
The Hero Betrayed Me? As A Dark Magician, I Resurrected The Demon King

This was a JRPG-style alternate world. A goddess summoned a hero who would then form a party to fight against the demon king. Chen Deng transmigrated to this world and became a member of the hero’s adventure party. His job class was a [Dark Magician]. With his SSS rank secret technique Resurrection, he contributed greatly to the defeat of the demon king. However, the instant the demon king fell, what greeted him was not the warm embraces of his party members, but instead a pair of cold silver handcuffs. An officer announced, “Former member of the hero’s adventure party, Chen Deng. Due to practicing the dark arts forbidden by the kingdom, he is considered extremely dangerous. He is to be immediately sent to the capital and executed.” Chen Deng looked to his party members for help and saw the faint smiles on their faces. Right then, he realized that he had been set up. He declared, “Since the hero betrayed me, I will resurrect the demon king!” “Resurrection!” Thus began Chen Deng’s journey of revenge.

dxd · Fantasy
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40 Chs

The Traitor's Carnival

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

At this moment, the summoned heroes turned into soil at a speed visible to the naked eye and scattered in the palace.

The Demon King's tattered body was scattered in every corner of the palace.

From an unknown direction, a dark aura suddenly appeared. When no one was paying attention, it burrowed into Chen Deng's body.

A special emblem appeared on Chen Deng's arm.

Everyone cleaned up the battlefield and collected the spoils of war.

"What about him?"

Dennis looked at Chen Deng nervously. She was also struggling internally.

Chen Deng's headache was relieved. He stood up weakly and said, "That's great. The Demon King has finally been killed. We can't let our guard down. There are still many Demon King soldiers outside."

A silver anti-magic handcuff instantly appeared in his hand.

"Former member of the Heroes Adventure Squad, Chen Deng. Due to the fact that he cultivates a dark spell that is forbidden in the kingdom, is extremely dangerous. He is immediately escorted to the capital and sentenced to death."

Kyla's expressionless voice sounded.

Chen Deng's heart skipped a beat. Was he dreaming?

Chen Deng looked at his teammate in surprise, "Kyla, stop fooling around. Although the Demon King is taken care of, we're not safe. There's still the Demon King's army outside."

Reynolds snorted, "Who's joking with you? Stupid Black-haired Chen Deng, can't you feel that we've been using you?"

Chen Deng widened his eyes and shook his head in disbelief, "Impossible! This must be a dream! This is definitely a dream!"

He looked at Dennis for help, "Snow, tell them that I had no choice. This is the only way to defeat the Demon King."

"Didn't you guys ask me to use it just now? You can't do this. You must be joking, right?"

Dennis Snow turned around with a gloomy expression, "I'm sorry, Sword and Rose Party, we don't need Dark Mages, and we can't have Dark Mages."

Chen Deng was in complete despair. His nightmare had come true. He collapsed to the ground, no longer resisting.

He thought of all the things that had happened in the past and the days that they had fought together. He could no longer find an excuse for his teammates' indifference.

They forced him to use dark spells again and again. The king had revived, ignoring the backlash caused by each spell he used, ignoring the injuries to his soul, and ignoring the heart-wrenching headache.

He had made excuses for them time and time again. He was really stupid.

It turned out that they were really so heartless.

"Black-haired Chen Deng, immediately escort him to the capital for trial."

Reynolds 'expression was cold as he grabbed Chen Deng and the group quickly headed toward the capital.


In a dark dungeon, there was a disgusting stench everywhere.

"The black-haired Chen Deng has violated the laws of the kingdom and cultivated a dark forbidden technique. He has come out today to be judged."

A warrior in full armor stood in front of the cell door.

In his confusion, Chen Deng's eyes shone with hope, "Finally, someone's here. Where's Dennis? Where's Meng Li? Tell them that I'm innocent."

He didn't have any hope for Kyla and Reynolds, but Dennis and Meng Li weren't evil people.

The armored warrior shook his head expressionlessly. He pulled the long chain and dragged Chen Deng out like a dead dog.

The numb Chen Deng looked at his already worn-out soles. The intense pain, over and over again, stimulated his nerves.

With every pain, his hatred for Kyla and Reynolds increased.

However, he hid it very well. He kept reminding himself that if they explained it to him, he would forgive them.

Since he could not become a member of Sword and Rose, he did not want to be the sinner being judged.

A ray of light shone in his eyes, causing him to cover his eyes subconsciously.

Breathing in the fresh air seemed to bring a trace of hope.

He was escorted into the prison carriage.

"Black-haired Devil, it really is a Black-haired Devil. He cultivates Dark Magic and is truly incomparably vicious."

"He clearly knows that it's a forbidden spell of the kingdom, yet he still wants to learn it. This person must be a pervert."

"We should turn him into a meat toilet and make him pay for his sins."

"Beheading him is already too easy. This kind of person should be tortured to death."

"Turn him into a pet dog. I want to feed him stones every day."

"A person like him doesn't deserve dignity. Let him kneel down and lick my feet."

Chen Deng didn't listen to these vicious words. He didn't care about the rotten vegetables and eggs that were thrown at him.

He looked around expectantly, hoping to find traces of the other four Bravehearts.

Along the ten-mile-long street, there was only endless cursing and mockery from countless people.

Initially, he still had a glimmer of hope for his old teammate.

He hoped that he could clear his name.

When he arrived at the palace gate, the king was looking at him from above.

Chen Deng laughed at himself.

"Ha, he actually put on his hope in them. How foolish!"

What he didn't know was that Kayla, Reynolds, Denise, and Meng Li, the heroes who defeated the Demon King army, had completely ignored him. They had even forgotten about his existence.

They returned to the capital one after another.

Along the way, he received cheers and flowers. He had long been conferred an official position and became a veritable hero.

"Black-haired Chen Deng, you have violated the laws of the empire by cultivating dark spells without permission. You have violated the taboo. Today, I will give you the punishment of beheading. Tomorrow, you will be executed on the guillotine."

The King announced his will.

Everyone cheered.

"Long live His Majesty the King! Hang him!"

"Your Majesty is wise. This man is a pervert and should be sentenced to death."

"Kill him, kill him!"

At the same time, an elegant voice sounded from behind the king.

"Black-haired Chen Deng, on behalf of the Church, I hereby strip you of your qualifications as a Mage. From now on, you are forbidden from practicing any magic and will be judged by your soul."

Chen Deng's face turned pale when he heard the Saintess's words. If there was anything more terrifying than death, it would be being sentenced to a Soul Judgement by the Church.

That meant that his soul would very likely be extracted and tortured for a long time.

This was the terror of the Church.

Everyone present began to whisper.

"Heavens, he actually betrayed the Soul Judgment. It's too terrifying. I heard that even if he dies, his soul will not be freed."

"His soul will be refined into something and tortured day and night."

"Too tragic. There's nothing worse than this."

Chen Deng was in complete despair. He was sentenced to death by both the church's power represented by the Saint and the secular political power represented by the King.

He had completely lost any possibility of turning the tables, and even his soul could not be freed.

He was once again escorted back to the dungeon. At this moment, everyone looked at him with a trace of sympathy.

"Eat more today, and you'll be free tomorrow."

A soft sigh rang out as an old man walked forward. He was the supervisor of this dungeon.

He was holding delicious food in his hands.