
The hero extra

"In world of violence , They no such Thing as remorse." --------- As I was sleeping and dreaming about a life in a fantasy novel , where I have a harem , I become a hero of a fantasy world. But reality us often disappointing , I woke up in my make sift bed and went to do my daily mission, little did I know that this mission will be my last. As on That day I Transmigration into a novel That I read. As a villain extra. A novel where The world is descend to darkness, This world is a world of myths and legend. And when I thought it wasn't tough enough for me already I was born to The eral of The hendrick family, a villain family or you can say a mafia family. In The novel They got Massacre by The main character cast. As i try and survive the Novel and make me redempt The sin of my past. I Alucard von Hendrick will make my dream in This helless fantasy world. **This novel will involve a lot of myths** So if you like myth and legend this may be your cup of tea. --------- An note:I'm a still newbie author so if you have and suggestions you can comment it. This novel with This kind of synopsis may look genetic but It not (I hope) ------- if you want more chapters , you can use your Stone to vote 50 Stone =2 ch daily 100 Stone =3 ch daily 150 Stone =4 ch daily 200 Stone = 5 ch daily And so on I will write as many chapters in a day as I can if you get The Stone high enough. it also help The novel to come and read it.

sam_bath · Fantasy
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34 Chs

chapter 26 The meeting [1]

I woke up from my slumber to see That I'm in The field.

'Man last night's was wild , I will make This The place , I practice The demon form.' I Thought to myself.

It seem like The sun hasn't rise yet , I need to go back to The mansion fast.


Carmilla pov:

1 hour later

Knock!! Knock!!

"Sir are you awake yet?"carmilla ask.

'Hmmm it seem like he still a sleep maybe I should come back 10 minute later.'carmilla Thought as she wake away.

10 minutes later


"Sir are you awake??"

"Sir?"The person behind The door ask.

'What sir Alucard still isn't awake it so unusual maybe last night after The orange juice ,he went into deep sleep.'she Thought to herself.

'Well maybe another 10 minute he will be awake.'she Thought while waking away.


Alucard pov:

"Haa!!haa!!"I was gasping for breath after That long trip.

'It seem like Carmilla hasn't come yet , That good!!'I Thought to myself as I look at The door.

I took a bath and changed to a flexible suit unlike normal suit it was very comfortable.


"Sir are you still asleep?"Someone behind The door ask.


'It seem like carmilla is here.'

"Sir can I come in?"carmilla ask while standing behind The door.

"Yes come in and bring my breakfast as well."

"Yes sir "As The beauty replied while walking in with a tray full of food.

"Today we have soup and broccoli salad."

"You can go now."I said to The maid, as she walk back word slowly.

After I eat The food I went to do my usal Training.

In The morning I train my mana control by convert mana into strength.

In The afternoon I Train my technique for about 2 hour and Train my poison ,psychic, my Transform ability for another 2 hour.

In The evening after I eat dinner, I Train my demon form , and come back to The mansion and do That all over again.

I did again and again until Today The day of The meeting.

It Sunday Today , The day I will be meeting my sla— subordinate and Talk about The plan to overthrow The family.

I also schedule a meeting with The family court of elders.

The family court of elders is basically a court where The family elders advise the patriarch.

The family court have a tremendous power in the family , As they recognise as the Hero of the family.

But right now a lot of Them have made contracts with a demon of some kind That why all of Them are warey of each other.

Because of The incident That happened 20 year ago.

It was call <The corruption of the court> what happened was That The leader of The court signed a contract with A demon and he got exposed for it and The court when into chaos as The 11elder of The court team to kill The leader it was a helless accident for the court 6 elders was slain.

So right now The court is weak That why The patriarch said 'what are They gonna do?'

Right now The court Don't have enough power to overwrite The patriarch decision yet.

But if my force combined with them and The vassal family we maybe can win.

Also I want to destroy all of demon spy That was plant in This family as well.

"Carmilla is it time to go Yet?"I ask carmilla.

"Yes , sir it Time let's go , The carriage is prepared already."As she show me The way.

'I guess it time to plant , The first seed of revolution in This family.'

"Young Master I'm The captain of your escorted guard."he said while slightly bowing.

"Ok , let's go."

"Yes sir"10x The guard said loudly while saluting as I walk past them.

"Here The door sir."The carriage man said while opening The door wide open for me.

"Let's go." The guard man said.

After a carriage ride for about 10 minutes we arrived.

When I walk out of The carriage I saw a gigantic Victorian era mansion with it giant white pillar.

"This way young master , I will show you The way to The meeting room."A butler walk up to me and said.

As I walk Through The mansion I saw what seem to be scholar walk around left and right.

It not surprising because this is where the logistic of The Hendrick family happened.

"We arrived sir ,here is The meeting room, hope you enjoy your stay here."The butler said while bowing.

I walk into The room , There was 2 couch on Both side of The room golden leaf all over The wall art On The wall left and right.

"Sir here you orange juice."a maid come in holding a glass of orange juice.

"Thank you" I did a slight hand gesture to show my Thank.

I wait for about 10 minutes sipping The glass of orange juice.

'What The hell is Taking That old man , so long??'I Thought to myself out of frustration.

"Hello grandson , how have you been?"a old man wake Through The door and sat on The couch.

It look like he was in his late 60 but I probably guessed he 100 year old or something stupid after all This is a fantasy world.

He was wear a Black Kimoto while a black sword hang on his Waste, while his blue Sapphire Illuminate in The room.

"It been great how have you been?"I said in a cold and chilling voice.

"It been OK grandson and are you trying to scare me ,That cute."

I guess something like That won't work on and elders especially a name character in The novel like this old man The current leader of The court [ Isaac yon hendrick ].

"I was just playing a little bit with you grandpa"i said while smiling.

"I didn't come here to do small Talk with you , I want to know how you get The information That you send me."

"What lette—"


As I were to say something The waste appeared near my neck while he holding it.

"I'm just playing with you gramps you don't have to be all workup like That , and The information , I use a sp—"

As I were to lie about The information The sword went slightly into my neck.

As my neck was bleeding The culprit said" Don't lie to me , if you lie one more Time you head will be on The ground."

'Wait he can see truth and lie? That wasn't mentioned in the novel , but how could The novel have mentioned That anyway?'

'I guess This is The price for relying on The novel haa!!'

"*sigh* sorry I can't tell you how I get The information , all That you need to know is That I got it from reading a book."I said to The old man.

'Well I didn't lie after all I did read to get The information.'

"What book?"

"A book That can tell you some future events."

"Where is it now can I see?"

"No , I lost it sorry."

'Well I didn't lie I just keep it very vague.'

"Anyway let's talked about The reason why I'm here , I want you to help overthrow The family."

"What do i gain from This?"The old man ask.

" inExchange I will give you The demonoid elders information, The information included who They contracted with and what ability They have." I told The old man.

"Haa!!even if I accepted The deal I can't overthrow The main family with my force right now because of The demon elders and The weaken court."The old man sigh while explaining.

"No , I just need you help to deafening The patriarch I can deal with The rest of The family troop."I interjected him.

"And how are you planning to do That?"

"I will use my force and The side family force to defeat The knight and you defeat The patriarch."

"It definitely do able but it will take some time."The old said while rubing his chin.

"Also I want This deal to sign with a mana contract."I said to him.

"I Think we have a deal grandson."The pld man said with a sly smile.

"han Bring a mana contract."the old man tell The butler

The butler Then brought a mana contract in

we wrote The condition we want on The contract and signed it.

'Well one of The meeting is a success'i Thought to while a smile creep onto my face.


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