
The hero extra

"In world of violence , They no such Thing as remorse." --------- As I was sleeping and dreaming about a life in a fantasy novel , where I have a harem , I become a hero of a fantasy world. But reality us often disappointing , I woke up in my make sift bed and went to do my daily mission, little did I know that this mission will be my last. As on That day I Transmigration into a novel That I read. As a villain extra. A novel where The world is descend to darkness, This world is a world of myths and legend. And when I thought it wasn't tough enough for me already I was born to The eral of The hendrick family, a villain family or you can say a mafia family. In The novel They got Massacre by The main character cast. As i try and survive the Novel and make me redempt The sin of my past. I Alucard von Hendrick will make my dream in This helless fantasy world. **This novel will involve a lot of myths** So if you like myth and legend this may be your cup of tea. --------- An note:I'm a still newbie author so if you have and suggestions you can comment it. This novel with This kind of synopsis may look genetic but It not (I hope) ------- if you want more chapters , you can use your Stone to vote 50 Stone =2 ch daily 100 Stone =3 ch daily 150 Stone =4 ch daily 200 Stone = 5 ch daily And so on I will write as many chapters in a day as I can if you get The Stone high enough. it also help The novel to come and read it.

sam_bath · Fantasy
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34 Chs

chapter 29 The meeting [4]

"What!!"As The 3 of Them said in shock iand disbelief.

'Well This is sort what I expected.'I Thought to myself with my expectation.

"What do you mean By what? Come on Tell your objections I'm listening!!"I exclaimed to The Three of Them.

"You know I Thought you were just crazy but you just straight up Insane!! , what have gotten myself into."Florence remarked.

"What how I'm I insane??"I interjected back to Florence remarked..

"Well you Trying to Take overthrow a family That can even rival That of The Duke, how is That not insane?"vailr remark in disbelief for world.

"Also The hendrick family is The family with The lineage of hero , with There massive wealth and insane Amy , how do you expect us a rag-tag team of organizations to overthrow a well organized Amy?"carmilla add to vailr remarked.

"We have some Time about 4 month to prepare and wage war also we not waging This war alone , I got The support of The hendrick court already."I exclaimed as to Proclaim myself.

"4 month you expect us to have enough troop to wage war with a family That have a master swordsmen , hundreds of Saint swordsmen with our rag-tag organizations??"Florence ask with some sort of resentment.

"Yeah"i answer her questions with a voice of confidence.

"You even more insane Than I Thought."Florence said with angered.

"Well we are doom!!"vailr said while shaking his head.

"Uhhhh!! We not fighting The master swordsmen nor The saint swordsmen Well maybe some but That besides The point , what I'm Trying to say is all we have to do is hold off The knight until The court master is able to kill The patriarch."I said to Reassure Them.

"That sound Doble but sir why are you so held bent on overthrowing The hendrick, what have They done to you sir??"vailr ask with curiosity.

"Because I want to help The people and destroyed The nobl—" before I can end my sentence someone interrupted me.

"You lie!!"Florence interjected while ponting toward her eyes.

'Ohh yeah That right she can see lie.' I came to a realization.

"_" vailr was speechless.

"Fine I want to overthrow Them because one of The heir have contracted to a demon lord and he will be in line for The next patriarch , so if we don't stop him now uncountable number of live will be lose and we will be one step closer to defeat."I told Them The truth.

"Some of what you say is The truth but you still lie on The reason why you want to overthrow The family."Florence said with a voice of dismay.

'What I lie?? But it The truth maybe see can't actually see lie maybe she just bluffing , if she bluffing how can she see Through my first lie' my mind was in disarray after what Florence said.

"Xavier just tell The truth it not like , we can not Follow your order, we just want to know The truth not lie."Florence said with a sincere Tone.

"Sir just say The truth, I don't like a untrustworthy leader."vailr add to Florence comment.

"_" while carmilla just sat still waiting for my answer.

'What is The reason I want to overthrow The hendrick?' I Thought to myself Trying to find The answers.

