
The hero extra

"In world of violence , They no such Thing as remorse." --------- As I was sleeping and dreaming about a life in a fantasy novel , where I have a harem , I become a hero of a fantasy world. But reality us often disappointing , I woke up in my make sift bed and went to do my daily mission, little did I know that this mission will be my last. As on That day I Transmigration into a novel That I read. As a villain extra. A novel where The world is descend to darkness, This world is a world of myths and legend. And when I thought it wasn't tough enough for me already I was born to The eral of The hendrick family, a villain family or you can say a mafia family. In The novel They got Massacre by The main character cast. As i try and survive the Novel and make me redempt The sin of my past. I Alucard von Hendrick will make my dream in This helless fantasy world. **This novel will involve a lot of myths** So if you like myth and legend this may be your cup of tea. --------- An note:I'm a still newbie author so if you have and suggestions you can comment it. This novel with This kind of synopsis may look genetic but It not (I hope) ------- if you want more chapters , you can use your Stone to vote 50 Stone =2 ch daily 100 Stone =3 ch daily 150 Stone =4 ch daily 200 Stone = 5 ch daily And so on I will write as many chapters in a day as I can if you get The Stone high enough. it also help The novel to come and read it.

sam_bath · Fantasy
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34 Chs

chapter 24 The next war

I woke up from my slumber seeing a breakfast present on The table as There were Plat full of food.

I do and my normal mornings routine , Then eat The breakfast.


"Sir can I come in?"said Someone behind The door.

"Come in." I said without Thinking about Thr person behind That door.

When That door open.

I saw a angel a beautiful girl , That see to be around my age, with her Silky Smooth hair her majestical amethyst eye.

She make me want to do something very unholy.

"Sir I'm carmilla bloodborn, I will be your personal servant until The death match between you and Victor."she bow as she said it.

'Wait Is This some sort of motivation for my match with Victor, if it is , it 100% work' I Thought to myself.

"So you came just to Told me That?"I said with a disappointing look.

"Noo!! Sir I didn't came to take some time out of your busy schedule for this I want to inform you , That The patriarch want to see you."As she said keep bowing.

"So The patriarch want to have a audience with me , That all you came here for? , nothing more right?"I said to her with my poker face and my cold voice.


She was shaking after I said That she barely able to muttered a single word.

'Man when she is nervous like That she look even more cute, I want to catch her and put her in a bag she bad.'

"So you want to use The on silent treatment me *sigh*"as I said with The most emotionaless voice I could muttered.

"Uhh!uuhh sorry sir did ii did something wrong forr you to get angry."she was barely to muttered word with visible sweat apear on her neck.

'This is The most fun I have since coming to The world, it so much fun to make her sacred.'as I Thought to myself.

While unknowingly a small smile apear at The corner of my face.

"I like you , you are a good maid."I said to her with a smile on my lip.

"Tell The patriarch I will be going soon!!"I said to her as I went to The bath.

"Yes sir"she said while walking backward out of The door and closed it.

"What a fun girl."I said to her as I walk to take a shower and changed my clothes.


Right now I'm walking Through The hallway.

'Hmmm it seem like There are more guard Then usual.'I Thought to myself after I look around a bit.

I guess it not That surprising since This is The first death match since it have been 50 year <The cleansing > when The last deathmatch was held , it was between The current patriarch and his twin brother.

You can already Gusse The outcome of That deathmatch.

So I'm expecting This year That all my cousins and sisters will show up.

This will be quite interesting isn't it?

After all Noone is expecting me to win because Victor is That talented.

Victor is The son of The current patriarch after all so I don't know if he will die or not.

What I mean is The patriarch give me a pass and break tradition of The family , so when it come to his flesh and blood it should also mean That he is more lenient toward is son.

I walk as mind run Through thousands of simulation on what going to happen in my deathmatch with Victor.

I finally arrived at The door That lead to The patriarch office.

"Open up The door!! I have an audience with the patriarch"I said with a cold voice.

