Leo to the outside>


After a seconds of running i reach the outside where leo is waiting while fighting some few guards, leo notice my presence and dash to me, along with maria we ride leo out of the castle, leo start running to the gate of the capital, in the gate the white robe guys or so called castle's magicians was there blocking our way


Leo casted her special move, that cause an eruption that releases fire in the earth, as the magicians is occupied to defend themselves we made our escape and just continue running to get past in the borderline territory of the empire, Yes this is what they call freedom

I'm going on my way to find my sister, she's probably in the kingdom of eupharia, that was the safe place for us and misa too, but i hope she's safe and sound there

"Let's go to the kingdom of eupharia!"

Because of adding gabriel's characteristics being clueless it take 3 chapters to see how extremely cheat her power are, by showing her status as a Hero, and expanding the vision of her magic by adding creation magic

Next Chapter will be Misa's perspective

I decided to make a perspective for her to know where she actually end up

Kuro_Chicreators' thoughts