A flashback ran Through my headof The moment I hold was holding Alucard mother in my hand while she was coughing blood.

And The moment Victor announced That he is The one That kill Alucard mother The one That he acknowledge.

'So That The reason' I came to a realization.

"I want to overthrow The family for revenge That all you need to know."I exclaimed to Them in a cold and chilling voice.

"Well That a truth , haa!! If we really want to do This , let's do it properly." Florence said with a sigh.

"First I Think we need to merge our Amy into one and hire instructor to train Them while Florence handle the logistic side of things like making the map of The Terrain and supplies, ammunition ,weapon and so on" vailr exclaimed.

"But we don't have That much money thos , we can't get The proper Supply for The war right now we need money."Florence said.

"Money shouldn't be a problem I should have enough to wage This war , you guy should prepare the troop , next month we will come here and meet to discuss The battle plan."I said to Them.

"I will be The messenger."carmilla exclaimed.

"Then it decided we are waging war with The hendrick family."vailr said.

'Uhhh!! More work I Thought when I quit The revolutionary Amy I had less work , now even more pop up ahhh!!'Florence Thought to herself.

"But on The Logistics side of Thing ,I think we should use mana beast to help us."I exclaimed to Them.

"To maintain The mana beast we need a lot of supply and we a beast tammer which is very rare."while reply to me.

"Do you Think you can find one Florence?"I said to her.

"I certainly can but it will be quite difficult and it will take atleast 2 month."Florence remarked.

"Then That task will fall on you Then , also make sure to write a report on your monthly expenses , and tell The address to your place to carmilla she will be our messager."I exclaimed.

"That will be The end of our meeting , is There anything you want to add?"

"No sir" vailr said.

"Nothing here" Florence said.

"Then good bye, good luck to all of you, let's go carmilla."I said to her as I walk toward The door.

"Yes my lord." She said while trailing behind me.

Leaving The two behind , I closed The door.


As I extend my wing and fly up to The sky while waiting for carmilla to Tranform.


We fly for about 1 hour back to The mansion as The sun was coming up.

1 hour later

We arrived at back at The The mansion just in time for sunlight.

"Haa!!haa!!we arrived lord I will bring you breakfast"she said as gasping for breath.

'Man she have her priority straight, didn't even give me a single glance.' I Thought to myself after looking at her.

"Finally arrived back at my bed."I said out loud.

'Why dose The bed feel more comfortable Than usal maybe because I'm tired.' I Thought to myself while laying on The bed.

"Mmmh ahh!! It feel so nice , why do i always involve myself in stupid stuff?"


"Sir I can I come in."Carmilla said behind The door.

'What it not even Been 10 minutes yet , and she already went and get breakfast, The more I stay with her The better she seem as my wife.' I Thought to myself.

"Yeah come in."I said to carmilla who was standing behind The door.

The door open revealing her back into her maid outfit and she is gorgeous as ever , her Beauty was no different from before.

"Today we have broccoli soup as you ask sir."carmilla said while showing me use her hand.

"Okey your now dismiss go and get some rest."

"Thank you for your kindness my lord."She said while walking backward.

I eat The breakfast and went to training.

I train my mana control a little bit.

I Want to try something new let's try and make a creature using my ring but it not connects to my string.

I got a knife cut my plam on my right hand.

I Then Channel my mana into My ring using my blood and visualize a red ant.

Then my blood from my plam start crystallizing into a any form little by little it start taking shape , it was a slow and tedious process as I have to control the mana bit by bit.

'it working, it WORKING I thought you need to connect to my ring.' I Thought to myself in excitement.

slowly but surely The ant took form with it antenna and eyes start to take form.

Then finally The ant come out of my hand and spring to life.

it antenna and eyes was working it was actually moving and it wasn't connected to my ring.

I Then fall unconscious laying on The floor after I made The ant it was beautiful.

in This moment thousands of new possibility pop up to me.

it open up so many possibilities for me , it show me That I can make clone of Xavier.


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