"Yes sir"2x

"So you finish you task, you pretty talented considering That task mean to take a week atleast bit you finish it in 2 day , I'm impressed!!"The patriarch said with a smile.

"Thank you sir , it was nothing noteworthy."I said while bowing.

"Do you know why I call you here Today Alucard von Hendrick?"he said while a grin on his face starting to form.

"No sir , I can't predict your Genius at all it to overwhelming to even comprehend your thoughts."I said while still bowing.

'Well if I really want to try and comprehend you Thought it will just make even more dumb' I Thought to myself.

"I see , you overstating my achievement too much, anyway I call you here to Talk about you battle with Victor."

'Bingo That my exact thought of why you call me here Today.'I Thought to myself.

"And I want to ask you some questions as well."He said as he place his hand on his chin acting like those strategies.

"Yes sir."I said while still bowing.

"So about you fight with Victor it will not be in The form of a deathmatc—"

"WHAT!!"As I accidentally shout out of shock.

"Don't cut me off" he said while staring at me.

"Yes sir as I was saying it will not be in The form of a deathmatch, so The battle will be in The form of dual."he as hesitantly said Those world.

"But sir This will not only broke The family tradition but also The family philosophy, since our family founded our philosophy is <The weak die while The strong live> it OUR very foundation."I said as to emphasize how big of an issue this is.

'It not That I care about The family philosophy or whatever , it That I don't want a freaking top tier demonoid being my enemy while unchecked, you know how dangerous That is ??, if I don't kill him now in front of The patriarch where he can't transform and use chaos energy , if I fight him elsewhere I'm not I can win or not.'

" tradition is just that tradition it's too meant to be changed our Tradition doesn't work anymore , and That philosophy you Talk about doesn't align with all of us, we don't want to kill our children endlessly, if you believe in The family philosophy and Traditions Then I will ask you This question if you able to answer it , I will do as you wish, what dose The cleansing provide for us?"

'What dose The cleansing provide to Them? Hmm!! I can't really Think of any good reason beside stupid one , ohh yeah I Thought of That one can work'

"The cleansing provide us with a suitable patriarch candidate for our family, we are a family of crime , so The cleansing clean up The unsuitable candidate for us."I replied as This is The only Thing I can come up with.

"Hahahahah!! You sort of right buy Think like This we can still find candidates Through training Them have you ever Thought of That."he said with a smile.

'Dammit he made up a good point again.'

"But what about The family fossil vassal and The court? Did They agree yet."I said trying to pursue him again.

"Hahah!! What do Think The vassal family gonna do complain? And The court They can't do anything to us even if They Try , They are to weak so it will be fine."

"Sir you actually going ahead with That plan Then it will divide The family."i said with a unsure look.

'Can I just have 1 cliche That benefit me please, stop giving me a hard time world please I beg you!!'

"The family is already divided so it make no difference, all of us have different ideology philosophy and the way we think are not the same , so each patriarch do something different That shape our family until Today and my act as The patriarch in These last year of my life is to make better use of our human resources."he said as he get up from his chair and walk to The window.

"You should not dive into just one emotion if you do so your ability to Think will diminish."he said as he look to The blue flower lily garden.

"Yes sir so when will The Dual be held?"I ask with a hopeless face.

"It will be held in The next 5 month after Victor do all of his task."he said without even looking at me.

"Yes sir I will be going now."

I walk out of The room , lost in Thought of what I'm gonna do.

'I guess I have no choice Then , I want to do it later but I have to rush it now'

I look back to The room as The very next Thing I Thought about will change This world and The story forever what I'm going to do next will have so many Butterfly Effect that the story will be useless.

'It Time to overthrow This house of card.' I Thought to myself as my face was blank in That moment.

'It not That I want to but I have to because I have to , I don't want pest running around do I?'

'If I don't do it now The pest will grow into a snake a powerful one at That.'

As dose Thought cam Through my head while I was walking Through The hallway back to my room.


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